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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Would appreciate feedback on which of these bags you think would be best, if at all: Coldwater Creek one PROS: Great price 10-inch drop (perfect) Color is fine CONS: Then again, color is not THE most exciting (unless if I get a red, since price is decent) May stain fabric This one from QVC I like the yellow as well as the green Decent price 10-inch drop (perfect) Another one from QVC Like the yellow and maybe, just maybe, the silver ... Like the structure - really not into very floppy bags Decent price 10.5-inch drop (perfect) http://www.amazon.com/Dooney-Bourke-Handbag-Signature-Pouchette/dp/B003U8GYRC/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I36GQXLEAIICZ0&colid=3FL4QTLM7L65C PROS: Love the cream color and that it will go with pretty much everything (at least for spring and summer - which is perfect here) CONS: 9.5-inch drop (possibly a little too short) http://www.amazon.com/Dooney-Bourke-Tapestry-Bucket-Bag/dp/B000H0STW4/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I3ORKD852EGJJO&colid=3FL4QTLM7L65C PROS: Again, love the cream color and that it will go with pretty much everything (at least for spring and summer - which is perfect here) CONS: I don't particularly love advertising and wearing logos - just not me Don't really want a bucket bag ... or at least not sure if I do Thank you, ladies. :grouphug: ETA: Most of the links don't work ... oh well.
  2. Nope. No luck there. So true. I have a bag from Coldwater Creek - in a gorgeous green - always get compliments on it. Only problems: not a shoulder bag (and that's what I'm looking for at the moment ... I think :D - and as Stacia recommended with a 10-11" drop) too big and bulky - looking for something smaller - where we live, I seldom need a big bag, if at all. But I love the idea of going for COLOR. Yes, there are times when I like VB ... but I always think that it looks better on others than it would on me. Also, I would prefer soft leather or something woven, like straw - than fabric. But I am open. I should browse their site also.
  3. And they have the exact bag that I really want at a fabulous price, but only in black ... :(
  4. Stacia, no, you're not yacking at all. I really do appreciate this. :D Most of my tops are on the darker side or prints. Plus, maybe since I won't be going for the red, but for the tan ... maybe it won't be a problem. :confused: Can't tell. Thanks for pointing that out, however. Yep, the scratchy feeling might not be fun, particularly close to my body. What you said about drop length is really, really helpful. I'm big on that. For years, I avoided shoulder bags because I worried about drop lengths being wrong and annoying me. I like this D&B bag - but its drop length is 9.5" - guess that's a bit too short. It was my concern even before you posted. Shame, really. I love the color and style.
  5. Thank you, all. :grouphug: :D Denise, yes, I would love a cream or even white D&B bag. I have to say that I'm not all that crazy about carrying logos around. It's just not me. But their bags are cute. Costly too. Ebay has some, so I'm looking into those. But if it's a bag that I'll have for years and years, the cost is worth it. I also love bold and bright colors. Particularly when done like D&B where you can wear those colors with pretty much anything. I tried to do a search for the brown Fossil bag w/decorations (sounds really nice), but couldn't come up with anything. :D True. Although I am trying ever so hard to stick with one bag. ;) Just one really nice bag. Stacia, your links are perfect. The Cole Haan bag is gorgeous. I also really like the overstock link. Hadn't visited their site in the longest while. I cannot stand deep purses and losing things. I'm thinking of this one. Ladies, please be honest with me. Tell me if it's not nice. ;) I like that it's on sale. Maybe I could get a D&B from ebay or some other bag/s at Ross ... Stacia, this bag has a 10-inch drop. Does the drop mean its length from shoulder down? I never thought of this. Just knew when a bag didn't feel right. Again, I'm 5' 2" - I have no idea ... I do like the Cole Haan. The CWC one I linked seems quite similar, although the Cole Haan is nicer. :)
  6. I'm on the lookout for a flattering and nice bag. My very favorite and only really decent bag has ripped. I usually get my bags from Coldwater Creek. But it seems that online anyway, they're a bit too wintery and fall-ish (obviously given the time of year ;)). But even their outlet is a bit dull. Amazon is overwhelming me, but I know they have gorgeous bags. I would love a beautiful Dooney and Bourke. They're very pricey though. However, I am willing to pay for a gorgeous one. I'm petite - 5' 2" and a bit large on the upper body area, but more like an hourglass ... I would love cream/light brown/tan leather, although I'm also willing to be a bit more adventurous than usual and choose a different color. Maybe I should just wait till we're in the U.S and head to Ross. Ross has great bags apparently at wonderful prices. The following are tips that I have found: Try for four purses - to rotate every season (since we have one season here, that doesn't apply to me) They don't all have to be expensive. I've seen many lovely bags at Ross, and you can also look out for sales elsewhere. Autumn - Nine West bag Winter - brown leather bag with lots of detailing Summer - cream leather I can't remember what they said about spring ... but you get the idea. Leather is the best choice for year-round use. Warm weather alternatives include a neutral-colored canvas or straw bag, both of which work well with a variety of shoe colors. The larger the purse the higher the frump potential!. Once our children get older and the days of carrying lots of stuff start to ease up somewhat, we can start carrying smaller purses. While matching handbag to shoe color is no longer a "do-or-die" rule, they should be in the same family of colors (rust handbag and brown shoes, or gray handbag and black shoes, for example) and the handbag should harmonize with the colors of your outfit. Start with proportion. Proportion, proportion, proportion. First, decide what type purse you should carry for your body type. The general rule is that large bags go with large bodies, while small bags go with small bodies. PLUS SIZE Plus size girls should stay away from bags that are too small; bags that are too small will only make them look bigger. They should avoid shoulder bags, but instead go for bags that are just a tad wider. SHORT AND SLIGHT IN BUILD Pick a bag that is small and holds close to the body. Never get a big purse because it will drown you and make you appear lost beside it. TALL AND THIN If you are the type that is tall and thin, a medium-sized bag will work best for you. In choosing a shoulder bag, though, pick something that fits nice and close under your arm and against your waist. Bags like that will create the illusion of curves on your lean body and will draw the eyes to your face. BIG LOWER BODY Ladies with big hips will want to draw the eyes to the face and away from their lower bodies as well. If you have a big behind and you carry a big purse that sits at b*tt level then you'll look like you have an even bigger behind. The kind of bags that will do that trick for them are shoulder bags that hang just above the hips. BIG UPPER BODY/CHEST AREA Those with top-heavy figures will want to draw attention to their legs instead of to their upper bodies. Messenger bags, bags that have long straps or perhaps a handbag will do that for them. The size of the bag that will work best for top-heavy ladies is the slightly large one. If you have a big b*st and you carry a short shoulder bag that hits at the b*st line then your b*st is going to look even bigger. PERFECT HOURGLASS FIGURE Any kind of bag is perfect for you. However, remember that the rules on proportion still apply even to ladies with the perfect curves. Do not get a bag that is too large or too small for your body. http://handbags.lovetoknow.com/Slide...erfect_Purse~0 When choosing a bag, ask yourself: Is it proportional to you? Does it hit your body in the right place? Is it the right size? Does it have the compartments you need? Will it fit the wallet you need to carry? If the answer to these questions is, "Yes", now you have your bag. Congratulations! If the answer is "No" to ALL the questions, go home or go to another store and keep shopping. So, if you ladies have a spare moment and spot any nice bags online, I would so appreciate it ... :grouphug:
  7. THE absolute best book ever for those with cancer, those who know someone with cancer, and even those who have zero concerns about cancer - is The Anti Cancer Book - phenomenal, fully researched, practical like you wouldn't believe, and, most importantly, full of hope. He also has his own site - if you google anticancer book - but the book itself is far more informative. He knows his stuff and is a physician. There are other books, but this, I think, is the best one.
  8. Great job, Alley! BTW, absolutely love your avatar. We watch Little House at least once a week. Love it, love it, love it. :D
  9. Again, very helpful info. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the details. :grouphug: I'm ready to start this tomorrow ... I would start today, and I am actually partially starting today. The only reason not, is that today is a crazy day and I don't want to set myself up for failure. Jean, I agree with you. This is basically what I did a year or so ago - when I lost more than 30 pounds. Nothing extreme - everything in moderation. No calorie or point counting. Healthy eating and exercise. Then I stagnated ... Then I got swine flu, which was perfect to give that weight loss a nice kick in the rear. I lost about 10 pounds with swine flu. Wish I could get it every year. :lol: Lately, however, my appetite has been seriously out of control. I feel hungry all. the. time. It's really and truly driving me nuts. :confused: I don't want to start gaining too much again. I really, really don't. It scares me. Plus, we have our vacation coming up. Not a good thing. Temptations galore. Never mind the fact that we'll be in the car a lot. For some reason, when I'm in a car, I start to get ravenous. I was talking to dh yesterday, and we both agreed that worrying about weight loss is actually a luxury. So many friends that we know - as well as people one hears about - have far bigger worries - I have 2 close friends going through chemo. Really, in the big picture, health and wellbeing is far, far more important than a number on a stupid scale. So I reminded myself that we're blessed. Really and truly blessed. Thanks for listening and hearing me out. I feel awkward as if I'm hijacking this thread ... my apologies to the original poster. I figure that weight loss is a concern for most of us anyway and we can all learn. :grouphug: I can't do WW here. None available. I don't think I would do it online. It's hard to count points or do sparkpeople with some of the Persian food we normally eat. I just can't see that happening. But I would do it if I had to, if all else fails. Right now, I want to try that plan for the next few weeks. Then something more long-term such as the Eat to Live plan that Pamela mentioned earlier. After all, health is more important than a number.
  10. Lori, thank you so much. :grouphug: Stupid question ... you don't need to reply. I guess I'm not fully awake yet ...;) I am assuming that these are in order from most to least favorite, correct? Although I know that you like them all. We will most likely eventually get them all anyway. :D Thanks again.
  11. I'm a big believer in pH balancing, as Peela has also mentioned here. I like the idea of doing this over the long-term (right now I'm going to look into trying the other plan in the previous post) for more of a quick/short-term fix. Does Eat to Live go into a detailed/structured plan? Is it worth me getting the book? Or have you included the basics above, and therefore I won't need to get the book? ;) My hope is: to go on the previous plan/Denise Austin/FIRST magazine - until I reach my goal Then ... the plan above with regular and consistent exercise (in moderation) over the long-term. I just love plans. :D Plus, I love this thread. :grouphug:
  12. Thank you so much for your detailed and very helpful replies. :grouphug: It's funny because I often get FIRST, but pay no attention to their diets/cover story diets ;). I don't ever seem to believe that they'll work, but I'm more than willing to give this a try. I'm going to start planning. :) I love the idea of 12 minutes of exercise. That, I can do. :D How long did you do this for? I am assuming that you did this until you could fit into your clothes as you mentioned/got to your ideal weight. And then you ate normally again? When you regain, you just go back on this plan?
  13. Also, two more questions if you don't mind: 1. You mention cutting out white food - does this include healthy white foods, such as plain yogurt? I seldom eat white bread, etc. This question is for you, and for anyone else here: 2. What do you do about hunger? I've been having horrible hunger lately. And no, even if I drank a gallon, I'll still be hungry shortly after. :confused: I feel out of control these days when it comes to hunger and cravings. I hate it. :001_huh:
  14. This sounds very appealing to me at the moment. If you have a moment, can you please say how much - as in portion size - is 1 protein = 1 egg, for example 1 fruit = 1 cup Thanks. For me, it's always, always about intake. Exercise helps me with overall health and wellbeing. But for weight loss, unfortunately, it's eating less. I hate eating less, since I just love food.
  15. Lori, it's actually because of one of your posts that I'm looking into these. :D I agree w/you about Mind Benders. They only teach one type of puzzle solving. And some of them are really annoying. My dd is beginning to not like them at all. I'm looking into all of the ones that you have suggested. If you have the time, and I know you're probably busy as we all are, I'd love it if you could list your favorites or order them from most to least favorite or whatever. Or, do you think we should just get them all? We travel to the U.S. once a year or so, and stock up on everything then. Thank you. :grouphug:
  16. Donna, you're an absolute angel. :grouphug: I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and scan that. :)
  17. I keep wondering about this book. I know this sounds a bit crazy, but I am concerned about getting overly hungry and having cravings (plus, I LOVE lemon cake) throughout the book. :lol:
  18. Thank you. This is good to hear. As much as I keep looking, I cannot seem to find any sample pages for the Flash Kids series. Frustrating. I wonder and I really, really would like to know if the Flash Kids brand is the same as the Steck Vaughn Core Skills Language Arts. If so, this will change my ordering, the bulk ordering that we do once a year or so, when traveling.
  19. Erica, thanks :). That is really not what I wanted to hear. :glare: I really like their workbooks and the dc cannot stand that cheap paper.
  20. Us too. We seldom wear sunscreen, and even though my avatar picture shows otherwise, I'm quite fair naturally and burn easily. I also wear wide-brimmed hats and avoid the peak hours. Plus, we live in the tropics. I have often read that after SPF 15, they're all pretty much the same and that SPF 15 is fine. I have a long list of the safer sunscreens if anyone's interested.
  21. Do they all have cheap quality (as in newspaper print quality) paper? We love the Core Skills Language Arts books, but my dc can't stand the cheap paper. It helps that they don't use pencils for these, but still ... although I would love to get more workbooks by this company, I'm not sure ... anyone know about their other workbooks?
  22. Several years ago, I couldn't find any that had reasonable prices, or even what I was looking for, for that matter. I just got a bunch of nice calendars from stores like Borders, etc. Now, we use the prints from calendars from Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh, Degas, even Thomas Kinkade (whom I always like). I wish there was a Mary Cassatt calendar, but I have never found one. You might find some on amazon also.
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