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Everything posted by Negin

  1. with nothing better to do than wait for the Book-a-Week thread? :lol: :D :lol: I feel as if that's all I've been doing for the past hour or so. I LOVE that thread :D. Patiently waiting :toetap05: :toetap05: :toetap05: Will have to leave soon. Oh well ... :tongue_smilie:
  2. I just heard of these two sites: http://holisticboard.org/ http://www.naturopathic.org/
  3. I don't tip if it's the owner. Not expected to here and this culture is quite big on tipping.
  4. There are no guarantees. I've observed all sorts of dynamics and personalities. I've seen siblings that are 6 or so years apart, grow up extremely close with barely any bickering, only to not be on talking terms as adults. And I've seen the opposite, lots of bickering and fighting as children, and very close as adults. Again, no guarantees.
  5. Melissa, the same exact thing happened to me. I was an every-other-day tweezer for years and years. The only thing that worked for me is electrolysis. Love it, love it, love it. Gone forever. Takes time. You need to be patient. But then, it's gone! If you need more details, I'll share here.
  6. :lol: :lol: Some of you ladies are really making me laugh. :D
  7. Sorry. My mistake. Not about the President. But she did mention the President. Thank you, Mrs. Mungo for the transcript :). Just using the the "n" word is terrible in and of itself. Really and truly turned me off. I heard her tone of voice also. Did not help matters. :glare: Many years ago, I used to listen to her for at least 3 hours a day. As is always the case, I didn't agree with her all the time. I read almost all of her books and subscribed to her magazine. Dh and I met her and we have a photo of us together. This was before she got all political. I watched her very short-lived TV show. We even have her board game which we've never played. :tongue_smilie: Once she got political, I started to get turned off. But then the politics went over the top and her messages became more hateful and negative. Really turned me off. I don't think I could listen to her again. Yes, she can be horribly rude and insensitive. She just got worse and worse. Went over her head. She converted to Judaism and said the most horrible things about Jewish women. You just don't do that, IMHO. If I have a negative experience, I can't imagine going on air and saying such mean things. One interesting thing I found was that her staff seldom seemed to stay with her for very long. Very low retention rate. Made me wonder. :confused: Cyndi, you and my sister would get along very well. :D She pointed this out to me years ago. :iagree:
  8. A fabulous follow-up to this is Mindset. Not necessarily to read right after, but sometime after. Dh and I actually prefer Mindset. Gladwell is a far better writer and much more engaging, but Mindset is, to us, more practical and more hopeful. My questions were very similar to yours after reading Outliers. Mindset is the type of book that I hope to re-read every year or so. I wish she would write a children's or young adult version/s.
  9. She used the "n" word repeatedly. About the President.
  10. Thank you all for your replies. Some of your comments/finds were funny :lol:. Some are obviously of concern. :001_huh: With FB's new timeline setting, how can I check and/or change my privacy settings? I can't seem to find it. I used to be able to find it easily. :confused:
  11. My dh loves it. I haven't seen it yet. The funny thing was that when we were in Israel over the summer, every single evening they would show it on TV. But every time we turned on the TV, it was on the exact same scene. For our entire 10-day stay pretty much. I need to see it. I'm sure I'll have to see it a few times.
  12. Sorry about the typo in the subject heading. :glare: I hate it when that happens. Wish I could fix the typo.
  13. I really dislike how if I google my name, all these pictures of me come up - obviously under Google Images. All Facebook pictures - even though my Privacy Settings are for friends only. Why does Google do this? Is there anything one can do, other than foregoing FB altogether? Am I just being silly and paranoid?
  14. Mergath, no, even on most medical issues, I so often agree with you. It's just the hcg and that's perfectly okay. I would never take it personally from you. I enjoy your posts so much and think that you're very sweet. No two people are meant to agree on every single thing anyway. :grouphug: As well as keeping so many books banned from libraries, etc. Exactly. So true. This has been the case for every town, city, and country that I have ever lived in.
  15. :iagree: and let's just say (before I open my mouth too much and get into trouble ;)) that I almost always agree with you on such threads. Not hcg :lol: :grouphug: :), but on other issues, Mergath, you're very wise and I really do appreciate your posts. I mean this in the very best of ways. :grouphug:
  16. I used to like collage, but have since found totalfitness - their shipping rates and Weekly Specials are much better. You can also use the coupon code "10off" for an extra 10% off. Just thought I'd throw that out there for anyone who's interested :). Great service also.
  17. I love articles by this doctor and here's a recent one.
  18. Neither did I know she was sick. She was active and looked gorgeous till the very end, or at least until a few months ago. She was my friend on FB and I only just heard this morning. Sad. Her memorial service is today. She grew up right by where dh and I got married.
  19. We LOVE many of these. We particularly love Vicar of Dibley, French & Saunders, and Ab Fab. To me, there really is nothing like British TV. Has anyone seen these clips? The first one is hilarious. Patsy cracks me up, What talent! :D
  20. For those who love Charla Krupp's books, as do I (and many of us here) - my favorite fashion and style books - I'm so very, very sad to just hear this :(. I've followed Charla for years, since college when she used to write for Glamour magazine. Many will miss her, most especially her family.
  21. Some books that look good: http://www.amazon.com/What-Your-Doctor-About-Diabetes/dp/B0043GXYHI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1327485265&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Diabetes-Without-Drugs-Naturally-Complications/dp/1605296759/ref=pd_sim_b_1 http://www.amazon.com/30-Day-Diabetes-Miracle-Overcoming-Rebuilding/dp/0399534768/ref=pd_sim_b_3 I always like to look at Table of Contents, Sample Pages, and Reviews.
  22. Triglycerides One-third of American adults have triglycerides that are too high or borderline. If you have a roll of fat above your waistline, you probably have high triglycerides. Get a blood test to see. Fast for at least 12 hours prior to blood testing for triglycerides. And be aware that taking vitamin C and certain medications—even before that 12-hour fast—can throw off your triglyceride level, resulting in an inaccurate reading. Lower than 150 is desirable, and under 100 is ideal. Even more important is the triglyceride/HDL (â€goodâ€) cholesterol ratio, which should be below 2 (triglycerides divided by your HDL number). Triglycerides are the most common fat in the body. They can be an independent and compounding cause of heart disease. Even if your cholesterol numbers are normal, you may still be in danger of developing cardiovascular disease if your triglycerides are high. What’s more statin drugs aren’t very effective at lowering them. High triglyceride levels are commonly linked to metabolic syndrome (or prediabetes) and Type 2 diabetes, not to mention inflammation of the pancreas. High levels of these fats may also signal liver problems, in which fatty acids are poorly broken down and utilized, or even thyroid dysfunction. Triglycerides are relatively easy to control. Triglycerides and HDL cholesterol are the “lifestyle lipids†because they are so responsive to everyday health habits. One cardiologist said how he’s seen patients’ triglyceride levels fall from 400 to less than 100 and their HDL levels rise significantly, simply by eating fewer starchy and sugary carbohydrates, avoiding saturated and trans fats, exercising more often and intensely, and losing weight. Don’t overindulge. If you’re prone to high triglycerides, there’s a sign that your body isn’t very efficient at clearing fat from your blood. Limit high-fat meals and don’t drink too much alcohol –which slows down metabolism. Fish Oil as well as other sources of omega-3 fatty acids – salmon and sardines – are natural and effective triglyceride fighters. Cinnamon is too. Sprinkle it on appropriate foods. Eat as few processed foods as possible Limit simple carbohydrates and sugars like fruit juice, white potatoes, candy, and white pasta – your body converts empty calories it doesn’t need into triglycerides If all else fails, a class of drugs called fibrates, as well as prescription niacin, can bring triglycerides down. Eating too many sweets, drinking too much alcohol, being overweight, and not getting enough exercise can raise triglycerides. Cut down on refined foods, fried foods, and especially sweets. Even too much fruit or juice can raise triglycerides in some people. Could it be a coincidence that triglyceride levels started going through the roof just when manufacturers began slipping high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) into our food supply? The human body doesn’t recognize HFCS, so foods sweetened with it slip right past our natural appetite-suppressing mechanisms, packing on the pounds.
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