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Everything posted by mhg

  1. My son (starting K this month/age new 5) LOVES science. His mom (me) dislikes experiments, but can endure 1 (maybe 2) a week, but I’m fairly sciency/mathy. My son learns best by my reading to him and us discussing what we're reading. He dislikes busywork. Not an artistic bone in body (so far). Doesn't like to color. I don't need something that teaches with a lot of similar activities. He's JUST begun handwriting so he's not a good handwriter YET (and, even once we learn handwriting) I doubt he wants to write much then). He likes to TALK and tell me his thoughts and ask questions (imagine a Magpie bird). He's an 80% Competent Carl and a 20% Wiggly Willie (per Cathy Duffy's descriptors). I am a type A check-it-off-our-list sort. I want to do science daily for about 20 minutes x 4 days a week with perhaps a science experiment on Friday (again 20 minutes). I THINK I want a good SPINE book and to spin off of it, but I also like the idea of some program making sure we're on track learning the key facts we need. I recently ordered the Houghton Mifflin Science Grade 1 (he's ahead in science so I didn't order K) off ebay. Bought the teacher's manual and first grade textbook. BORING!!!! We've read this stuff at least a year ago, so I'm looking for more depth. For example, when my son was 3 he was into cacti and succulents for a few months and now, to this day, knows most of their Latin names when we go to Lowe's / Walmart (it floors the employees, but I assure them that he only knows this depth about cacti and coral reefs). I think he'd easily memorize lists of things (kingdom phylum, etc.) so I want something that exposes him to such (NOT on a 5th grade+ level, but more depth than what I’m seeing in K science books). He wants to know the WHY also. I thumbed through BJU Press science at a curriculum fair they had and felt it (K and 1st) wasn't in depth enough either (FOR HIS INTEREST level.... not that he's some MENSA kid, but science is just his THING and we've checked out copious science books for years now thus we've covered much of the intro stuff -- basic weather, rocks, etc.). I'd like to use mostly good books (was leaning toward elemental science) but just read some naysayers on another thread saying it was slow/boring/simplistic. What appealed to me about it was when I saw the books it suggested in the Intro to Science level – such as Handbook to Nature Study (Comstock) and Kingfisher Animal Encyclopedia I liked these (as this is the type of thing we check out at the library). So, I'm confused again. I'd love to find something that is a guide to great books/spines and gives us activities to do based on those great spines so I can pick and choose and yet offers some good experiments to choose from as well. Minimal writing. Minimal arts/crafts/coloring. Ones I know won't work for us: Apologia BJU (K or 1st) Sonlight (at least their K level) Science is my last mystery to solve before we start K this year. Any suggestions?
  2. Can you point me in the direction of a great LASER (not InkJet) Copier/Printer/Scanner which will allow me to copy/print for beans? Mostly I'll print black and white but I need it to be able to print/copy color as well. I have a new Dell V305 all-in-one INK JET printer/scanner/copier hooked to my Dell desktop and it handles the printing from my computer/Word/Excel/etc. But, where it has disappointed me is in handling bulk copying. The ink is very expensive and I literally buy a new cartridge $ 25 ish at Office Depot every 200 pages or so. That's like 10 - 12 cents a page. I'd like to spend like $ 0.02 a page (or less!). I'm about to go to Office Depot for one this week and need some recommendations. I need brand and specific model if you know these specifics. Thanks! I'm about to go to Office Depot for one this week and need some recommendations. I need brand and specific model if you know these specifics. Thanks!
  3. I have purchased Saxon Phonics K and Saxon Phonics 1 (like $170, so I don't want to spend much more money on phonics curriculum). I'm pleased with the phonics instruction of Saxon and it has lots of good activities thus I know it'll teach phonics, but it doesn't cover handwriting much at all. Also, I like the meatier primers of VP. If I purchase the $42 kit from Veritas which includes the K Workbook and the primers, would I be able to employ the BULK of the workbook? Besides the handwriting and the questions related to the primers, is the remainder dependent on the Phonics Museum or could the remainder work with my Saxon?
  4. I have already purchased (and expensive) phonics curriculum I'm pleased with, but when I saw the 2 or 3 sample pages of the Phonics Museum K Workbook, I thought it looked like it'd be a great supplemental workbook (since we're using the D'Nealian handwriting/Modern Manuscript). The sample pages were mainly of the handwriting, so I was wondering if this would be a good supplemental workbook (to get in some good handwriting practice) and for some phonics (less important to me than the handwriting practice it'd provide). It was only $18 so I was considering it. Is it MOSTLY phonics or is there a fair amount of handwriting practice in it? Thanks.
  5. I have a Class of '24'er here too. We begin this month and are excited (well, he's excited about all but handwriting and no longer getting to continue making "tooth B's" --- B's that look like fang teeth!). Brag Brag on the fall bday(i wish!)...mine's a May babe. ooppps...."this thread", not "these thread"
  6. If you're awaiting the call on your cell, can you start heading that way? Sounds acute. If the doc downplays and advises you to wait til morning, etc., I'D STILL take him to the ER. From the way this sounds, any doctor cannot rule out the potentially serious things without scopes/bloodwork/etc. --- things he can only get at an ER tonight. Will be praying for your family. Please update us.
  7. Take him to the ER. No question. He could have a foreign object in his GI trac, could have appendicitis, could be any number of serious things that MUST be ruled out and evaluated now. Go with your instincts and take him in. Did they scope him or run any tests? do an ultrasound? surely they did a CBC. did they do bloodwork? What made the doctor say she was "sure" it was a virus? He was bad enough to get IV fluids yesterday and if he's still curled up and telling you that so passionately, it doesn't sound like he's improving.
  8. I read that 80% of kids with night terrors have a parent who was/is as well. Definitely a genetic component.
  9. I don't hear sexual in this song. I'd be more sad that she knew of Katy Perry and how little I think of her from what little I've seen of her. This song is just the typical helping-the-egos out some more (as if they aren't already bigger than the New Year's blimp in MOST cases among this generation). But, as for the orgasmic-breathy singing.....have you listened to modern "Christian radio" /religious "pop" music lately with all the groany, breathy, sensual songs sung to Yahweh, the Lord of Hosts lately? These songs and soloist are in a pre-O sound quite regularly --- I guess their worship has just lifted this to such an echelon of "release". The TONE of much of those songs, IMO, sound like what you'd sing (different words of course)to a lover. And, sure we're supposed to think that they are on such a plane with the Almighty and that they are so "in love with" Jesus, but to me personally, it's quite irreverent, thus we don't listen to it anymore. Not that I know your religious stances, but --- even among Christians, the music has a sexual quality IMO in many of the more popular praise songs on the radio. So.....it's everywhere! But.....I've gone a chased a rabbit here......but, the OP's oh oh oh comment brought this to mind.
  10. We've had a small flock (of girls only) since 2003 ish and likely will now never be without them. ooooppps double negative sentence. Stated again: we will always have chickens from hence forth. If you're bleeding hearts, like us (and can't kill them), you'll have issues as the become elderly. I think chickens can live up to 14 years or so. We've had our one girl, Winifred for 8+ years and she's always been obese-ish (she's a Black Star from Mcmurray hatchery, IOWA). So, she's gotten bumble foot twice which is a pain when you have to treat it as you have to excise/drain the infection from the bubble on the bottom of her foot. A vet in the area who actually treats chickens doubted she'd survive it, but we baby'd her and she's still with us (and still lays an egg a week!!!). The nuissance of chickens is when you first get chicks and having to set up the brooder. But, I've developed a great system which makes this a breeze (but it's a nuissance until you get the flow of it -- kinda like a new fish tank). Also, another nuissance is introducing new birds to an established flock. IMO, ideally, you'd get your birds together, raise them together and they'd die one way or the other together so you can always start your chicks together and avoid the whole introducing a new bird issue. The two times we've introduced newbies, the old girls harrass them in the coop and the newbies roost outside, so me (bleeding heart that I am), have to go out there and move their rears inside. I only have to move them in for a few weeks and then the girls (older) ones accept them. I don't put new ones in with old til their 3 or 4 months old anyway and our chicken yard is plenty big for the newbie to escape the occasional pursuer -- then in a few weeks the pecking order's established and things are fine. Also, we've developed a primitive way of keeping predators out of our coop and since it's initiation, we haven't had a bird die from a predator in 6 years! -- and that's impressive since we live surrounded by the woods of the deep south. (It's a lenghty explanation, so if you get interested, PM me and I'll send you a pic and explain). They're not trouble free, but we like um' enough to deal with the occasional nuissance. Our rat terrier dog is fine with our birds. Our neighbor's Bassett Hound broke thru the fence a few months ago and my birds were out ranging and she (Bassett) killed one. A final issue is, if you let them free range, their poop. It'll be all over your porch, your grill, etc.
  11. lots of good ideas here. Thanks. I'll check into the Mammoth Caves too.
  12. (I just realized I accidentily posted this same thread on the curriculum board, so I've moved it to this general board.) We used to live in nashville, but that was before parenthood. We know some fun adult activities, but what about kid activities? We're staying at the Opryland Hotel, so that has some fun stuff, but need some more ideas for outside hotel there in Nashville and surrounding area. (Would love to find a cave if there's any near there if you know of one). Need suggestions for Activities? Sites? Restaurants? Etc.?
  13. We used to live in nashville when I went to vandy there, but that was before parenthood. We know some fun adult activities, but what about kid activities? We're staying at the Opryland Hotel, so that has some fun stuff, but need some more ideas for outside hotel there in Nashville and surrounding area. (Would love to find a cave if there's any near there if you know of one). Need suggestions for Activities? Sites? Restaurants? Etc.? (Just realized I posted this on the curriculum rather than general board.....oops)
  14. Thanks everyone. This has given me more of an idea where we fit in.
  15. We're about to start piano lessons. My son will be in K this fall. The teacher has a PhD in piano. Her rate is $160/month per person (not including supplies/books/etc) for a 45-minute weekly lesson. We live in the deep southeast. I'm curious as to what others pay. If you will, please specify your child's age/grade_____ teacher's qualifications (degree, etc.)________ Lesson length _____ (30 minutes, 45, 60?) Lesson frequency(once/week?)______ Monthly cost $ ______ (per child) Region where you live______ THANKS SO MUCH!!!
  16. The Bible says in Revelation that Satan is "the accuser of the brethren." I don't have my Bible here, but in that passage it says that he (satan) works to accuse the brethren day and night -- any chance he gets through any means (this idiot man, in this case). This man's words made you feel accused and like some sin (this idiot-man's implication) brought about God's punishment. I wonder if he's even a believer at all given this screwed up understanding of God/grace/the gospel. To imply that we're still having to work for salvation and get it right and be perfect lest God deal us a mean blow is completely opposite of the GOOD NEWS. I too have heard this false brand of Christianity: good works -- prosperity/God's grace as manifested by no suffering bad works -- God deals you a mighty blow and it's just heresy. Loving your daughter is of God and is certainly not idolatry. And, even if you or I have some form of idolatry or sin in our hearts/lives, then this is certainly not the way Christ deals with it because He has already DEALT with it on the cross once and for all. Don't let Satan accuse you through this dude anymore.
  17. Likely echo hear...but without reading previous posts: She's having anovulatory cycles. What's happening is her ovarian-hypothalmic-pituitary axis (communication) is still underdeveloped and she's having typical symptoms of anovulatory cycles. I'm going to assume that she doesn't have regular cycles occuring 28-ish days apart and that you don't mean that she bleeds for 10-14 days out of a 28 day cycle (aka 50% of the year). If this is the case, I don't see how she doesn't have severe anemia. So....I'm assuming that's NOT the case and that her cycles are irregular and don't come (bleed) every month. I'd do the following: 1. See gyn doctor 2. consider OCPs for a year (give that axis time to mature) 3. rule out other endocrine issues (PCOS, etc.) 4. For meds....give her TWO 220 mg Naproxen (Aleve) tablets every 8 hours (can't have more than 550 mg. every 12 hours) beginning a day before you anticipate a period. (if you can't anticipate, just do this round the clock for the first few days of the bleed and TRY to lessen to 220 mg every 12 hours after those initial (most heavy bleed days). 5. heating pad is great 6. avoid exercise on these days as it'll speed blood flow and make the uterine lining slough faster (more prostaglandins make for more pain). Good luck!
  18. I saw an old post about someone saying their 5 year old was reading Charlotte's web and, while I do not doubt the veracity of this, I'm just curious what does this look like? Does this mean the child sits down with page 1, sentence 1 "Where's papa going with that axe?".....and slowly moves word by word sounding it out and asking mom for near-constant help or what? When one says that her child "was reading by 4" or "was reading at 5" ---- is this as nebulous as it sounds or are there certain criteria/standards by which most go by to be able to say this? In short......how do you determine whether or not you can say "My child can read." ?
  19. I don't know if I'm echoing as didn't read all the posts, but I'd talk to my gyn about ruling out adenomyosis. Endometriosis is associated with the 3 D's: 1. dysmenorrhea (painful periods) 2. dyschezia (pain during bowel movements) 3. dyspareunia (pain during intercourse) Ladies with endome. often have all 3, with 1 being much more obvious. You sound like you have adenomyosis more than endometriosis. Here's a brief description: http://www.bing.com/health/article/mayo-126324/Adenomyosis?q=adenomyosis I wouldn't yank my uterus out without establishing a diagnosis. The uterus still contributes to libido/bone health (even after menopause) and also provides pelvic support, so --- I'd rule out other causes and try to treat what truly is wrong FIRST before considering the hyst. Best wishes!
  20. There's a really good book called, "Going Public: your child can thrive in public school" about this. May want to read the reviews of this book at the bottom of this amazon page also. http://www.amazon.com/Going-Public-Child-Thrive-School/dp/0830745777/ref=sr_1_1/180-5295482-0615226?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1309030045&sr=1-1
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