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Everything posted by Negin

  1. My dilemma with sleep is this: first of all, I seldom sleep well, other than on vacation, and even that leaves much to be desired. I have a love/hate relationship with it. As an introvert, I need, really, really need lots and lots of time to myself in order to maintain sanity. As a homeschooler, I seldom get enough time to myself and start to lose my mind. So I often sacrifice sleep in order to get time to myself - uninterrupted, blissful time. Otherwise, I would seriously lose my mind. I prefer to exercise alone. Once others are up and about, I'm very unproductive. This is something that I have yet to overcome. It depresses me actually. The fact that I can't seem to do much when others are around. Favorite? - Glutes Most needed? - Abs and Triceps Most hated? - Push Ups Another reason I don't get enough sleep. We sleep with the A/C on, but it's still quite hot. :grouphug: I have pain also. I did something to it before about 2 months ago. I think it was from Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred. I only did it a few times. That's the second time that her DVD has caused me injuries :cursing:. I hope you feel less pain very soon.
  2. Vicar of Dibley is one of our all-time favourites! We have the entire DVD set. Unfortunately, I haven't yet been able to find any pins at all on that show. Need to look again. Thanks for the reminder :). Coincidence: last night, while making dinner, dh and I were watching an old Graham Norton show with her on it. She's so much fun. Love French & Saunders. All that British comedy is fabulous. Read this a while back. Lots of good tips. I was just telling myself the other day that I need to make a list of all her tips.
  3. Classical Stretch. I want to respond to so many of the posts here, but I'm late this morning. Hope to do so later.
  4. You are so sweet Shuriyya, thank you :grouphug:. Me too :lol:. I tried low-carb for a while. I felt awful and it's so hard to do here in this part of the world. Agreeing with your doctor. I thought the same exact same thing since I saw this thread. BMI is rubbish really. Waist measurement is far more important. Not that mine is good at all or anything. I'm a mess these days :(. I think I have to really and truly start watching my portions. The whole thing blows. It really and truly does. I have little patience for not eating this and not eating that at this point in my life. I need to find the discipline to control my portion sizes and to eat more slowly. Yes! :lol: Spanx feels horrible in the climate that we live in. :cursing: Thanks for the video. I have so many Pilates DVDs that I need to do more often. I need to remember your post "Less carbs, more Pilates". I can handle less carbs, but there's no way I could handle very low-carb or no carb at all. I love this thread and am learning a lot. :)
  5. My favourite is Thin Blue Line :D. Mr. Bean is okay - a bit annoying for me at at times, but some funny stuff. I love Rowan Atkinson.
  6. Pam, now I feel motivated to read Portals to Freedom. I've been meaning to for years. My parents have it. Going to also look into the Judah Haley book you mentioned :). As far as a reasonable overview, one of the books (really a short book, I think) that I'm sending you should cover all that, or at least some of it.
  7. Thank you all for your kind wishes. I feel better today. Did 5-Day Fit: Hip Openers.
  8. Pam, Pinterest is such fun. I was very skeptical at first and was reluctant to start on it, but now I find it very relaxing. Book recommendations - there is one that I would love to mail to you. If you wish, you can message me your address. Other suggestions if you're interested. I haven't read most of these. I just happen to think that they may be more interesting to you than Abdu'l-Baha in Their Midst. This one is historical - one of the members of the Hearst family was among the first Baha'is in America. This is about her and others who went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, as well as more info, I'm sure. Now I'm really interested in reading this one - about heroines in various faiths - Sarah (wife of Abraham, etc.) I've read many excerpts of this - historical again, but also memoir. HTH. Let me know what you think and feel free to message me with your address if you wish. :)
  9. Woke up late after having a horrible headache for most of the night. Hope to have time to rebound or do a Classical Stretch later today. I want to read all the posts from yesterday until now, but I'm behind on my morning stuff and will read later.
  10. Haven't had a chance to look at most of the posts here and hope to later today. I briefly glanced at some fabulous book suggestions to add to my never-ending wish list :D. Thanks for clarifying, Pam :). Not to change your mind or dictate to you or anything, but you might find that specific book a bit boring. It wasn't for me, since most of the names and history were very familiar to me. I guess what I'm trying to say that as far as Baha'i books go, this one might not be the most ideal one to start with. Then again, you might like some of the history and some of the talks/feel of that time. You could always skip through the parts that may be boring. :)
  11. About to do 3 Miles of Leslie. Thank you, Soror. Hope you continue to sleep better also. :grouphug: This is me :lol:.
  12. Yes, this - set in Ireland and lots of fabulous food. :D Love anything by Maeve Binchy.
  13. Pam, what's KLL? I tried to look it up but didn't come up with anything. It may not be THE best book, meaning that I might be able to suggest some others (possibly better ones), but it's still good nonetheless. I liked the organization, but would have appreciated some photos.
  14. I just finished a Baha'i book - Abdu'l-Baha in Their Midst - about His travels to Europe and North America from 1911 to 1913 - 4 Stars. Most of the stories I already knew, but it was nice to re-read them. Some were completely new to me and I enjoyed those. Not sure what to read next. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  15. Love it! Love, love, love Napoleon Dynamite :D.
  16. Slept terribly and don't feel too good right now. Hope to either swim later or to do a Leslie Walk. Hope so anyway.
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