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Everything posted by Negin

  1. I'd say we're both equally committed. When I'm down about it and feel frustrated, he encourages me. When he has his doubts, I encourage him. We're very committed. Other options and alternatives here are just not good. Not good at all. No school system is perfect, but we're doing the best we can. We know that this is right for us and that we have far more vested interest in their education than anyone else does.
  2. Much of the research linking excess weight and an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, among other chronic diseases, has been done on people who are obese, with a BMI of 30 or more. When the merely overweight folks are separated out, the health risks drop and sometimes even disappear. Being overweight may not be associated with ANY risk of heart disease. Although obese folks have a greater risk of dying from cancer or heart disease, those who are simply overweight have, surprisingly, no greater risk than normal-weight people. This was found from Britain’s Million Women Study. ---- Scientists from the Mayo Clinic were questioning the accuracy and usefulness of the BMI. Reviewing data from 40 studies involving 250,000 people with heart disease, they found that while severely obese patients had a higher risk of death, overweight people had fewer heart problems than those with a normal BMI. Because muscle weighs more than fat, many physically fit people are mistakenly classified as "overweight", while they are actually less likely to die young than a "normal" weight individual whose excess weight is mostly fat. ---- BMI’s downfall is that it does not take into account body composition - whether or not excess weight is fat or muscle - which is why fit people often find themselves in the fat category of the BMI rating system. The important thing to consider is how body fat is distributed around the body, as the real problems occur when fat accumulates in the central abdominal region. Some physicians suggest that a waist circumference measurement is more informative, in that it is a direct measure of the part of the body that tends to accumulate fat. Having a waistband of more than 35in in women and 40in in men indicates the highest risk of cardiovascular and metabolic disease. There is an increased risk of the diseases for women with measurements of more than 32in and men whose measurement is over 37in. ---- Many of us have been programmed to worship a number on the scale, but waist circumference is more important than weight. A large waist can increase your risk of insulin resistance, the body’s inability to process sugars, which raises your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Women should have no more than a 35-inch waist, and men should measure 40-inches or less. If your waist circumference is more than that, the advice is simple: Cut down on food intake, exercise more – or even better, do a combination of the two. ---- The more I have read and keep reading, the more I realize that waist measurement is KEY. As a friend once wrote here: "My goal is to get my waist under the 33" -- Everything I read leads me to believe that the most important factor for health is your waist size-- not and arbitrary number on a scale. In my reading I have discovered that the fat around your mid-section actually acts as an organ--secreting hormones and disrupting your health. It adheres to your internal organs. It is not good. That is what I want gone." I have come to the realization that weight and waist measurement are very closely related. I don't think I have ever been at an ideal weight and had a large waist, or vice versa, had a small waist and weighed a lot. I guess the two do go hand-in-hand ... Just different ways of measuring, I guess. I figure they're both important. I just read this from one of the links below: "As your weight changes, you can expect to lose about 1" from your waistline for each 6-8 lbs of weight loss." http://www.collectivewizdom.com/NormalWaistSize.html How to Reduce Your Waist The best way to reduce your waist size is first to get as close as you can to your ideal body weight. In addition to that, research studies have found that certain foods can help you to reduce fat around your abdomen, particularly foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as halibut and salmon. It turns out that your waistline measurement may tell us more about your overall health than any other statistic. Why? All fat is not created equal. And fat around the middle may be the worst fat of all. Your waist line measurement may be the most important indicator of your overall health. There is a direct correlation between the size of your waist and your risk for developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes and, if you are a man, erectile dysfunction. How? In contrast to the popular notion of fat as an inert blob, fat is actually an active substance. Fat leaks a constant stream of hormones into your bloodstream and some of these hormones are quite harmful.
  3. Melatonin is a natural hormone that promotes sound sleep. Acts as an antioxidant - early in life, the body produces an abundant supply, but as we age, production steadily declines Helpful for more difficult insomnia Cleans the toxins and free radicals from cells Helps protect cells from DNA damage Designed to prevent toxins from entering your brain Has been shown especially effective at preventing free radical damage to cell membranes (one of the prime targets of EMFs from cell phones etc) If melatonin is taken in the evenings, tumor growth may be slowed Decreases anxiety by stimulating GABA (a brain chemical that calms you down) Supports your immune system by regenerating your thymus gland – the center of immune function In one study, breast cancer cells were dosed with the same amount of melatonin you’d find in a young, human body. Growth of these cancer cells was blocked by 75%. At the very least, this suggests that melatonin could be an important hormone in protecting against breast cancer. Melatonin has been used in high amounts – 20-40 mg – to protect against cancer. Helps thyroid gland produce T3 Protects your bones Helps body use zinc: a mineral needed to lower stress and increase appetite Slows down graying hair WHY WE NEED MELATONIN When we stay up late at night or work night shifts, we keep our body from producing melatonin. This increases the risk of hypertension, heart disease, migraines, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Studies show women night-shift workers have a 500% higher risk of breast cancer and male night shift workers have a 50% increased risk of colorectal and bone cancer. While not realizing it, many people increase this risk with inconsistent sleep/wake schedules - late night studying or partying or shift work schedules. After the age of 45, melatonin levels decrease. Melatonin is the only hormone supplement that’s safe to self-medicate. GUIDELINES • Start with 1 mg just before bedtime. Take 2 hours or less before bedtime. If this is not effective, gradually increase dosage. Melatonin dosages vary from individual to individual ~ and most do not need the highest dose. Ease into melatonin in increments. Some take up to 20 and even 40 mg. • Do not take melatonin every single night – a few nights a week • Do not take melatonin during the day. • When you awaken after melatonin-assisted sleep, you should feel refreshed – not tired or groggy. If you do experience grogginess, reduce the dosage. • Do not give to children • If you wake up in the middle of the night, you can take another 1-5 mg. NATURAL SOURCES Walnuts Fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, oats, and quinoa Cherries—when tart—and their juice
  4. L-TRYPTOPHAN may help mitigate insomnia and depression by boosting serotonin and melatonin levels in the brain May help cure night-time waking 500-1000 mg before bed Vitamin B12 converts amino acids to those all-important brain transmitters, serotonin and norephinephrine. Vitamin B12 helps the body make SAM-e as well, a compound that’s involved in optimal neurotransmitter production and function. Low levels of SAM-e can lead to depression. The sublingual or time-release form is the best absorbed Doses of 500-1000 mcg are the usual recommendation Oral vitamin B12 isn't well absorbed; you may need up to 1 or 2 mg daily. Ask your doctor about B12 shots or doses you can take under the tongue. Zinc is required by the brain in order to produce GABA, a compound that eases anxiety and irritability. 25-50 mg per day DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN 100 mg Use zinc gluconate lozenges or OptiZinc for best absorption According to a study, women who took a daily zinc supplement in addition to a multivitamin for 10 weeks experienced significantly less anger and depression than those who took only a multivitamin. If you’re depressed AND suffer from chronic pain from conditions like arthritis, take SAM-E. This eases depression and acts as an anti-inflammatory to relieve aches. Avoid SAM-E if you have bipolar disease. Start with 1600 mg a day, then cut back. Valerian is used in Chinese medicine for insomnia. This herb promotes relaxation and curbs anxiety. Take 400 to 800 mg in divided doses throughout the day. The Bach Flower Remedies represent a form of psychotherapy in a bottle, a noninvasive modality to address negative emotional states like: • Anxiety • Depression • Impatience A Welsh homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach recognized in the 1920s that, if herbs have healing powers, so must flowers. Over many years, he experimented with numerous flowers and trees to create a total of 38 plant-based Bach Flower Remedies. Bach Rescue Remedy is used in many emergency rooms to help alleviate trauma. Centuary is useful for boundary issues, especially for people who give too much of themselves Impatiens is good for irritability and short tempers. Oak is for those determined types who struggle on (despite setbacks) through adversity or illness. Rock water can ease tension for those who tend to be hard on themselves.
  5. GABA CALM – take sublingually before bedtime or a few hours before sleeping 100-500 mg daily Try to avoid eating or drinking anything for 20 minutes before and after taking this YOU LACK GABA IF YOU: • Frequently experience back pain or muscle tension • Worry excessively • Often feel nervous, jumpy, or anxious • Sleep problems • Stress-related physical symptoms: headaches, IBS, and muscle aches • Elevated cortisol levels which can lead to belly fat • Are an emotional eater GABA is the brain’s natural calming agent. • Helps de-stress • Relaxes muscles • Suppresses cravings and helps curb emotional eating. • Anti-depressant • Helpful for day-to-day anxiety 5-HTP Helps with: • Sleep problems – quality and duration • Emotional eating and evening cravings – helps suppress appetite • Anxiety and depression as it increases serotonin levels • Melatonin production • Serotonin production Best if taken sublingually - opening the capsule and pouring the contents on your tongue. Try to avoid eating or drinking anything for 20 minutes before and after taking it. No more than about 3 capsules a day – can safely take up to 400 mg per day – although most need less. Loses its efficacy if taken every single day – best if you take breaks – sometimes alternating days – and sometimes take a break for an entire month or so It may take 1-2 weeks to notice any effects and up to 6 weeks to notice the full benefits. Be cautious about taking this if you’re on anti-depressants
  6. BOOKS THAT I LOVE Positive Thinking Every Day by Norman Vincent Peale Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl – if I could, I would give a copy of this to almost every friend and acquaintance Some books that may be of help. Never read them, but have heard very good things about them. The Anxiety Book: Developing Strength in the Face of Fear by Jonathan R. T. Davidson, Henry Dreher The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping You Natural Prozac by Joe C. Robertson SUPPLEMENTS 400 mg Magnesium daily – depression and anxiety are symptoms of a magnesium deficiency Magnesium is crucial for the synthesis of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Magnesium is usually lacking in those with depression. In fact, one study reported “rapid recovery from major depression” after treatment with magnesium, and found that magnesium helped relieve the anxiety and insomnia often associated with depression. Many women have an undiagnosed magnesium deficiency ,which can contribute to anxiety. If you have symptoms of magnesium deficiency – if you’re feeling edgy, have muscle cramps, suffer insomnia, crave chocolate, or notice increased urination, adjust your calcium-magnesium ratio, so that you’re taking at least as much magnesium or—ideally—twice as much magnesium as calcium. 400-1200 mg daily of Magnesium is helpful but use according to bowel tolerance. Your body knows how much magnesium you can tolerate from bowel tolerance – take as much magnesium as your bowels can tolerate If you can, add 100 mg of magnesium to your nutritional supplements, and increase it by 100 mg every few days until your stools are soft, but not uncomfortably loose. Take in divided doses and with meals to ensure optimal absorption – preferably more at night Some say to not take magnesium with calcium - I think that that is preferable. Calcium, magnesium, and many other minerals are best absorbed when they are bound to an acidic carrier such as citrate, aspartate, picolinate, or amino acid chelate. Minerals need an acidic base to break down and get used. The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good. Avoid magnesium carbonate, oxide, sulfate, and gluconate. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements). Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate. People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision.
  7. My ds will love these. He lives and breathes HP. :D Actually, we all do. :)
  8. Great job on your loss! :D Your last few sentences are so true. :) I never lost muscle, and this is not what happens on hcg. Hcg does not stress NO exercise. It emphasizes exercise in moderation. With hcg, you’re not meant to exercise intensely. It will cause water gain and possibly an increase in appetite. Light weights, 2-4 mile walks, yoga, etc. are fine for many people - but the intense stuff (elliptical, treadmill, long exercise sessions, running, heavier weights) – these are all most definitely out. I have a friend and know some on the hcg forums who normally do the intense stuff like P90X. That just can't happen on hcg. They can start to do that on P3, building up gradually, of course. The rule is to just listen to your body- if you have the energy to do it, it's okay. :) Sometimes you just need to experiment a bit and see what works.
  9. CHRONIC BACK PAIN Helps relieve chronic back pain One recent study showed that 95% of participants improved after taking D3 for 3 months Chronic back pain patients should try taking 5000-10,000 IU daily for 3 months HAIR LOSS Vitamin D deficiencies can lead to thinning hair and hair loss THYROID HEALTH Vitamin D3 is one of the most important ways to heal the thyroid. This nutrient helps the gland cope with stress and convert inactive T4 into active T3. WHO IS DEFICIENT IN D? Most people are deficient! • Body-mass index (BMI) and obesity • Older people • Dark-skinned people • Strict vegetarians • People with celiac, Crohn’s disease, and cystic fibrosis • Heredity • Certain medications • Regular use of sunscreen • Northern Latitudes (above that of Atlanta, Georgia)
  10. IMMUNITY, ANTI-ASTHMA, COLDS, AND FLUS Research links low levels of vitamin D with asthma Vitamin D3 reduces inflammation in infected lung tissues Without D3 the body’s immune soldiers—T cells—can’t fight infections Vitamin D3 boosts immunity against the flu – in fact, the vitamin D/flu connection theory is based on solid science Vitamin D3 is a very strong antibiotic WEIGHT PROBLEMS D3 helps in maintaining a healthy weight Recent research at the University of Minnesota even finds that overweight individuals are better able to shed pounds when they get more vitamin D. For each nanogram/milliliter increase in this vitamin, dieters lost an extra half-pound of body weight. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis MACULAR DEGENERATION Prevents macular degeneration SUNBURN PROTECTION Getting sufficient vitamin D actually protects your skin from sun damage Researchers have found that those who take 5000 IU of vitamin D a day are not likely to burn A recent study shows that D3 actually protects against sunburn and skin cancers PARKINSON’S DISEASE The reason that Parkinson’s affects so many older people may very well be as a result of staying indoors too much and not getting enough sun Vitamin D helps normalize brain function – its protective effects on nerve growth factors in the brain make it an ideal nutrient to use for either the prevention or treatment of Parkinson’s Since low amounts of D3 appear to be present in neurological diseases, such as MS and loss of memory, it’s a safe theory Having low vitamin D levels may increase a person's risk of developing Parkinson's disease later in life, say Finnish researchers. Their study of 3,000 people, published in Archives of Neurology, found people with the lowest levels of the sunshine vitamin had a three-fold higher risk. Vitamin D could be helping to protect the nerve cells gradually lost by people with the disease, experts say. The researchers from Finland's National Institute for Health and Welfare measured vitamin D levels from the study group between 1978 and 1980, using blood samples. They then followed these people over 30 years to see whether they developed Parkinson's disease. They found that people with the lowest levels of vitamin D were three times more likely to develop Parkinson's, compared with the group with the highest levels of vitamin D. Most vitamin D is made by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight, although some comes from foods like oily fish, milk or cereals. As people age, however, their skin becomes less able to produce vitamin D. Doctors have known for many years that vitamin D helps calcium uptake and bone formation. But research is now showing that it also plays a role in regulating the immune system, as well as in the development of the nervous system.
  11. CANCER PREVENTION Those with optimal levels enjoy a 50 percent reduced risk of breast cancer, as well as a substantially reduced risk of colon, colorectal, prostate, thyroid, and bowel cancers D appears to influence up to 200 genes involved in cancer formation and prevention. Recent studies have shown that women with the lowest blood levels of vitamin D had the highest rates of breast cancer. Those who had the highest levels of vitamin D had the lowest incidents of breast cancer. They concluded that if a woman took 2,000 IU of this vitamin/hormone a day, she could cut her risk in half. DIABETES Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS The association between D3 and MS is compelling Vitamin D helps normalize brain function. Its protective effects on nerve growth factors in the brain make it an ideal nutrient to use for either the prevention or treatment of MS. There are more people with MS who live in the low altitudes of Switzerland than in the high altitudes where UV rays are stronger. Almost no cases of MS can be found at the equator, but the further away you go, the more MS you find. Countries farther from the equator typically have higher MS rates. People with MS often have enough vitamin D to keep their bones healthy, but not enough to prevent the disease or reduce its symptoms HEART HEALTH Reduces risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension PROTECTS AGAINST ELECTROPOLLUTION Vitamin D3, is an ideal radioprotectant, even against low-level EMFs (cell phones, etc.). It helps facilitate communication between cells, which is interrupted by electropollution, and also activates the immune response, which can be tamped down by exposure to radiation. Take 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D daily (up to 10,000 IUs if you’re EMF sensitive, as a growing number of people are. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY German scientists suggest that vitamin D is anti-inflammatory, which may help explain why it also helps protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease, particularly congestive heart failure. MENTAL DECLINE Sufficient levels of D are critical in preserving brain function Memory loss may be linked to a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps normalize brain function. Its protective effects on nerve growth factors in the brain make it an ideal nutrient to use for either the prevention or treatment of mental decline. The more vitamin D, the better the memory
  12. Some info for anyone who may be interested. If you're under 50, take at least 2,000 IU per day. If you're 50 or over, take at least 5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. Always take your vitamin D with a fat-containing meal to ensure absorption. Your need for vitamin D3 is affected by age, skin color, and the severity of any deficiency Don't be concerned that 2,000-5,000 IU will give you too much. With exposure to sunlight in the summer, the body can generate between 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU of vitamin D per hour with no ill effects. In addition, no adverse effects have been seen with supplemental vitamin D intakes up to 10,000 IU daily. To this day, medical textbooks mention the risk of vitamin D toxicity. Yet, the scientific literature suggests that toxicity occurs only with very large intakes of vitamin D over prolonged periods (more than 10,000 IUs daily for longer than 6 months). Except in people with disorders known as granulomatosis (such as sarcoidosis or tuberculosis), little risk (if any) is associated with vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin D3 helps BONE HEALTH Optimal vitamin D levels are associated with a far lower risk of osteoporosis. Facilitates calcium absorption and promotes bone mineralization Fights frailty One study found that people with low levels of vitamin D walked more slowly and took longer to get up out of a chair than people with higher levels. Another study found that when people took vitamin D, their posture improved and their thigh muscles got stronger! And still another study showed that vitamin D actually improves your balance, making you less likely to fall! When vitamin D levels are low, the surface of bones become softer This condition is called osteomalacia, and osteomalacia causes backaches and pain. This softening of bones can be so mild it’s subclinical – which means you can’t identify it yet. But it could still be responsible for your pain. The problem stems from a lack of circulating calcium caused by insufficient vitamin D. So the solution is to take more D, not more calcium. EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL WELL-BEING Mood swings, depression, and bipolar disorders are all linked to a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps normalize brain function.
  13. I do want to add that losing weight is not the hardest part. It's the keeping it off that's the ultimate challenge. 95% of those who lose eventually regain ... so frustrating.
  14. Hcg can be taken Rx or homeopathic. I do the latter. It works. But, like everything, there is no one-size-fits-all. It worked for me when nothing else did. I don't know why some people get so upset about something that works. What's it to them? :confused: First, "they" get upset if society is overweight. Then, they get upset when something actually works :lol:. Oh ... I get it, they're probably upset since they're not profiting from it. :glare: Those who are against it are usually not very informed about it at all. To each his own.
  15. I noticed that when I was on the hcg diet, all my fluid retention disappeared within days. Now, I'm not by any means suggesting that you go on that diet. But I found it very interesting that as soon as I stopped the diet and had to eat normally once again - due to circumstances that came up - the fluid retention and puffiness is back in full force. According to hcg, when this happens, there is something that we're eating that we're sensitive to that causes puffiness and bloating, etc. For some, it could be eggs, for others, it could be gluten. Everyone reacts differently to different foods. Hcg suggests that once the diet is over, to start adding in one normal food every 3 days and monitoring weight changes. If weight goes up, you know right away which food is the culprit. This is sort of like an elimination diet. Many of us retain fluid when we eat foods that we’re sensitive to – whether it is wheat, rice, MSG, or dairy. Retaining fluid means that your body does not like it. There’s an active irritation going on and your body is sending fluid to calm it down.
  16. :iagree: Anything by Roald Dahl. :D We also love the Arabel and Mortimer series. The Doll People series - not funny all the way, but very humorous at times and very, very engaging . The Racketty-Packetty House by Frances Hodgson Burnett - ditto Humphrey the Hamster series Gooseberry Park by Cynthia Rylant Freddy Books - we have the Freddy Anniversary Collection and the dc loved that. There were lots of funny parts, but parts of it might drag on a bit. Owls in the Family - very funny Detectives in Togas (as well as its sequel) - loved this If you're familiar with British culture, etc. - we just started this yesterday and were crying from laughter. I grew up loving the TV series, and never even knew that there was a book.
  17. I can't remember where I got the info, but all my info is from sources that I trust. Sadly and frustratingly, there are no guarantees when it comes to health. Many do everything "right" and still have health problems. Others seem to do all sorts of "wrong" things, and live in great health. Health problems are seldom due to just one thing. All sorts of environmental and other factors could come into play. :confused: I'm just sharing the info that I have and am learning along with everyone else. I never claim to be an expert. As above. If it were me, and I had fibroids, or pretty much any health problem, and if I could, I would first look into every natural approach possible. I would try to seek out a very good naturopath, acupuncturist, whatever. I would do my research. I'm a huge believer in acupuncture and have seen amazing results from it, particularly when it comes to female problems, but actually pretty much anything. Acupuncture is thousands of years old and has little to no side effects, unlike conventional medicine. Most importantly, what I really love about it, is that an acupuncturist can help develop an herbal formula that is tailored specifically to you, in addition to using the traditional needles to help health problems. Herbs have a greater synergy with acupuncture, so you may see a greater benefit if you use both. To find a qualified acupuncturist- go to http://www.nccaom.org or go to http://www.acufinder.com Meds and conventional medicine, would be my choice only if and after natural methods did not work, for at least 3 months, or as long as I could tolerate it. Again, this is just me.
  18. Never been to any homeschool conferences. Oh, wait ... a few years ago, since we're Baha'is, about 6 or 7 Baha'i homeschool families got together outside Chicago at the Baha'i House of Worship, just for a few hours. That was nice. But not a conference. More like a get-together. :) I would not attend a religious homeschooling conference, since they probably wouldn't approve of me. Funny thing, now this is really funny, as in coincidence funny :lol:, the night before last, I dreamed that I somehow went to a very Christian homeschooling conference, and I was not liked or approved of one little bit :tongue_smilie: :lol:. It was a bit scary and I was very relieved to wake up. I think it had something to do with the fact that the day before, we'd been disagreeing with someone about the possibility of Sarah Palin becoming the next President :lol:. Okay ... off to leave this thread before pqr or someone comes after me :leaving: :lol:.
  19. Thanks for your feedback on this. Added her first one to my wish list. :) :lol:
  20. This looks interesting. It's not the first in the series. Have you read others? Do you recommend them? :) Stacia, this looks really interesting. :D Thanks. I'll go visit your blog soon. :) This is the one I was referring to in the hyperthyroid thread. Said to be very good. I haven't read it myself. Let us know what you think. :iagree:
  21. :iagree: Will pray for you. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Here's some info for anyone who may be interested. Just because you have a lump in your breast doesn’t mean you have cancer. Pseudo Lump is breast tissue approaching 1 inch in diameter that has formed into a lump, such as a pocket of dead fat or scar tissue that resulted from trauma caused by surgery or injury. Lumpiness – little bumps that are approximately one-eighth inch in diameter. Harmless and perfectly natural – and has not been linked to later development of breast cancer Cyst – These lumps are fluid-filled sacs that are most common in women between 30 and 55 They feel squishy near the surface Those that are more deeply embedded in breast tissue feel harder Fibroid or Fibroadenoma is a lump ranging from half an inch to 2 ½ inches or larger. A rare cancer occurs in about 1% of all these lumps (usually the larger ones). This type of cancer is relatively harmless because it doesn’t spread. You’ve got plenty of time to look at all your options. Cancer Lump – By the time a cancerous lump is large enough for you to feel, it’s usually grown about half an inch in diameter. If a cancerous lump is much smaller, you won’t feel it. In the early stages, a lump of cancerous cells feels like normal tissue. It will not change with menstrual cycles and is rarely painful. Unless the type of cancer you have is extremely aggressive, you still have time to get information and examine your options.
  22. Make sure to take them with a fat-containing meal for maximum absorption. :)
  23. So happy to hear this. :grouphug: I notice a definite difference when I forget to take magnesium for more than several days or so. Great reminder about inflammatory condition :). I just posted something recently on fighting inflammation. I think most of us on a western diet have inflammation to some degree. Iodoral is a very safe form of iodine. Tons of reviews and info on it online. I spent a LONG time researching it. But again, someone with an AI may need to consult with an endocrinologist or physician for sure. Not all are enlightened or informed, however. Some are great. My friend's endo highly recommended Iodoral. It all depends. I think taking it slowly and listening to your body are key. Obviously, dietary changes are essential. Not always easy to do ... :glare:
  24. OTHER TIPS/CONSIDERATIONS CRP Test is a blood test that measures the levels of a particular protein called C-reactive protein. Inflammation is a major source of increased CRP. The blood test costs about $50 and is now widely available. If your CRP level is over 0.20 mg/dL, it’s time to take action and reduce it. To check your own omega-6/omega-3 ratio, you can ask a technician to draw your blood and send it to a specialized lab that measures omega-6s and omega-3s present in the hematids. (But be careful – not the levels present in the serum, but in the membrane of the hematids, in other words, the red blood cells). The ratio between them is a relatively constant reflection of the proportions of omega-6s and omega-3s throughout the body, including the brain. If the ratio omega-6 (total) / omega-3 (total) is higher than 10, your body is in a state of inflammation – inflammation that is at least “silent” and possibly manifest (arthritis or other illness). In order to better protect yourself from cancer, you should ideally bring this ratio down below 3. If you have cancer in an active phase, some naturopathic practitioners I have worked with recommend you bring the ratio to under 1 – in other words, you should aim to have more omega 3s than omega-6s in your body. Be careful, though, because when the omega ratio drops too low – under 0.5 – it may increase the risk of hemorrhage, as we see in certain Inuit populations. (Nosebleeds are among the first symptoms). You can measure your omega ratio again after a period of at least two months: this will give your biology time to catch up with the changes in your diet. If you have followed the nutritional guidelines, your ratio will drop rapidly, and you should also begin to see positive changes such as silkier hair, stronger nails, softer and less blemished skin, and a better mood! BOOKS The Inflammation Syndrome by Jack Challem Stopping Inflammation by Nancy Appleton
  25. Epsom salts are great. I keep meaning to take regular Epsom Salts bath, but I keep forgetting. I'm truly not a bath person ... If diarrhea and magnesium absorption are concerns, this info may be helpful. We take magnesium glycinate. Calcium, magnesium, and many other minerals are best absorbed when they are bound to an acidic carrier such as citrate, aspartate, picolinate, or amino acid chelate. Minerals need an acidic base to break down and get used. The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good. Avoid magnesium carbonate, oxide, sulfate, and gluconate. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements). Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate. People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision. I've learned a lot from this thread and you've received fabulous advice. I've also suffered from plantar fascitis. Hope you find relief and healing very soon. :grouphug: Here's some more info. Sorry if much of it is repetitive. Pain is often a loud voice shouting that you have an inflammation that needs to be addressed. Inflammation and pain go hand-in-hand, and food sensitivities cause inflammation. When any condition ends in “itis” it means that inflammation is present. Inflammation can either be protective or harmful. All inflammation isn’t bad. It can be a useful process that protects us by helping our bodies get rid of foreign matter like bacteria and toxins. Inflammation’s protective responses – redness, heat, pain, and swelling – help the body get rid of foreign substances and prepare injured tissues for repair. Occasional acute inflammation is a necessary part of the normal healing process. Obviously, excessive inflammation has its down side. Inflammation is aggravated by: • Traditional Western diet • Refined sugars and white flours – including artificial sweeteners and HFCS • Red meat from industrially raised animals • Oils rich in omega-6 – corn, sunflower, safflower, soy • Dairy products from industrially raised livestock (especially if full fat) • Eggs from industrially raised hens fed corn and soybeans • Persistent anger or despair • Less than 20 minutes of physical activity per day • Cigarette smoke, atmospheric pollution, domestic pollutants Inflammation is reduced by: • Mediterranean diet, Indian and Asian cuisines • Multigrain flour • At most 3 times a week – organic meat from animals fed grass or flax meal • Olive oil, flaxseed oil • Fatty fish rich in omega-3 • Dairy products from animals fed on grass or flax meal • Omega-3 eggs or eggs from hens raised in a natural environment or fed flax meal • Laughter, lightheartedness, serenity • A 50-minute walk 3 times a week, or 60 minutes 6 times a week – keep moving • Clean environment Since World War II, the farm animals that give us meat, butter, milk, cheese, cream and eggs are no longer nourished with grass and leaves. They are fed corn, soy, and maize instead. Grass is very rich in omega-3s, but maize contains none at all, and soy products contain very little. The animal products that we eat now are thus highly unbalanced, with far too many omega-6s and very few omega-3s. On average, people in the West have 10 to 15 times more omega-6s in their bodies than omega-3s. This is one of the reasons why all the diseases that are nourished by inflammation are in constant progression in Western countries. Some of the many symptoms of inflammation Allergies Alzheimer’s Arthritis Asthma Bronchitis Cancer Colitis Cystitis Depression Dermatitis Diabetes Diverticulitis Gingivitis Heart Disease Heart Trouble Hepatitis Inflammatory Bowel Disease Metabolic syndrome MS Obesity Osteoarthritis Pain Pancreatitis Plantar Fascitis Psoriasis Rheumatoid arthritis Sinusitis Swelling Tendonitis Type 2 diabetes EAT MORE Avocados Avocado Oil Black cumin seeds Chia Seeds Flax seeds Flaxseed Oil Fresh fruits and veggies – make sure you’re getting some of every color Ginger Green vegetables Linseed Oil Nuts Oily fish twice a week (sardines, anchovies, mackerel, wild Alaskan salmon or small fish from cold waters – not farmed fish) Olive oil Omega-3 eggs Rapeseed oil Turmeric is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory Walnuts The Mediterranean diet has lots of: Beans and Lentils Fish Fruit Nuts and Seeds Vegetables Their diet has less red meat than and dairy than Western diets. Their diet is very anti-inflammatory. LIMIT Artificial Sweeteners Corn oil Dairy products (particularly those that are not grass-fed) Eggs not marked “omega-3” High Fructose Corn Syrup Peanut Oil Processed and fast foods Red meat, especially if it is produced by industrial farming techniques and if it does not carry an “omega-3” label Safflower oil Sugar Soybean oil Sunflower oil Eating vegetables cooked at high heat without water (think roasting, grilling, or frying) can cause inflammation, increasing the rate of aging in the body. Steam your veggies instead! Free Radicals – fried, barbecued, charbroiled foods, coffee, alcohol, pesticides, solvents used in cleaning supplies, UV radiation SUPPLEMENTS - all of these supplements may not be needed if the diet is improved. Omega-3 is the most important one, however. Vitamin C – if you have inflammation, without a doubt you need more vitamin C. Vitamin C and the flavonoids it contains are important anti-inflammatory agents. They destroy damaging free radicals as well as reduce inflammation. Be sure you get at least 500 mg of Vitamin C with bioflavonoids each day. Buffered, or Ester C, is less likely to cause loose stools or stomach irritation. Omega-3 supplements (roughly 1g or 0.03 oz of the EPA-DHA combination – Carlson’s Fish Oil – for a more severe condition, take up to 3 grams daily and wait at least 8-12 weeks to see if you notice a difference.) If you have chronic inflammation, you’ll want to be taking around 3 grams a day. Get a good brand – like Carlson’s. The cheaper ones may contain mercury or pesticide residues. Only buy fish oil supplements guaranteed to be free from contaminants. Evening Primrose Oil (GLA) or black currant seed or borage oils Take EPO on a full stomach in 2 divided doses, equally spaced during the day. Take up to 500 mg EPO 2-3 times daily or 2000 mg total daily Don’t use GLA if you take an antiseizure Rx. GLA supplements provide anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. These good fats also lower cholesterol and triglycerides, ease depression, reduce the risk of autoimmune disorders, and combat allergies. New Chapter’s Zyflamend OR InflaThera are both great supplements. They both contain anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric, holy basil, oregano, rosemary, green tea, ginger, Chinese goldenthread, and skullcap. Infla Thera is stronger than Zyflamend. One capsule contains 375 mg of turmeric with 95% curciminoids while Zyflamend has just 50 mg of turmeric with 7% curcumin (which may be perfectly fine if turmeric is a part of your daily diet). Infla Thera has twice as much of the other ingredients. However, each is worth trying since the balance of herbs differs slightly and one might work better for you than the other. Probiotics help fight inflammation and bacteria in the gut Any probiotic you take should contain at least 1-5 billion colony-forming units (CFUs). Nature’s Way Primadoophilus Optima delivers more than 35-billion CFUs. Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics 12 PLUS Nature’s Way Probifia Pearls Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls Jarrow Glutathione is an antioxidant that defends against inflammation, and your glutathione blood levels decrease about 17 percent between ages 40 and 60. Turmeric, green tea extract, and sulforaphane (an extract of broccoli), turn on the genes that make glutathione. Try: Source Naturals Broccoli Sprouts Extract. 2 tablets deliver the sulforaphane benefits of 1 pound of fresh broccoli. A daily dose (up to 60 mg of sulforaphane) boosts glutathione production for up to 24 hours.
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