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Everything posted by Negin

  1. About to do a DVD that I haven't tried yet- Tracy Effinger - Squeeze Stronger.
  2. Loving it for now. I've decided to try a plan where I alternate one day of Leslie and one day of something else.
  3. You're welcome. It's one of my favorites, since it's just her and less repetitive chatter. But the main reason is that there are some different moves than usual - one in particular that I love that's great for the waist and inner thighs. I've only seen her do that move on some of her DVDs.
  4. 3 Miles of Leslie - I just realized that it's on You Tube - and this is currently my favorite 3 Miles of hers.
  5. Just did my very first Cathe workout - Core Max (very good workout). My core is pathetic and so weak. It's an embarrassment.
  6. My reading has been very slow lately. I'm still on The House of Spirits. Love it, but just haven't had much time to read. Looking forward to reading everyone's replies later. Crazy busy this morning.
  7. About to soon do this Ellen Barrett workout which I found on You Tube. It's old and I'm not sure how good it will be.
  8. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  9. 4 Miles of Leslie - I wasn't sure if I'd have time to workout, since today is a henna day. The next few days will be also. I'm happy I was able to do so. It helps when we don't have school and I have more time for myself. Great job on your incredible weight loss! :hurray: I workout early in the morning. My biggest obstacle is my lack of flexibility (not physical, mental). If I don't workout early in the morning, I have a very hard time fitting it in later in the day. I know I could if I wanted to, I just find a million excuses. The other reason that I like early mornings is that it's very hot all year round where we live.
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