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Everything posted by Negin

  1. The 1st time I read it, I loved it. The 2nd time, I didn't like it as much and felt more and more incompetent as a parent. I now regret ever reading this book and would like to burn it. :lol: For those who feel similarly and who are not offended by some foul language here and there, this blog by my dear friend (who homeschooled both her kids) may be of interest.
  2. I know. Really. Let's just hope. I know some who got divorced after that. Sad.
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: This is very interesting. Wow.
  4. Thank you, Annabel. I should have remembered this one. I use Paula's Choice all the time. :) Jean, thank you for letting me know. :)
  5. Callanetics: 10 Hour Challenge I have this one and like it a lot. Not my first exercise DVD (mine happened to be Leslie Sansone), but this one was my first Denise DVD. :) Yes, that most definitely is a workout. Hope you're feeling less sore by now. Cynthia, nope, not boring at all. :grouphug: Nice that you're able to do your 10-pound weights again. :D Stephanie, you amaze me and I totally envy you :D. Even at my very fittest in my mid- and late-20s, I never seemed to be able to run more than 4 miles. Something I read: Don't take anything personally. Taking things personally makes you easy prey for those predators who try to send you emotional poison. They can hook you easily with one little opinion, and feed you with all their emotional garbage. When you take it personally, you eat it up, and now it becomes your garbage. But if you don't take it personally, you are immune to their poison; you will not eat it.
  6. Am about to do Self: Sleek & Slim Fast - one of Ellen Barrett's oldies. Really love Ellen Barrett. :)
  7. Dd (14) is looking to start wearing very basic make up. She: * feels overwhelmed by the choices out there * prefers a natural look. * suffers from mild acne. Basically, she doesn't know where to start and I'm not the best to give her advice these days since I've only just begun wearing very light and basic make up again after not wearing it for 15 years. She's asking me questions like: do I need a primer, BB cream, concealer, foundation, etc. And in what order? She doesn't know what type of foundation - mousse/spray, etc. I thought that a book would be nice for her. Like me, she's the type that learns a lot from that sort of thing. I'm looking at Bobbi Brown's books and don't know which one. The Teenage Beauty book seems a bit outdated and she doesn't really want anything outdated. The Bobbi Brown Make Up Manual seems more updated. Any other recommendations? Doesn't have to be Bobbi Brown. I encouraged her to look into some You Tube tutorials, but I think she'd prefer a book also. If you have any You Tube recommendations, do please share that also. Any other tips? Thank you so much. :)
  8. :lol: Yes, I'm sure that would be a plus. :D Rosie, you always make me smile. :grouphug:
  9. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I can relate. Except in my case, I do have to be honest, I often overeat. But even when I don't eat much, weight will always be an issue for me. I'm trying to change my mindset - to be content, to exercise for health reasons, and to just focus on overall health and energy. I seldom weigh myself anymore. The scale sucks. :glare: Congrats on your weight loss. I have to say that this made me smile - being one hot 70 year old. :lol: It's good to have a sense of humor about it. This is very true. :)
  10. Aerobics Great job. That's a nice feeling :grouphug:. I feel better these days also. You're doing so well. :D Good for you for starting again. Hope everyone feels better now. That's fabulous! :D
  11. Am about to go for a swim. I want to be like her someday. :)
  12. Both our dc are bilingual. They only spoke Farsi until they were about 3 or so. They picked up English naturally from their environment. Dh and I, as well as grandparents only spoke to them in Farsi. I never had to teach them English, nor was I concerned about that. Now, sadly, their Farsi is no longer as good as it was when they were younger. But they still understand it thoroughly and speak it when in a Farsi environment. Yes, just like your son, our children went through that phase where they had a tough time understanding English. That stage soon passes. You're doing a fabulous job by teaching him Filipino. First of all, being bilingual before the age of 12 is ideal. I've read that time and time again. Once 12 hits, accents and pronunciation become a challenge. Second, when he wants to learn a 3rd language - Spanish, French, whatever - he will have a much easier time than children who are not bilingual. By the way, I learned English the same way as my own dc and your ds - at the age of 4. I just picked it up from my environment in a matter of months. He will also. I would not stop homeschooling for this reason. No way. You're doing a great job. He's in a wonderful environment with his grandparents. Make the most of it. Your son is blessed. :)
  13. Everyone has given great suggestions and tips. Here's the info I have. Much of it has already been said. SYMPTOMS OF PANIC ATTACK: • Rapid heart rate • Shortness of breath • Sweating • Trembling • Tightness in throat • Dizziness • Nausea Panic attacks can feel scary – like you’re having a heart attack – but they won’t kill you. In fact, most panic attacks pass within 5-10 minutes and rarely last longer than 20-30 minutes. If you experience them frequently – several times a month or regularly over longer periods – then you have what’s called a “panic disorderâ€. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) teaches you to switch to healthier thought patterns. One of the best ways to control a panic attack: Control your breathing. When you feel yourself beginning to panic, focus on making each breath slow and deep. Put your hand on your belly, and as you inhale, focus on your belly rising; as you exhale, feel it relax and fall. Regular exercise can decrease the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise – running, speed walking – have shown great success. 40 to 60 minutes a day of yoga, martial arts or tai chi can really help. Certain foods tend to provoke panic, while others can palliate or prevent it. Avoid or at least limit: Caffeine MSG Aspartame Diets high in sugars and simple carbs – white bread, pasta Eat More Of: Complex carbs – brown rice, lentils, fresh vegetables Protein GABA Green Tea B Vitamins Valerian Anchor your mind – by counting each breath slowly from one to 10, and then back down from 10 to one. Do this until the attack passes. Remember that the attack probably won’t last more than 10 minutes, and even though it feels terrible, you will be OK. Say to yourself: “I can make it through this†and try not to let yourself get caught up in negative thought patterns. The Bach Flower Remedies represent a form of psychotherapy in a bottle, a noninvasive modality to address negative emotional states like: • Anxiety • Depression • Impatience Bach Rescue Remedy is, in fact, used in many emergency rooms to help alleviate trauma. A Welsh homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach recognized in the 1920s that, if herbs have healing powers, so must flowers. Over many years, he experimented with numerous flowers and trees to create a total of 38 plant-based Bach Flower Remedies. Read this: Another essential part of detoxifying your emotions is learning how to remain calm and let a greater force take over. By breathing slowly and deeply, you are able to let go, release tension throughout your body, and even lower your heart rate. While deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can all help you let go of whatever negative feelings and stress you hold within you, I find the following words so helpful that I read them every day: • To let go doesn’t mean to stop caring; it means I can’t do it for someone else. • To let go is not to cut myself off; it’s realization that I can’t control another. • To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being. • To let go is not to deny but to accept. • To let go is to fear less and love more. Cream of Tartar is a source of natural potassium and highly alkalizing. 1/2 teaspoon can be used in emergencies to neutralize any acid reactions such as allergic responses, panting, shortness of breath, and anxiety attacks.
  14. Robin, thanks for this thread, as always. :grouphug: :) :grouphug: Finished Unbroken. Liked it a lot at first, but then just got bored by all the details. Maybe it was the timing and I'm simply not in the mood. :confused: - 2 Stars Just started Mary: Mrs. A. Lincoln. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
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