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Everything posted by mhg

  1. Your inclination is right on. Go for the cousin and try to show the man genuine kindness despite his wrong-doings to you.
  2. My son will begin K this fall and I'm considering OPGTR vs. Saxon Phonics. How do they compare?
  3. I'm sure i'm echoing other posts, but that's very dangerous --- the microbiology of it. It's also humiliating and encouraging the harming of one's body/temple. Encouraging a kid to have no personal dignity or respect by chanting on for that person to ingest (microbiologically) a DEAD FISH is just horrible. Its sadistic actually. There are serious microbes that can colonize a person by ingesting a teeny bit. So, yes -- I too would be very upset and angry. These adults would have certainly lost my trust in keeping my kids safe. There's an apparant lack of maturity and wise judgement. One doesn't need a college course in microbiology to know the inherent dangerious and even deadly nature of ingesting raw/dead carcasses and that seafood is the WORST in this department. It makes you wonder what argument they'd have for not chanting the same were it a shot of vodka. One can argue that the vodka is just as harmful to one's body/temple. This is the sort of behavior (chanting in to do humiliating/degrading things) of complete pagans. This must be properly/calmly comfronted. (this parenthetical INSERTED later: i just read where it wasn't a dead fish from the beach.....well.....that takes out the microbe problem).
  4. We're going on a trip to Panama City --- two of the days will be travel, so actually we'll have only 3 full days there. Can you suggest any must-sees or must-dos while we're there? So far we plan to do the beach and the bay (looking for critters, exploring, sand castles, etc.) but I'm looking for other ideas too. Kids: three boys aged 3.5, 5, and 7. Trip is first week of May. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Natural remedies: 1. limes (real lime juice squeezed in water). Lime has highest natural concentration of antihistamines. 2. rub some vasoline on the outer part of his nostrils to catch pollen a bit 3. increase consumption of salmon/DHA fish 4. increase magnesium rich foods 5. try to find the "culprit" Medications: 1. I like over the counter Chlor Tabs (chlorapheniramine).....ask your pediatrician for dose and if good for your kid. Adult dose is about 4 mg per tablet and I THINK (don't quote me) the kid dose is like 1 mg....but again, ask your doctor. Good luck!
  6. Ok...I finally read that the old Big Chief notebooks are no longer made. I had a box of them that has lasted me over 15 years but now I'm out. No biggie, but I sure like um' and would love to purchase them in bulk. Anyone (who remembers them) know of any similar product out there? Here's a pic of one: http://www.the5and10.com/index.cfm/product/924_38/big-indian-chief-writing-tablet.cfm?CFID=2555924&CFTOKEN=58413397 And, lest you think this 5and10 website sells them ---- nay nay. It won't let you put any into your "Shopping Cart." I've tried.
  7. My washer went out. Gotta get a new one. I'm found two in each category (front and top) I like. But, what's the research on the subject? Top load or Front load?
  8. I just loved the romantic ending of Dicken's BLEAK HOUSE (the new movie made by BBC Masterpiece theatre). Love the music and everything about it. Cried and cried at the end of this movie (thus I asked for it for Christmas :-). As is everything by BBC Masterpiece Theatre, it's a must see IMO.
  9. Rule out ticks esp on spine and look into Canine Vestibular Syndrome. My parent's border collie acted similarly several months ago (but she's 14), and it was CVS. Good luck.
  10. Ok...I debated, but I'll list the 2nd great romantic/kiss scene I was referring to in SOMEKIND OF WONDERFUL with the SPOILER ALERT disclaimer:
  11. :iagree: Have to add this one: I also love the soppy immature 80s flick SOMEKIND OF WONDERFUL where tomboy Watts(Mary Stuart Masterson) helps her best friend Keith practice kissing in the car repair shop on the car...of course we fans know how it turns out:D. Actually both kiss scenes in that movie are romantic in a soppy sort of way; the movie's totally immature (high school love drama) but it's stuck with me as an old fave. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar_fMzvnuKk
  12. You describe a person with gastroenteritis (food poisoning), but then say she was diagnosed with an ulcer and flu. Are you sure you understood ulcer and flu correctly? I ask b/c you say the doctor said she's "allergic to something she ate 4 days ago" ---- this sounds like the way a doctor would describe gastroenteritis (food poison) as you can be sick for DAYS afterwards, but a doctor wouldn't likely say an acute reaction is from a medication taken several days earlier --- true of food, not of medications in most cases. So, the rest of this post is based on MY ASSUMPTION that this could be gastroenteritis (which may not be the case obviously). Wanted to insert that disclaimer. While Zofran is a miracle worker for helping with nausea/vomitting, Zofran is the worst thing to give people with gastroenteritis (yes, it helps with nausea/vomitting, but it's NOTORIOUSLY horrible for causing delayed intestinal emptying (severe constipation). If (and it's an IF) she has food poisoning, then her body can only rid itself of the germ/bacteria in one of two ways (upchuck/poop). And, if you stop the pooping (Zofran), then it'll purge by vomitting. Did they do a stool sample? What did she eat 4 - 24 hours before she got sick? The hives could be medication related. As for the background info, she needs to see an internist and get to the bottom of whatever that is. My sister got food poisoning from Copeland's YEARS ago (in 2000 ish). What you're describing is almost identical what happened with her. They cultured her bloody stools and found shigella (dysentary). It was the sickest I've EVER seen anyone (and that's saying something as I was a nurse before SAHM-hood). When I had my own food poisoning this past February (thanks Filet o Fish), I declined the Zofran to avoid constipation as I wanted the bacteria to exit out asap -- and it came out from both ends (:glare:). Though relief of my nausea/vomitting was tempting, I knew it was best to forego it. Dehydration is serious so don't let them send her home until this is fully resolved. She needs IV fluids if she's gone this long without holding down fluids.
  13. I'm not an authority per se, but I do know that Samaritan costs a 2parent family $320 per month. And you're right that it doesn't cover well office visits/related charges. You have to do the math on what other coverage would cost you. I went on ehealthinsurance.com to get an idea what health insurance for your family of 2 parents and 4 kids under 7 years of age with a $5000 deductible would cost -- it said about $500/month (and I'm not sure the deductible isn't $5000/person or not). But, you have to do the math on what health care costs your family per year and compare. The advantage of Samaritan is that, for illnessess/injuries/births, etc. --- you are only going to pay $250 per incident and Samaritan covers the rest in full. So, for example, with my birth, we were out only $250!!! I went to the Emergency room by ambulance once and the bill was $6800; for this, again, I was ultimately out only $250. You have to consider your families' predicted needs and then do the math to decide. Hope that doesn't muddy the waters. Disclaimer: this post in NO way summarizes Samaritan ---- you'd need to read their website and publications to do this :). You have to compare the two and decide.
  14. We've been members for many years now since 2002 ish. Love it! FWIW, my sister-in-law's family and my MIL are also members.
  15. We have both of these sets and solved the problem with Sticky Tacky Putty (that's what I call it)...it's that sticky putty you can use to put posters/stuff on wall without damaging wall. It works fairly well.
  16. Barb, If one had a project for which she needed it to be a flat top, would it be something where you could add a wedge under the edge to jack up the edge to make it flat?
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