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Everything posted by Negin

  1. About to do Exhale: Core Fusion - Body Sculpt. Thank you all for your kind words. I feel much better this morning. :)
  2. After a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad night of sleep, I've woken up late and only have time to rebound, which I'm still happy about.
  3. Forgot to answer this. I'm sure that others can explain it better. It's when you have a certain plan/program and you pretty much only do that for a set amount of time, for example, only doing Jillian Michaels for say, 30 days, or whatever. Hope you feel better very soon.
  4. About to do 3 Miles of Leslie and am looking forward to it. It's been a while. Tammy, I've never tried Ashtanga. I've heard that it's like the P90X of yoga. That's all I know. I'm very new to Kundalini. Kim described it very well. Yes :D. Very soon. Kim, thank you so much for your kind encouragement. You're always so sweet. :grouphug:
  5. No Kundalini Yoga today - just lots and lots of stretches and things that make me feel good (taking advice from here :grouphug: ). The former does make me feel wonderful. I just needed a break and am taking the time to re-evaluate my workout plan in my usual OCD manner :lol:.
  6. Redsquirrel, thank you so much :grouphug: . Your helpful advice meant a lot to me, as always. Yes, the thread on hating sun salutations on the Video Fitness forums was funny. Most of us were saying how we will never do them again or just do downward dog/whatever during that part of any DVD that has them. Yes, I don't think I'm much into rotations either. I'm fine with regular planks, not fancy ones, just regular ones. But I really hate push ups. Yes, I really do hate those fancy plank moves. :grouphug: Thank you. Tammy, thank you. I'm at the point/age (46) in my life, where even that approach doesn't always help. I should eat more veggies. I've been a bit neglectful lately. Thanks for the reminder. Power smoothies, actually, most smoothies, cause me to gain. I'm usually healthy and eat healthy, but I'm also usually overweight.
  7. I resisted for a very long time also. I've had my Kindle (just the regular, basic - no frills one) for about four years. Dd and dh are pushing me to get a Paperwhite. I may :). I will always prefer the feel, touch, and of course, smell of a regular book, but ereaders have their place and are so convenient. Yes, I now realize that the question is a very difficult one to answer. Love your list by the way. Eliana, thank you for clarifying. That is exactly what I meant. When I was asking it, I had no intention of being patronizing/offensive. I was just looking for suggestions, and yes, the type of books that we really want our loved ones to read and hopefully enjoy. Of course you can repeat from my list :D. You do remember that you and I often have such similar taste in books (that Good Reads pie chart) and in workout DVDs also. I forgot about The Book Thief. I can't believe I forgot that!
  8. Thank you both so much. Your kindness and understanding brings tears to my eyes :). Soror, I hope that you sleep better tonight.
  9. Will soon be doing Kundalini Yoga again. Not sure how long I'll do this rotation for. This is the first time I've ever done a rotation. I haven't noticed any major improvements. I'm sad and obese. I can't focus on eating less at this very stressful point in my life. I want to be healthy again. I struggle with emotional eating. Anyway, sorry to burden everyone here. Back to the yoga ... I'm enjoying it while I do it. I might stick with it for a few more weeks . One thing I do love about Kundalini is that there are no sun salutations! I cannot stand them. There was a thread on the Video Fitness forums recently about the whole topic of hating sun salutations :lol:. Sorry about your neck and your knee. That Denise Austin DVD is also one of my favorites.
  10. Sorry about the long post.
  11. Added all of these to my wish list :). I read: Everything I Need to Know I Learned from a Little Golden Book - 5 Stars - very, very short book, but so sweet. My daughter found this for me in a lovely bookstore in Victoria when we stopped there on our Alaska cruise - Stacia, the same bookstore you went to This is a lovely small coffee-table type book, full of nostalgic illustrations (from past books) and one-sentence words of advice. Between Shades of Grey - 4 Stars - I think it's a YA book. My daughter recommended it to me. Amazing and I would have given it 5 Stars, but it ended rather abruptly. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  12. Total Fitness DVDs is having a sale :).
  13. :grouphug: My anxiety and stress levels have little to do with the amount of sleep. Again, obviously, the quality helps, but sleep issues are easier said than done. You can't force a good night's sleep. Regardless, I usually feel the most tired on those rare nights when I got 7-9 hours. I'm a bit of an oddity. My fatigue and anxiety are much more related to external stress factors and trying to deal with all the things that give me stress. Put me in any depressing/stressful situation and I immediately start yawning. I'm really, really dreading the day when I'm done homeschooling both my children. I'll feel it greatly since they'll move thousands of miles away because of our location. I won't get to see them that often. That and the fact that I have absolutely no friends where we live. Lots and lots of acquaintances, but no friends. Anyway, I apologize for hijacking this thread.
  14. Me too. The older I get, the harder it seems to be. I used to be known for my resilience. Not anymore :(. This is me also. I need to focus more on trying to be healthy. If I don't exercise in the morning (and not everyone is like this), I'll find a million excuses not to do so later. I have to exercise in the morning or it won't get done at all. My rigidity does not help, but this is the way I am. When it comes to exercise, I'm not an exhibitionist and need my private time. This. I fantasize about crawling into my hole so many times a day. Yes, this is the case for me also. The smallest thing can send me into a downward spiral. Didn't used to be like this before. I'm a natural early riser and barely remember a day from the time I was a teen when I've not been up before the sun rises. I love that alone time. Without that, I get more stressed. I'm an introvert and I have a very strong need for private time. I'm sure that if I lived alone, I'd get up any time that I wanted to, but even back then, when I did, I've always been a morning riser. Again, if I don't wake up early, I wouldn't get anything done, which would stress me out further. I have to confess that I do nap. Positive thinking has not been working for me at all. Neither does lowering expectations. Nothing seems to work for very long. This is so true - frustratingly true :(. I have tried and tried to get at least 7 hours of sleep and I hardly ever am able to. That in itself stresses me out. I can take all the melatonin and sleep supplements ... nothing. I've gotten to the point where I no longer focus on the number of hours, but the actual quality. It really helps. I'd rather get 3-4 hours of quality sleep versus 7-9 of tossing and turning. Obviously, my ideal would be 7-9 of quality, but that's just not happening anytime soon. When it comes to "this too shall pass", I hope so, for all of us. In my case, I've been waiting for a few years, but in the meantime, this brings a smile to my face. Yes, me too.
  15. Will soon be doing Kundalini Yoga.
  16. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  17. About to do a Kundalini Yoga workout.
  18. Dance the Chakras (Kundalini Yoga) - I'm not a dance-type at all, but I really enjoyed this one.
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