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Posts posted by M&M

  1. I feel like professional educators like to use reading as if it's some magical secret thing that only they understand and they refuse to believe the rest of us can teach our kids how. It sounds like she's in that camp. Is she anti-homeschooling? I would never trust a school where preK kids were required to know CVC words or where K'ers were required to read beyond CVC words or be considered failures. Sure, some can, but that's simply not a developmentally appropriate expectation for all kids.




  2. After reading your siggy I must amend what I just said. You are not doing fine, you are doing AMAZING!! You have twin 4 yo boys and a newborn and you finished MFW K early!!! Are you kidding me? When I was pregnant I was so sick we barely got anything done! Do not beat yourself up about this, put this woman and her comments out of your mind. I bet she could not manage what you have this year!


    You go girl!!

  3. When I read your post title my first thought was "IMPOSSIBLE!!" If your son is learning, he is fine, do not let yourself fall into the comparison trap. I don't care what that woman told you, it is impossible for every child to learneverything according to a schedule. Some children learn to read at 3 or and some not until much much later. Children that learn things later tend to learn them much quicker, so at some point things begin to even out.


    I have five children, some have learned to read earlier and some later....neither is a reflection on how well I did teaching them. My 6 yo ds is going into 1st and has progressed through OPGR much faster than my dd who is 8 (she will finish this summer), but dd 8 s reading chapter books much earlier than her older brother and sister did.


    What I am trying to say is that don't let someone tell you that you are not doing a great job, I know lots of schools that are academically advanced, they often push students so hard that learning is a chore. K should be fun, learning should not be a quest to check off boxes on some "expert's" list, it should be a gradual building of skills to make lifelong learners. Charlotte Mason describes education as "lighting a fire" in a child not filling a bucket. Don't let the bucket fillers spoil the joy of taking time with your little ones and walking this journey together. They don't understand, they want to scare you into thinking that if your K'er isn't reading "on level" he will be "behind" for life.... sounds rather silly, no?


    Sounds like she was trying to drum up more students for her school. Those who only understand classroom/traditional education will not grasp that homeschooling does not fit into the box in which they put education.


    From what you are doing, I think you are fine! Keep moving forward, keep learning, read to your little ones and have lots of fun!!

  4. I used one year of Classic and one year Redesign. It was really hard to know what I was doing during D level discussions, re-design really makes it easier. They have really beefed up the literature, the poetics and frameworks are great resources. Unless you already have the books for classic, you will have to hunt down a lot of oop books. The SAP for classic are not tied to the books, so you can subsitue books a little easier, but you may have a harder time finding the answers.

  5. I have a rising 6th grader and 9th grader. We use TOG so we will some things together (history, geography, worldview, maybe church history. We will do Critical Thinking book 1 together, and I am trying to work a plan for science for my 6th grader that will follow Apologia Biology, I may put him with the younger children...still thinking on that one. We may do Spanish together. Both children are doing IEW, and AG this year, but they will do them at their own pace.

  6. ((Hugs)) I'm sorry that you have a product that you cannot use as written. Did you by any chance read the scope and sequence of Year 1? You can tell just by the unit titles that it is very Biblically baised http://www.tapestryofgrace.com/year1/#2.


    I have seen people post that they use TOG secularly but most skip Year 1. You could probably pull something together by topic Ancient Egypt, etc. but I know that isn't what you planning to do when you bought TOG. I know that feeling when you have just spent money on something you thought would be great and I just doesn't work out.


    Hope you find a workable solution.

  7. I thought a spiral binding would be 100 times easier. I wonder why they changed?



    I went to Robin Finley's (author of AG) workshop at HEAV. She said the reason they changed from spiral to 3-ring binder is the cost. The cost of spiral was increasing, so by going to a binder, they reduced their cost and the purchase price as well.


    Btw, it was really interesting to hear how she developed this course over the years out of necessity. She was an 8th grade teacher whose students were unprepared for highschool, had no grammar and couldn't write. With no budget to purchase more Warriner's grammar, she started writing what is now AG.

  8. I realize the key to me is to use TOG and make it my own, which for me means adding books that appeal to me and my kiddos and using TOG around them, without feeling like I'm not "getting the most out of it". TOG is a tool, but that doesn't mean I have to use it without altering it.



    That is exactly how Marcia Sommerville wants us all to use TOG :001_smile:.

  9. The focus is different. It spends a lot more time on Essays and none on Research Reports, Creative Writing or Literary Critiques. I wouldn't jump to SICC-C for these reasons. The scope and sequence in each is different.


    Here is what is covered in each. I'd also join the IEW Yahoo group and ask your questions there. It's an excellent resource.







    All I am getting is red x's for whatever you were showing me. Oh well,


    I have lurked on the Yahoo group, but not participated. I guess it is time to jump in. Thanks for your input. It has helped a lot.

  10. There are excellent FREE resources on the IEW Families yahoo group...I taught SWI B to my children last year and now I've been convinced to teach a co-op using B/C with two age groups...here is what I have done for the 9th graders


    SWI-C for 12 weeks (we will probably finish sooner but I am adding Freytag's literary critique in there as well as vocabulary and editing with Fix-It)...then on to Elegant Essay and Teaching the Classics, I am looking at Windows to the World as well...


    for my 6-8th graders we are doing American Literature in the second semester...and Freytag's critiques....


    On the yahoo group there are many files of helps for high school and various schedules for teaching...I plan on sticking to IEW programs for 2-3 years and focusing on essay writing and literature critiques the last half...





    Since I used level B for my rising 9th grader, would I have to continue in that level? I don't understand how the levels work, is there some sort of scope and sequence? The IEW rep I spoke to at the conference told me that level B was best since I was doing a 6th and 9th grader. I never asked about the differences in the levels and how they relate to the TWSS. The sequence of the TWSS videos and the sequence of the SWI seem to be different. I found it challenging to know what was being taught when (partly because dd was constantly working on IEW).

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