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Posts posted by M&M

  1. I don't know, but I am in the same boat as you. I have spent this whole month wrestling out how I will make this next school year work schooling 4 and keeping a 4 yo happy. I still have nothing on paper. I think my brain is starting to ooze out of my ears!


    Thank God for TOG or I would really be looney!!

  2. This is very helpful. I was on the fence about IEW, but felt that we had not done enough writing over the years. Honestly, I didn't have faith in my ability to break down the writing process, and to guide her.

    IEW did get my children to really start writing, something they have done very reluctantly in the past. But I am really so-so about it, I could not stand to have to write that way.


    I think I am leaning toward doing writing across the curriculum this year, finishing up our logic courses, and then moving on to a rhetoric course (LTW).


    Thanks for yor input!

  3. Dd is a rising 9th grader. I purchased SWI B because I wanted to use it with my rising 6th grade struggling writer too. Over the last two weeks, dd has done all the assignments, and watched all the videos. She will have a few final revisions to do, but I expect the this coming week she will be finished. Silly me, I thought that I had been lax in the writing department and she would be doing this for a few months at least. Clearly she has picked up something along the way.


    So now what? I just spent a small fortune on school stuff and expected IEW to at least take us into the fall. Should I


    1) Purchase more IEW at the high school level? If so what? I don't want to buy more dvd's (is there more to the level C?)


    2) Do TOG or WTM style writing for the year?


    3) Start Lost Tools of Writing this year instead of next (which was what I was planning)?


    4) Other?

  4. I give each student a copy of the yellow assignment pages. During our planning meeting, I tell them which assignments, questions, etc. I expect them to do that week. I give them their books and any maps, sap etc and let them know when things are due. It is up to them to take their planners and plan their week and work out their plan.


    I started TOG when my oldest was in 6th and my second was in 3rd or 4th. My third grader took abouttow years to learn how to do this with lots of help. My 6th grader was much quicker and caught on right away.

  5. I promise I didn't copy your schedule :-), but here is my oldest's schedule (look familiar?):


    MUS: Alg and LoF

    Latin: 1st/2nd Form

    English: Finish R&S 7 (I will get through an entire text if it kills me!), Wordsmith (he finished IEW B last year), Vocab from Classical Roots,

    TOG: History and Literature (I will be selectively adding govt and philosophy in but won't give credit above and beyond)

    Science: Apologia Biol.

    Logic: Finish the Fallacy detc., Toolbox, the Art of Argument (doing this summer and all orally) Start Traditional Logic 1


    Piano, TKD, Sea Cadets, Typing



    Gee, we must have read the same book :lol::lol::lol:

  6. Well, I hate to say it but a big motivation for me doing this was money. I purchased two student books (my 6th grader will be doing this as well) and I really couldn't see spending anymore money on grammar when I had other things to purchase for my younger children. I really picked some expensive programs this year! I think I might just pull some things from my R&S grammar books for extra practice.

  7. I had a friend look over my schedule, and she thought it was a bit heavy


    Math - MUS finish pre-algebra & Algebra 1


    English - IEW (writing )

    AG (grammar)

    Vocabulary from Classical Roots


    TOG - for history (R-level), literature(begin at D level and will ease into

    R level) have not decided on GOV or Philosophy


    Science - Apologia Biology (labs at co-op)



    Latin - Latin Road


    Logic - Traditional Logic


    Dd will also take set design and do a musical with our co-op

    and will possibly start taking dance classes.


    It looks good on paper to me, we had such a chaotic year last year I do feel the need to "catch up" or at least get back on track with things. Dd is a good independant worker so I have no worries, except that I might overwhelm her with work.

  8. I suspect that is because the "shrill diatribes" from one segment of this board mean that most people do not want to be called debased, bigoted, racists etc. When these terms were used, and used repeatedly, the possibility of reasoned debate was eliminated. The comments made are not and cannot be, as some now ask, "water under the bridge" and it should be apparent to all they washed that bridge away.


    I am not defending the book nor anything in it, but would have hoped that most people could have found better ways to discuss it and avoid the grandstanding.

    Alas the opportunity for reasonable discussion on this topic was wasted early in the threads by the gratuitous use of inflammatory rhetoric.




  9. May I just throw out there the general summarization of what it seems everyone is actually agreeing on? The point is that a huge part of our deciding to be home educators to our children is because we want to be able to not only decide how and what they learn but also know everything that they are learning so as to be able to give them the attention and explanation that would otherwise not be done in a classroom of 20+ students? Yes? Okay well then should it not also be common sense that to base judgement on an entire curriculum, authors of or even so far as users of, because of one book recommendation?

    I truly think it is safe to say that no one who has participated in this thread is looking to train their children up in the ways of forementioned 'evils' so why not just shake on that and let it rest. The horse is dead. Good points have been made, wonderful recommendations have been given, opinions have been expressed.

    Peace? (or should I duck because a copy of TCoO is about to be thrown at me?) ;)

    The voice of reason! I agree, and very little of this has helped the OP.

  10. And here I thought I was the "protagonist" :D



    You have not read This Country of Ours or Van Loon, so you really can't have an informed opinion on these (yet you are insulted that I mention their deeply offensive content).




    NO I am not. I have been clear about that. You choose to discuss what you want, and not address what I have said. Leave me out of this I have had ENOUGH OF THIS!

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