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Posts posted by Lisa

  1. The Hobbit

    Lord of the Rings series

    Gentlemen in Moscow

    God's Smuggler

    A Wrinkle in Time

    Golden Goblet

    Anne of Green Gables series

    Chickens, Mules and Two Old Fools (hilarious and true) series

    Peace Child

    Pride and Prejudice

    Sense and Sensibility

    Fahrenheit 451

    To Kill A Mockingbird

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  2. I live in MN. This Spring has been terrible. We have had many days in the past month with rain, snow, sleet, hail and temps in the 30s and 40s during the day and 20s at night. Its been gloomy! 

    I too have only one kid left to homeschool. He is a senior and will graduate soon. He plays baseball on a local high school team and many of their games have been postponed  and they have only had one full game this season so far! I think the weather is supposed to improve by this coming weekend in the 60s! Thats a heat wave here in MN!!

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  3. Great to have a low budget wedding, but no way would I ask my guests to pay for their own food. 

    If you want a low budget just have cake and simple appetizers.

    My wedding was about $2,000 in 1991.  My dress was only $125 from JCPenney outlet store. Our reception was at a rented park shelter with a simple catered lunch/dinner and cake. We had no dance and no alchohol. We told guests to bring a change of clothes as our reception was at a park. We set up a volleyball net, it was near a playground, also had basketball court nearby.

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  4. Even though Covid numbers may be climbing, hospitalizations are still low. Our hospital had a peak of 70+ hospitalized patients in a day, but right now we only have 1-5 hospitalized covid patients in a day.

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  5. 41 minutes ago, KSera said:

    I think the more shocking thing to me is that there are so many people who don’t even care and go so far as to say it’s not that big a deal and it’s over. Would not most people have found it scary if we were told in March 2020 that this would definitely kill at least 1 million Americans over the following two years?

    This is very sad. Many Americans are proud, selfish, very independent and just think its not going to affect them. I have friends who don't care and live like covid doesn't exist. As a nurse who has taken care of covid patients these past two years, I'm afraid we will continue to have surges of covid and many more will die.

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