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Everything posted by Negin

  1. New thread. Please share your workouts. Everyone welcome. :)
  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm going to try as many of these recipes as I can. :) Here's the very easy Lemonade Cake I've been making for years. Family loves it. LEMONADE CAKE Bake a lemon cake as per box directions in 9X13 pan. While it is baking, thaw a 6 oz can of frozen lemonade concentrate (If you can't find a 6 oz, use part of a large can). Mix thawed lemonade concentrate with 1 cup powdered sugar. Poke holes in top of cake while warm with a wooden spoon. Pour lemonade concentrate/powdered sugar mix over warm cake and let it cool completely (I chilled mine in the fridge). Frost with Cool Whip and garnish with slices of fresh lemon. This is best when kept chilled. Very refreshing! Pretty tart but very tasty!
  3. Thank you all. :) I did. I got a reply back fairly quickly. They said the chemicals are nothing to be concerned about. Hopefully, they are correct. :001_huh: This is my dilemma. I love the BHA Gel, even the lotion. Anything BHA. I think I'll end up sticking with it, unless and until I find something equally good or better. I don't normally have a sensitive nose at all. It's most definitely my hormones, although my dc and dh do say that it smells quite strong. It's possible that mine just may be a bad batch. I haven't even heard of the BHA 9. I wasn't too impressed with the Resist Line.
  4. Stretching. I hope I can go swimming tomorrow. Very light swimming, mind you. Still in pain.
  5. No. I think she means to use them separately. Wash with the shampoo & conditioner. Then use the Moroccan Oil. At least that's what I do anyway. Moroccan Oil can be used on wet or dry hair. Mind you, I'm quite a newbie with these products. A very satisfied newbie so far. :) I do want to add that I wash my hair less often than I used to. That also seems to help. I don't use any other styling product or gel. Just the oil. This is the one I use. You can get a smaller size. In the thread that I linked, she gave links to the ones she suggested. HTH. :)
  6. Stretching My plan is to hopefully try on Sunday. Still have some pain. :D
  7. they are smelling far more toxic than ever before :confused:. I love what they do to my skin. I don't use it every night. Maybe a few times a week. Sometimes even less. I'm concerned about all the parabens and nasty chemicals. Is there anything that would be great for exfoliating, preferably something similar, but without all the nasty chemicals and without having my bedroom smell like a toxic laboratory? I'm considering the AHA Line - but I know that that's not natural either. I don't know why Paula's Choice seems to be smelling so much stronger than before. :glare: Thank you.
  8. Jenny, I posted a similar question here and got lots of very helpful suggestions. Coffeefreak's suggestions have been the best for me so far - Pureology Shampoo & Moroccan Oil. I've tried so many things over the years :banghead:. Here's what she wrote on the thread: Combine it with Pureology Shampoo and you've got a winner! DON'T use ANYTHING with sulfates. No Suave, no Walmart shampoo, not even Biologe. Pureology is expensive compared to the grocery store shampoos and conditioners, but, it works whereas the others don't. It will also last longer because it's super thick, you don't have to use as much. I buy new shampoo/conditioner every 4-5 months. If I use the grocery store brands, it's more often. Everyone is always asking me what I use on my hair, where I get it cut, but when I tell them, they're appalled by how much I pay. I have tried EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) and Pureology with Moroccan Oil is the only thing that works for my hair. When I can't spend as much (DH absolutely will not let our girls use Pureology until they get a job), I use Biologe by Matrix, but it will very quickly dry out your hair after the first couple of uses because of the sulfates. That's the trick, you have to buy shampoo without sulfates. I would recommend you try the Pureology in the purple bottle (Hydrate). I like the purple shampoo and the green conditioner. Some people like the green REPAIR shampoo, but I don't. It weighs down my hair too much. You might want to buy the travel sizes and experiment with what you'd like. My youngest liked the Super smooth, but I didn't. It didn't get rid of that course texture you're talking about.
  9. Oh my. I love anything custardy. :D Have to try it out. :)
  10. Karin, added this to my wish list. Love Lisbeth. :D I love and really, really, really miss Dunkin Donuts. Had lots of it when we visited the U.S. over the summer. :)
  11. Here are the ones I make. Breakfast is my favorite meal. :) Thanks for the reminder to make this again. Haven't made Baked Oatmeal in a while. BAKED OATMEAL Serves 4 1 ½ cups quick-cooking oats ½ cup packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 egg, lightly beaten ½ cup milk ¼ cup melted butter ½ cup chopped and peeled tart apple Slightly less than 1/3 cup chopped fresh or frozen peaches Slightly less than 1/3 cup fresh or frozen blueberries Additional milk (optional) In a large bowl, combine the oats, brown sugar, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Combine the eggs, milk and butter; add to the dry ingredients. Stir in the apple, peaches and blueberries. Pour into an 8-in. square baking dish coated with cooking spray. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 35-40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. Cut into squares. Serve with milk if desired. Yield: 9 servings. BAKED APPLE OATMEAL 6 servings 3 cups rolled oats (quick or old-fashioned) 2 cups chopped apples 2 cups milk 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup melted butter 1/3 cup applesauce 1 large egg - beaten 1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3/4 teaspoon salt Prepare a 2-quart baking dish with a light coating of cooking spray. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a large bowl, combine the oats, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. In a seperate bowl, mix together milk, egg, applesauce, butter, and brown sugar. Stir the liquid ingredients into the dry and pour into prepared dish. Bake for 20 minutes. Stir the oatmeal, fold in the chopped apple and bake 20 more minutes until top is lightly browned. Spoon into serving bowls and serve with milk and a little extra brown sugar. You can replace the apples with equal an equal amount of blueberries or other fruit.
  12. Thank you. Might be worth a try. :) I wish that it would work for my dc. They take Carlson's Fish Oil daily. No improvement in their skin.
  13. Praying for her and her family. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  14. Nothing so far. Will stretch as much as I can. Leg better, but still in quite a bit of pain. Cynthia, thank you. :grouphug: You are nice. Trust me. :D We all have a slightly naughty side that's not so nice. The side our nearest and dearest often so kindly remind us about. ;) :lol:
  15. Stretching - that's all I can do for now. Thanks so much, Cynthia. :grouphug: Recently, I've been very strict. But generally, I recognize the need for flexibility. Sometimes it's just hard with all the responsibilities and things that we need to take care of. At those times, I just try to do what I can and not stress too much about it. You and I are so similar it seems. :D :grouphug:
  16. Try as we might, we've had terrible luck with zinc. My dc have had nausea and vomiting. It seems to make no difference what type they take and whether they take it on a full stomach or not. Are there any types of zinc that won't cause such a horrible reaction? :confused: Yes, this would be a definite concern for me also. :tongue_smilie: Thanks for this reminder. I've heard that zinc increases libido. Not something that's essential for young teens. :lol:
  17. Sulfur anything seems to really help my ds. Zinc - my dc have had a terrible time with it - nausea and vomiting - even when taking it on a full stomach. Are there any types of zinc that would not cause such a horrible reaction?
  18. Karin, I like most of Ken Follett's books. I assume that this is the sequel to Fall of Giants. I'll read it when it arrives to this part of the world. :) Thanks, Stacia. I hope so also. Getting a bit tired of this book funk. :lol:
  19. Thank you. :grouphug: Lots of stretching, ice packs, Tiger Balm, Advil - my hamstring is not doing well at all. :glare: I really hope that I don't need to go to the doctor. I hope it heals by itself over time.
  20. :lol: Yes, we seem to have the same problem. The tips and suggestions that I listed are in an ideal world. Dd is super-compliant and orderly. Ds, however ... whole 'nuther story :eek:. This. This is what our esthetician recommended also.
  21. Just started The Thirteenth Tale. I hope I like it and can stick with it. I have a really hard time focusing and enjoying books lately. :confused: Some of you have given me great recommendations :grouphug:. Thank you. I've added them to my never-ending wish list. I have several books on my bedside table and lots and lots on my Kindle. So I won't buy any new ones for a while. Once I give most of them a try and hopefully get through them ;), I'll start buying more once again.
  22. This is usually the case. Sharing this. I've posted this before. If you've read it before, sorry to bore you. If not, I think it's interesting. Catherine Deneuve has been credited with proclaiming that after a certain age, a woman needs to choose between her face and her behind — meaning that a lean body can result in a face that appears gaunt and haggard. Indeed, for women over 40, this is true. Once you hit 40, you have to choose: your face or your figure. You can't have both. I have a very plump face and it's the first place to gain weight and pretty much the last place to lose. Now that I'm older, I’m slowly learning to appreciate the fact that my face is plump and round. I remember FIRST magazine had an article a while back comparing photos of famous people with the same exact age – one being very thin and the other of a more normal weight. The latter looked younger in every example. For example, Christie Brinkley and Cyndi McCain - Christie Brinkley looked MUCH younger. Cyndi McCain looked old. They also had Madonna and someone else and Madonna looked really old. She herself said that she made a conscious choice many years ago to choose figure over face. She knew about this. Well, it certainly showed. A top dermatologist, Dr. Gerstner tells all her patients that the most important things they can do for their skin are: • Wear sunscreen • Avoid smoking • Maintain a healthy body weight and avoid yo-yo dieting She says, “A full, round face is youthful. Go back to your high school yearbook and look how full your cheeks were. A thin, gaunt face will make you look old.†Some dermatologists studied and photographed 186 sets of identical twins. They found: • Under the age of 30 to 40, being overweight makes one look older. For these women, extra pounds can obscure youthful features like a smooth jawline and cause facial skin to sag. • After the age of 30 to 40, being too thin and skinny is definitely aging. From here on out, a little additional weight is okay and may help you look younger. Additional weight fills in and softens wrinkles, making a heavier twin look younger than her sister. There's lots more when it comes to the aging stuff, but for the purposes of this thread, I've only shared the weight/skin thing.
  23. Did aerobics. Unfortunately, I injured my hamstring in a really horrible way. :glare: This is what I hate about high-impact stuff. Love the benefits and so on, however. Guess it's back to swimming and lighter stuff for a while.
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