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Posts posted by Lisa

  1. I read the CT article. I liked it. The other article posted was too long for me to read right now, but I skimmed it. 

    These past two years have been hard for so many people in so many ways. Most of my immediate family are vaccinated and don't have a problem with wearing masks. I am an evangelical Bible believing Christian. Our church followed all covid rules mandated by our state.  I live in a blue state and blue county. I am also an RN of 30 years and have been taking care of covid patients in the hospital.

    With that being said its been difficult in some relationships with extended family, friends and within our homeschool group.  There are some close homeschool friends I have where I live that are antivax and I have had to pull away from them. I am on another homeschool forum and it is almost the exact opposite of what is here related to covid vaccines, masking, and mandates. I love most of the other women on the other forum, yet a few who are antivaccine, yet pro ivermectin and HCQ for covid treatment. Its a totally different vibe that I have stepped back from posting and even reading there. I may stay away permanently because it was so negative and I found myself only getting angry over some of the posts there. If these people would see what I have seen taking care of sick and dying covid patients, they wouldn't say such naive things.  Since last Sept the vast majority of those hospitalized and the deaths at our hospital have been among unvaccinated people. Its frustrating in the past couple of years how some people who think they got their medical degree from the university of google, you tube and yahoo!

    This quote from the CT article is sad, "We estimate that the number of Americans who have died from COVID, for reasons relating to social and political identity, exceeds the number of American lives lost in Vietnam and likely approaches the number of lives lost in World War II. It is almost too many deaths to fathom, but we need to understand the magnitude of this loss. We need to allow it to help reshape our identity as Christians."

    As a medical professional and Christian, I have found it totally frustrating among Christians and homeschoolers, who push for their rights, my rights, me, me, me. Yet how does God want us to react?  As Christians, our citizenship is in heaven not on earth. We are to love our "neighbor" and honor those in office. A Christian's identity is in Christ, not in a political affiliation.

    Also from CT article, "In his letter to the Galatians, Paul teaches that the Christian identity is to supersede all others. We are to be marked as people of love, joy, and peace, among other qualities. Many in the U.S. have adopted a socio-political identity that has prescribed a set of behaviors within the pandemic that have inflicted an enormous cost to American health and lives. Part of the prescription for this identity has been a tragic indifference—even contempt—towards the basic health-safety behaviors advocated by leading scientists and public health officials."

    At the end of the CT article, "Most importantly the prescription for our identity as American Christians must come from the values consistently laid out in Scripture rather than adopting our primary identity through an affiliation with any political movement, party, or personality—conservative or liberal. During the pandemic, we as a church have strayed from this at a tremendous cost."

    Sadly, more people will die from covid especially among those who chose not to get vaccinated. 

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  2. I used Math-U-See with all my 4 boys from K to 12th. They did very well on ACT scores in math.  I would not call it very light. I wish I would have been taught math with MUS when I was in school. I would have done so much better in math.  All my boys really liked MUS. You do not need the manipulatives for geometry.


  3. 1 hour ago, Corraleno said:

    I'm very happy for Sakamoto, but I suspect that the only difference between Valieva and the other Russian skaters is that Valieva's microdosing/masking regimen failed while the others' succeeded. 

    Yes, agree.

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  4. On 2/14/2022 at 8:39 PM, Sneezyone said:

    I really appreciated the commentary from Lipinski and Weir. They BOTH said they started being tested from their early teens and knew how much those tests meant. Their parents checked before giving them anything, even for colds, to prevent running afoul of the rules. 15 or no, she should be out, as should ALL of the Russian athletes. This is the sixth Olympics in a row they have tainted with their refusal to stop cheating/ban cheaters.

    Yes, I listened to their commentary and totally agree. I didn't watch the short program on TV, but heard that Tara and Johnny were almost silent while she skated to protest. After Valieva was done skating, Tara said something about we never should have seen that skater. 

    There will be no medal ceremony if she gets a medal, just as there is no medal ceremony for the team competition,  but it cheats the other medal winners from having a medal ceremony at the Olympics. 

    As Tara said, "A positive test, is a positive test."  

    It sounds suspect that the test was done the end of Dec and didn't come to light till Feb. 8 after the Olympics started. I wonder if someone was trying to sweep it under the rug.

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