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Posts posted by Lisa

  1. As a nurse who has seen two surges of covid in the Midwest US, I am still leery of this year. Fall 2020 was terrible for hospitals in the Midwest. Early in 2021 when the vaccine came out, we were so hopeful, but then Fall of 2021 hit and we had another surge. This time 80-90% of the patients hospitalized and dying were unvaccinated and younger.  Now Spring of 2022 covid numbers are down in the US, healthcare is trying to be hopeful again, but with covid variants and still many not getting the vaccine and/or the boosters, I am skeptical we are out of the woods and sadly expect another surge in the US this year and in the Fall in the Midwest.

    • Sad 9
  2. 5 hours ago, J-rap said:

    I didn't know about the documentary, but I've been following on the julieroys.com website (the Roys Report) which has helpful information on church related issues/news like this.  (It's actually kind of depressing to read, but I think they do a good job of getting to the truth.)

    I read her report too. I like reading her stuff, but it can be depressing at times to read.

    • Like 1
  3. I totally love bird watching and have many bird feeders.  The cardinals are are so beautiful. They can be territorial but sometimes I have many male and female cardinals at my feeders at one time.

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  4. I would be proud of her for sticking up for her brother. Its sad the school and bus company couldn't protect your son. Its sad she is the one being punished. If she has to write a letter to the kid, then that kid should write a letter of apology to your son. That other kid was the bully. Your daughter should not be punished. Its good that you will be driving your kids to school. 

    • Like 3
  5. 5 hours ago, Mom_to3 said:

    Please read this entire article on blood clots and covid. Risk highest in those with severe disease, but very significant even in those with mild disease and for up to six months after infection. Insane that we are just supposed to go ahead and get infected and infect those around us in a return to normal:  "[T]hey identified a 33-fold increase in the risk of pulmonary embolism, a fivefold increase in the risk of DVT and an almost twofold increase in the risk of bleeding in the 30 days after infection. People remained at increased risk of pulmonary embolism for six months after becoming infected, and for two and three months for bleeding and DVT."


    Sadly, in the many covid patients I took care of, pulmonary embolism was the main reason why people required high amounts of oxygen, needed to be intubated and caused many deaths.

    • Sad 4
  6. You've gotten some great responses here. I don't have much to add. I too struggle with insomnia, but for me melatonin helps and sometimes I take Calms Forte.  You and I are the same age. I've already gone through menopause and noticing some joint knee pain which sometimes hurts more at night and makes it difficult to sleep. I take calcium, magnesium, vit D3 supp plus glucosamine/chondroitin/tumeric supp. I hope you get some relief from your insomnia soon. Hugs!

  7. 6 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

    I haven't been able to find parents or grandparents.   so I think it's just not available yet.

    But I did find someone who has my brother listed as deceased, and has my and my sister's name in his tree.   This is a guy I've had to shut out of things in the past because he oversteps.  I'm so angry.

    I've sent him messages to delete this info and respect our privacy - but I'm also contacting Ancestry to delete it.

    That's really sad. I've found many inconsistencies and just plain wrong info on many ancestors.  Hopefully Ancestry will help and delete it.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

    I think they are still bringing records online.

    Then there are spelling errors.  either on the original or by the digitizer.  abbreviating the name.  Moving during the census year - and getting missed. 

    I haven't hit the 1950 yet - but I've tracked people over decades and it was clear some people lied on those gov't docs.   I have one ancestor who changed the version of his name on a regular basis to hide from creditors.

    I will give it some more time then.  I have found spelling errors in other census' and different spellings of last names. I'll be more patient till more of it is online.

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