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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Yes, that IS creepy and absolutely horrible :ohmy: ... The Help is fabulous. I hope she writes more, despite the lawsuit. I fear that reading her book would raise my blood pressure, even though I don't have a blood pressure problem. :glare: She would be enough to give me one. :banghead:
  2. We got Mind Benders and I regret it. It's not that good. Very, very repetitive, overpriced (as are most things by that company), and they only teach one type of skill. Our favorites so far: The Logic Countdown series are superb, 3 books in this series. I wish there were more. Critical Thinking Activities I'm eagerly waiting to see what others recommend. I have many on my list, but the two above are what we have liked most so far.
  3. Thank you again. :) No. Pretty much. But not entirely. Thanks for the encouragement. I like hearing actual experiences, such as your son's. I should have re-phrased my OP and title. It's not that he can't focus. He can focus very well on almost anything and has fabulous listening skills. Where his "lack of focus" (which is a rather inaccurate term) comes in, is his flying around from one fad to another, from one passion to the next. He's actually interested in so much. But there's always at any one time, one overrriding passion. One thing that he's absolutely obsessed about. He's actually quite good at handling boring and uninteresting things. He's better than I was at that age. He's fascinated by most things. I guess I should have been more clear.
  4. I'd really like to see this. :) Thanks for sharing.
  5. Looks interesting. Added it to my wish list. :) Can't wait to see what you write about her. ;) :D I also loved "The Help". :lol: Reminds me of when "justamouse" posted about finding a mouse in her house. :lol:
  6. I've often wondered about WW Online also. $40 a month!!! That's crazy :huh:. No way, will I spend that unless if I'm getting something truly incredible. Sorry I have no experience with them. Maybe someone else here can post as to what exactly one gets for $40 ...
  7. Thanks for making me laugh. :lol: Sorry I'm not much help ... :tongue_smilie:
  8. Paula, can I just say (been meaning to say this for some time :)) that I love your avatar and location :D. I love that book and have found it so helpful. Trinny and Susannah's "What Not to Wear" books are also great in addressing specific body types. I've never had the chance to look through Clinton and Kelly's books. A good book by Tim Gunn is another one I would really like to have. Too many books, too little time and money!
  9. Almost done with The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. I've liked it. Not loved it, but it's been a light and sweet read, which is just what I need. I really like the main character. With the kids, we're very slowly reading: Just William - absolutely love it - I grew up crazy about the TV series in Britain - very British and funny :). as well as The Time Garden.
  10. Thank you all for your very helpful replies. Have copied and pasted them to read with dh later. Thanks so much for this link. Really do appreciate it. The book might be worth getting.
  11. Thanks :). I guess I'll skip. I'm really very low maintenance.
  12. :lol: :lol: :lol: Why isn't anyone else laughing? :lol: This reminds me of much of my high school, college, and grad school years, or, should I say my entire life, where someone says something totally funny and I'm the only one laughing hysterically, and no one else is, which makes me laugh even more! :D :lol:
  13. This might be of interest. Someone's comment at the bottom made me smile - "BMI. BAI. I still need to lose weight." :lol:
  14. Thank you. Does it help as in telling what exactly to do?
  15. Thank you all for your replies so far. I've edited my OP slightly. It's not that he can't focus, as much as he can't stick with anything for very long. In all his 11 years, we have not seen this change. This concerns us. Greatly.
  16. Wherever I am in the world, I absolutely refuse to leave the house or, even do much at all, without showering. I usually shower right after making breakfast. I have to.
  17. Thank you for your helpful reply. Nice to know that our ds is not the only one. Not so much that he should have it figured out, but at least some focus or attention would be nice. Our concern is not that much for his career or higher education at this age, but to at least see him focus on studying more. He goes from one fad or passion to another. Never sticks with one thing for very long. Dh often reminds me that the kids he knew who were like this, have never seemed to have much focus or direction in their professional lives (and sadly, often their personal lives) as adults. I've seen it also. It's very, very frustrating. :confused: They hop from one thing to another.
  18. :lol: Quick question: apologies if this has already been asked? I'm a very low-fuss, low-maintenance type. Does tinted moisturizer have to match your skin perfectly, like foundation? I hate foundation. I don't wear any make up whatsoever, except for the occasional lip balm. I used to wear LOTS - sort of like Tammy Faye Baker. :lol:
  19. Great interview, but then again, I just love Jon Stewart. :) I wonder if I should get this book? I wish there was a homeschooling how-to book as to how to educate like in Finland. :D
  20. Thank you for your replies. :) How would Oak Meadow help? I considered it many years ago, but how would it help him, if you don't mind me asking. I don't really buy into the Asperger's thing. No offense intended. We're quite sure that he has ADHD. But he's not always bouncing off the walls. A milder form of ADHD. No testing in this part of the world. We know he probably has it. So to us, why test? His diet is quite good. For a kid. I'm not legalistic or the food police. Treats on weekends. Healthy otherwise. Done this many, many times. The checklist method, however, really drains me. We've talked and talked with him until we're blue in the face. :confused: Thanks, great suggestion. Problem is that when we're not supportive, he gets really upset and takes it so personally, like it's the world biggest injustice. Not that we cater to it. But it really and truly wears us out. The web chart and book lists I've tried. Nothing changed or improved. :confused: Will likely do so. Thanks again. Heather, thank you also. We don't have testing and such here. Quite honestly, and with all due respect, dh (and I as well, but to a lesser degree), both think that some of these tests are, how should I say it, something that the present-day Western culture is buying into. Does every single thing have to be labeled? Do we have to get tested for each and every problem? I don't have a problem with it, if there are practical suggestions as to what exactly to do. But when they try to medicate us or our children for every single difficulty, now that, I have a problem with; or, if they try to keep selling us books and DVDs to supposedly help with every single problems. Now, if something really works, that's one thing. But most don't. My dh has very little patience for all the present-day labeling. I'm very sorry if I have offended or upset anyone. :confused: He thinks much of it is gimmicky and consumerism. I tend to agree. Sorry again.
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