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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Michele, here's all the info I have on sleep apnea. Hope it helps. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Sleep apnea exists in 2 forms: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) – the most common type Central Sleep Apnea – a more rare version caused by nervous-system problems OSA Upper airway becomes obstructed – usually because the throat muscles that keep the airway stiff relax too much, collapse, and block breathing. An apnea or cessation of breath, typically lasts about 20 seconds, and occurs 20 to 30 times an hour. Because you wake up so briefly, you typically don’t remember it. For that reason, many people go undiagnosed. Symptoms include: • Excessive Daytime Sleepiness • Morning Headaches • Irritability • Difficulty Concentrating • Memory Problems • Frequent Nocturnal Urination • Lowered Libido • Loud and Chronic Snoring • Pauses in breathing (typically lasting 10-20 seconds) while sleeping • Gasps, snorts, or choking sounds while sleeping (usually following the pauses) Causes: • Extra Pounds • Nasal Obstruction – allergies, congestion, deviated septum, small sinuses • Tongue-Nerve Problems – only medical tests can measure nerve function • Excess Mouth and Throat Tissue – doctor’s opinion needed • Small Jaw – doctor can determine this Undiagnosed sleep apnea increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, and more. What to Do: Lose Weight Avoid Alcohol Quit Smoking Clear Sinuses – saline spray or neti pot Identify allergens – dairy, wheat, mucus-producing foods like bananas Try an elimination diet – google it Quell Inflammation – Diets high in fat, sugar, or processed foods, and a sedentary lifestyle can cause chronic inflammation. This has been linked to sleep apnea. Shun saturated fats, trans fats, refined grains, excess sugar, char-grilled foods, cigarette smoke, and chronic stress. Strengthen Throat Muscles – Keep your tongue on the floor of your mouth, with your lips closed for about 10 minutes, twice a day. Most patients’ sleep apnea disappears within 1 month of doing this exercise. http://www.silentnighttreatment.com Acupuncture – helps greatly Sleep on your side – Elevating your head with extra pillows may also help Exercise More Say a vowel rapidly for 3 minutes daily – this soft-palate exercise can reduce sleep apnea severity by 39 percent. BOOK Sleep Interrupted by Dr. Steven Park
  2. This. My greys are frizzy. I don't like that. I have a Keratin Treatment done for my frizzies every few months. It doesn't straighten my hair as I wish it would, but it's not as harsh as Brazilian Blowouts, etc. I don't think I'll ever color my hair. I sort of wear it proudly. I actually giggle inwardly when some start staring rudely. :lol: I have a friend who's always staring at my greys for a very long time. I find it funny. :D
  3. Denise, I can relate to much of what you're going through. Nothing more to add. So much fabulous advice and support here. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. A lot, lot, lot. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. Sorry. Not sure if you were asking me or not. Yes. I think that heaven and hell are states of being, not a physical place. No. Even the least spiritual will have some degree of a spiritual life after death. Fundamentally, yes. Yes, I have often found this interesting also. Mind you, this coming from me :). I love Judaism and have had many Jewish friends. Love Israel also. In a nutshell, the Baha'i Faith teaches the oneness of mankind. It supports unity between nations, cultures, races, etc. while also maintaining their uniqueness and individuality. Basically, it preaches universal brotherhood and peace. We also believe in the oneness of God and the oneness of Religion - that there's one God (often called by different names) and since there's only God, all religions are, in essence, one. They appear at different times. Here's more info if anyone's interested. For those who like The Office or Rainn Wilson, here's a short piece by him. :)
  5. I believe that the soul will go on after our death and that we will be called to give account for our deeds in this world. In the end, all of us will bank on God's mercy :). Nonetheless, the soul will continue its journey to draw ever nearer to God.
  6. Haven't worked out consistently in the longest while. Happy to start back again. :) A little bit of Raquel Welch Yoga from her book and Classical Stretch DVD - 30 minutes of lovely stretching
  7. I once tried raw and lasted for about 4 hours ... :lol:
  8. Stupid question, and I should know, but what exactly is "kerfuffling"?
  9. Yes. I have found that for most that I know the top few ones are the most accurate. :) I find all this stuff fascinating and love it. The ones that are lower down on the scale, say less than 50% or whatever, they're usually not the compatible ones at all. For example, Roman Catholic and Conservative Christian/Protestant, etc. - were all rather low on the scale for me.
  10. :lol: This quiz has been around for quite a few years. I remember taking it at least 4 years ago or so. The questions asked are quite deep - some of them, anyway. I personally thought that the test was very accurate. It came out very accurate for most that I know. It's fun to do and takes a few minutes. Now, off to find one that chooses the best lipstick shade. :lol: This. Mine was about that also, maybe even lower. I very often feel the same way, that I don't fit in too well around here.
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Do you drink milk? Milk is the number one acne culprit for many. Sorry you're going through this.
  12. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: These were our favorites. We LOVED Paris. :D You're going at a perfect time. I envy you. The Orsay is delightful.
  13. I'm a Baha'i. Feel free to PM me with any questions, if you want to ask, or ask any questions here. No pressure. :)
  14. I know a homeschooling mom who had great success with it for this specific purpose. :) I'm a big believer in acupuncture for pretty much anything, even though I myself have never had it. Dh has and so have many others that I know of.
  15. When I see a request for prayers, I always do so. When I see it, of course. I don't always post.
  16. Ticklish, rude, and inappropriate. Are you a moderator by any chance? If you are, I'll gladly let it go. If not, it would behoove you to use the magic word when making such a request.
  17. Finally got mine and I hope that everyone else did.
  18. I wonder when I'll receive mine. I ordered it yesterday. It should have been in my inbox by now. :confused:
  19. Oh, it is worth it! :D It's only when the $$$'s not there to begin with. :lol: This has been on my wish list for quite a while. I haven't yet ordered it, since I don't seem to do particularly well with non-fiction unless if it's written in a very engaging way. Would you say this was engaging? I just cannot handle reading non-fiction that gets dull and dry. Thank you. :)
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