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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Wow! You ladies are all amazing. Thank you. :grouphug: Valerie, good point. Balance is key. Maybe at certain times of the month, I'll take more of one or the other. Guess, I could try scheduling it in. Just not quite sure how. I'm going to look into that book. Thanks. Lisa, thank you. Your suggestions are so helpful. :) Copying and pasting. :D They told me to avoid flax, however. Fish Oil, I take daily. I also take D3. Thank you for the much-needed reminder! I'm consciously trying to exercise daily. I just read this: A regular program of moderate to high intensity exercise can lower estrogen levels according to a study carried out at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Post-menopausal women who took part in a moderately intense exercise session five days a week saw their estrogen levels drop by seven percent. Those who only did stretching exercises showed no change in their estrogen levels. In addition to its many other health benefits, exercise appears to be an important tool for maintaining normal estrogen levels. A final way to lower estrogen levels is to maintain a healthy body weight. Women who carry around excess fat tend to have higher estrogen levels. A combination of moderate intensity exercise and a reduction in calories to promote fat loss can be quite effective in reducing the effects of estrogen dominance. Thanks also for the Cynthia Kenyon info. Will look her up. Hmmm ... will have to do more research and get back to you on this. :confused: Maybe it helps to promote estrogen by balancing things out? :confused: Fabulous info! Thank you! I wonder if the Carlson's Fish Oil that I take daily is sufficient, or if I need to take Cod Liver Oil as well? Thanks for the book recommendation and all the helpful info. The link I gave in my first post and right here lists some of the centers. No, insurance companies do not pay for it. It's about $200 depending on where you live. This is so helpful. Thank you. As Peela and others have said, I cannot imagine using the progesterone cream for longer than 6-9 months. I've heard about the liver and blood sugar factor. Thank you for the great reminder. I think Milk Thistle is good, right? Yes, when you have some time, PLEASE share more info. :) Yes, heard that also. Thank you for reminding me. I usually try to take lots of fiber.
  2. I think I'm probably the only one who couldn't stand the Outlander book. I only read the first 10% of the first book. That's my rule. If a book doesn't grab me in the first 10%, I give up on it and move on to better things. :) Outlander was just plain out silly and annoying for me.
  3. Peela, I was so hoping that you would post. Thank you. :grouphug: Have copied and pasted everyone's tips. :) I'm definitely going to look into Chaste Tree as well as Dr. Lee's books.
  4. Article by Dr. Christine Northrup. Every year when Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) comes around I am a saddened and surprised that thermography hasn't become more popular. Part of this is my mindset. I'd rather focus on breast health and ways to prevent breast cancer at the cellular level than put the emphasis on testing and retesting until you finally do find something to poke, prod, cut out or radiate. That's why I call October Breast Health Awareness Month, not Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I understand that mammography has been the gold standard for years. Doctors are the most familiar with this test, and many believe that a mammogram is the best test for detecting breast cancer early. But it's not. Studies show that a thermogram identifies precancerous or cancerous cells earlier, and produces unambiguous results, which cuts down on additional testing--and it doesn't hurt the body. Isn't this what women really want? I recently discussed thermography with my colleague Philip Getson, D.O. Dr. Getson has been a medical thermographer since 1982. As you may know, thermography is a form of thermal (infrared) imaging. Dr. Getson explains how thermography works this way. It is widely acknowledged that cancers, even in their earliest stages, need nutrients to maintain or accelerate their growth. In order to facilitate this process, blood vessels are caused to remain open, inactive blood vessels are activated, and new ones are formed through a process known as neoangiogenesis. This vascular process causes an increase in surface temperature in the affected regions, which can be viewed with infrared imaging cameras. Additionally, the newly formed or activated blood vessels have a distinct appearance, which thermography can detect. Heat is an indication that inflammation exists, and typically inflammation is present in precancerous and cancerous cells, too. (It's also present in torn muscles and ligaments as well as arthritic joints, which thermography can also detect.) Thermography's accuracy and reliability is remarkable, too. In the 1970s and 1980s, a great deal of research was conducted on thermography. In 1981, Michel Gautherie, Ph.D., and his colleagues reported on a 10-year study, which found that an abnormal thermogram was 10 times more significant as a future risk indicator for breast cancer than having a history of breast cancer in your family. Early Detection The most promising aspect of thermography is its ability to spot anomalies years before mammography. Using the same data from the 10-year study, researchers H. Spitalier and D. Giruaud determined that thermography alone was the first alarm in 60 percent of the cases of women who were eventually diagnosed with cancer.Dr. Getson adds: Since thermal imaging detects changes at the cellular level, studies suggest that this test can detect activity 8 to 10 years before any other test. This makes it unique in that it affords us the opportunity to view changes before the actual formation of the tumor. Studies have shown that by the time a tumor has grown to sufficient size to be detectable by physical examination or mammography, it has in fact been growing for about seven years achieving more than 25 doublings of the malignant cell colony. At 90 days there are two cells, at one year there are 16 cells, and at five years there are 1,048,576 cells--an amount that is still undetectable by a mammogram. (At 8 years, there are almost 4 billion cells.) Today, women are encouraged to get a mammogram, so they can find their breast cancer as early as possible. With thermography as your regular screening tool, it's likely that you would have the opportunity to make adjustments to your diet, beliefs and lifestyle to transform your cells before they became cancerous. Talk about true prevention. Clearer Results, Fewer Additional Tests To many, it felt like the world was set on its ear when, in November 2009, the United States Preventative Services Task Force said it recommended that women begin regular mammograms at 50 instead of 40 and that mammograms are needed every two years instead of annually between the ages of 50 and 74. Some women felt this was a way for the insurance companies to save money, but I cheered these new guidelines. (For more information read "The New Mammography Guidelines" in the Women's Wisdom Cirlce on http://www.drnorthrup.com.) The Task Force concluded that the risk of additional and unnecessary testing far outweighed the benefits of annual mammograms--and I couldn't agree more. Ten years ago, Danish researchers Ole Olsen and Peter Gotzsche concluded, after analyzing data from seven studies, that mammograms often led to needless treatments and were linked to a 20 percent increase in mastectomies, many of which were unnecessary. Dr. Getson expounded, "According to the 1998 Merck Manual, for every case of breast cancer diagnosed each year, 5 to 10 women will undergo a painful breast biopsy. This means that if a woman has an annual mammogram for 10 years, she has a 50 percent chance of having a breast biopsy." Thermography is a particularly good choice for younger breasts, which tend to be denser. It doesn't identify fibrocystic tissue, breast implants or scars as needing further investigation. It's also good at detecting changes in the cells in the armpit area, an area that mammography isn't always good at screening. Perhaps even more exciting is that a thermogram can help a woman diagnosed with ductal carconoma in situ (DCIS) decide, along with her health practitioners, whether she requires aggressive or conservative treatment. If you've ever had an unnecessary biopsy or been scared by a false positive result on a mammogram, please consider getting a thermogram and using it in conjunction with the mammogram to figure our your treatment options. It's Safe. Thermography is very safe--it's even safe for pregnant and nursing women! It's merely an image of the heat of your body. It's ironic that the test women are using for prevention may be causing the very problem they're trying to avoid in the first place! Another reason the United States Preventative Services Task Force reversed its aggressive mammogram guidelines was because of the exposure to radiation. It's well known that excessive doses of radiation can increase your risk of cancer. And this doesn't even touch on the harm done to the body from unnecessary biopsies, lumpectomies, mastectomies, chemotherapy, radiation treatment and so forth. It Doesn't Hurt Unlike a mammogram, a thermogram doesn't hurt! Just about everyone who's ever had a mammogram has complained about how painful it is. The first time you get a mammogram can be quite a shock. Who knew a breast could be flattened like that? Well, the pain isn't in your imagination. The pressure that the mammogram machine puts on each breast when it's being compressed is equivalent to putting a 50-pound weight on your breast. The Best Test for You As with anything, I suggest you let your inner guidance help you in all decisions about your health. If you feel it's best to get an annual mammogram, then by all means continue with them. Just be aware of the drawbacks and risks associated with the test. One helpful way to assess your risk for breast cancer--which in turn can help you decide how often you want to have mammograms--is to use the National Cancer Institute's Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool. After you answer seven simple questions, it calculates both your risk of getting invasive breast cancer in the next five years as well as your lifetime risk, and it compares each to the risk for the average U.S. woman of the same age and race or ethnicity. You would be surprised by how many women tell me their doctors make them feel guilty for not having a mammogram. Women who just know they have healthy breasts. Don't be intimidated if you prefer to forgo annual mammography. Thermography is a better technology for all the reasons I've already described. Plus it gives results that are unique to you, time after time. But there are some things to be wary of. Dr. Getson explains, "To be sure, not all thermographic equipment is the same, nor is every center backed by qualified, board-certified physicians who are specifically trained in the interpretation of these images. Dr. Getson says that women (and men) seeking to have infrared imaging should consider the following: 1. What is the "drift factor" in the apparatus? Anything over 0.2 degrees centigrade leads to poor reproducibility. 2. What are the credentials of the interpreting physician? 3. The room in which the study is performed should be free of outside light and the temperature should always be at 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit, with a proper cooling system in place. 4. Make sure the images are marked up (doctors call this "stat"-ed) for future comparison. 5. Ask if the studies are read on site or sent by email to a distant interpreter. 6. Be sure that the physician is available to explain and discuss all findings. Instead of just screening for breast cancer, a thermogram can tell you how healthy your breasts are. It also has the potential to truly detect breast cell anomalies long before mammography can detect cancer, when done properly. This allows you to implement lifestyle changes that can improve the health of your breasts proactively instead of waiting for a cancer diagnosis later. In honor of Breast Health Awareness month, I encourage you to check out thermography for yourself and your loved ones. BTW, if anyone has any additional info on EPO or more tips on lowering estrogen levels, please share. :)
  5. Thank you both. :) Liz, my cream is also bio-identical. Not synthetic. Can't do a hormone test here. At least I don't think I can. I'll probably just wait till next year when I get to have a follow-up thermogram. Then, hopefully, I can see if the progesterone cream is having the desired effect. No, it didn't take long at all. Nothing touches you. It's fabulous. That link I gave gives you lots of info, including good places to go to get one. I'm going to start another reply from an article by Dr. Christine Northrup. There's lots more info online. Thanks, I'll read up on Chaste Berry.
  6. About a year ago, I did TONS of research - and asked on various forums like this one. This is the one we got and, although I've only just gotten it and only used it a few times - because I couldn't order it sooner - I love it. If you can afford it, it's a fabulous one. A good waffle iron: 1. It should preferably be able to flip part way through cooking so that the waffles are light, fluffy, and airy. 2. It should be easy to clean, preferably even with removable plates. 3. It should have bigger wells to make thicker waffles 4. It should have adjustable temperature – so that the waffles are light and not too brown or too crispy This is what someone on another forum wrote: “We went through MANY trial of waffle makers about a year ago. I was lucky to receive ANY one I wanted as a gift. I tried many, but returned them. The two finalists were the Kitchen Aid and a Williams Sonoma one. We ended up keeping the Kitchen Aid over the Williams Sonoma for ease of use, and better texture. We use it a lot (2 plus times a week at a minimum). The Williams Sonoma is not quite a Belgian and not quite a regular waffle. It's very good, but we like the Kitchen Aid better. The Kitchen Aid is easier to clean and quite a workhorse. I never would have paid this much for a waffle maker without receiving it as a gift. However, I would now, if I could afford too, simply because I know firsthand the difference in the waffles it makes."
  7. :lol: :lol: :lol: My cheeks are literally hurting from smiling and laughing too much at this. :D I'm Iranian by birth, so this whole thing really cracks me up. Absolutely no surprises so far.
  8. Stacia, you KNOW how much I love these :D. Dh and I rented the 2nd one while we were in the U.S. We wanted to see the 3rd one in the theater, but didn't get to. Can't wait to see it. :)
  9. Do it, do it, do it! :D Peela, now that you will no longer be homeschooling, I hope that you won't leave these boards. :grouphug: Please, please stay! Do you have a blog? Or are you on FB? I will miss you if you leave and I (and many others) hope that you won't.
  10. I began taking Evening Primrose Oil less than a year ago - having read many of its benefits. Relieves PMS, peri-menopausal, and menopausal symptoms - mood swings, cramping, tiredness during periods, hot flashes In many studies it has shown to reduce size of breast lumps and fibrocystic breast disease; may reduce breast pain and tenderness in people with cyclic mastalgia Youthful skin – keeps skin moist and fresh, even during weight loss Heart protection and may help with hypertension Reduces inflammation Helps improve dryness and dry eye syndrome Helps ward off rheumatoid arthritis Reduces the severity, duration, and frequency of migraines Essential for healthy hair - If your hair is dry and brittle, you may improve its texture by supplementing your diet with EPO I'm convinced that in many ways it helped - PMS symptoms, dry eyes, healthier skin, hair, etc. Now, my question is this: having gone for my first breast thermogram, I was told that my estrogen levels are a bit high. Not good at all. I'm so happy that I went for a thermogram. Mammograms cannot find pre-cancerous conditions. Thermography is great for evaluating breast tissue for abnormalities way before cancer begins – in time to change the inner environment and hopefully prevent breast cancer. A mammogram would not have picked up my estrogen dominance. So, because my estrogen levels are high ... I'm now on a progesterone cream (a very good one) - a small amount is applied directly to the breasts. "If your thermogram shows that you have too much estrogen in your breast tissues, apply ¼ to ½ teaspoon of natural progesterone cream directly to your breasts morning and evening. More progesterone is absorbed into breast tissues when it’s applied to them directly, and that’s ultimately where you want most of the progesterone to go." Also trying to improve my diet and make other necessary changes. I've been told to avoid soy and flax. From what I've read - makes sense. This link and some others say that EPO is not good to take for estrogen dominance. Dr. Lee and my thermogram experts agree that it's best to avoid EPO for estrogen dominance. I have not yet read any of Dr. Lee's books. Does anyone have any experience with estrogen dominance, or EPO, or any thoughts on this? What worked? What do you know? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Do you recommend Dr. Lee's books if you have read them? He has one on breast cancer. Gosh, I wish I'd known about this before stocking up on a year's supply! :confused: I'm torn between how EPO helped me in some ways and the risk of estrogen dominance. I will most likely either stop taking it altogether OR possibly take much less. I think the former is more wise. I mean I would rather have dry eyes and skin VERSUS estrogen dominance! Thank you.
  11. I have the homeopathic drops and am about to start loading on the last day of my period - in the next few weeks. It really helps to do lots of research, to read up on those forums, and to plan well. As people keep telling me, it really is a mental thing. Takes lots of determination and desire. I have anywhere from 10-20 pounds to lose and I'll be going on the drops for 43 days, unless, of course, if by the end of 26, I feel content. But I'm usually one who loses weight very slowly. ETA: You don't look like you need to lose weight. You look great! :)
  12. Yes, please keep this thread going. :) I'm re-reading Harry Potter #4 - it'll be a while before the movie comes out here and I hope that I'll be done with 7 by then. I've read them all, but don't remember all the details. I don't want to be confused when we see #7. ;)
  13. Peela, first of all, I've missed you. :grouphug: Secondly, yes, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, write one! :D You are my hero and I crave your advice.
  14. Great advice so far. I have a few books on this, but my favorite is Alkalize or Die. I do have many tips, similar to what's been posted already. I just don't have the time right now and will try to get back to you within the next several days.
  15. I love the book Food Rules and just saw this geared for older kids and teens. I don't know how good it is. I may get it for my own dc. I like Michael Pollan and Food, Inc. a lot. I love the depth, insight, and practicality. My dd has the American Girl book and some of the advice, with all due respect, is pure rubbish. One example: Drink milk? :confused: Nowadays, the less milk, the better. It make one acidic. Milk and white sugar are the top 2 acne culprits. Every time my dc drink milk, they break out. However, I don't see my dc reading this book for fun. If I do get it, we'll study it in school. Amazon also has this book about Fast Food, if fast food is the problem. It's written for grades 7 and up.
  16. Praying right now. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  17. I would have said The Help and a few others also, such as The Book Thief, but quite honestly, I read those in '09 and not in '10. ;) They were both fabulous. I just love threads like this one. Thank you for starting it. :D
  18. Thank you so much. I've been a bit in the dark with all this stuff. :)
  19. If I was to name only one for the past year, since that's what your title asks, I would most likely say: The Geography of Bliss (non-fiction, but really interesting). If was to name 3 others, they would be The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. I love Lisbeth Salander. She's my hero. :D
  20. Stacia, I have to say that I absolutely LOVE that image. :D Fat and chubby babies just bring a smile to my face. I just want to squoosh and moosh those cheeks. Thank you for making my morning. :grouphug: I miss you. :) Wish I had a good book recommendation for you. It can be hard. I'm reading up on the HCG diet ... in an effort to try to lose anywhere from 10-20 pounds and hopefully keep it off. Trying to read up as much as I can on this before hopefully starting it soon. Very boring, I know ;). No time for fiction at the moment. And I really and truly miss some good fiction.
  21. As a Baha'i, worship, to us, is not just prayer and spirituality. Work, when done in the spirit of service, is worship.
  22. One other plus that I just discovered (I've only had mine for a few weeks), is that I can highlight whatever I want from the book that I'm reading. Obviously. I thought that I'd have to type up everything myself into a word document. But it's so easy to transfer all your clippings and notes into a word document. Perfect. :) There are still times that I enjoy a regular hard copy of a book. I love smelling books and feeling the paper. But the Kindle comes in so handy and has so many great advantages. I was one of those who was determined to never get one. It just didn't appeal to me one bit. I now love it.
  23. I just got one - the cheaper one - the $139 one or whatever. Love it. I still love books for certain things - particularly ones where I need a page number - since the Kindle does not do page numbering - but tells you instead the % of the book completed (which is also a very nice thing). I'm really happy I got it.
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