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Everything posted by ALB

  1. We started Mandarin when each dc was 3. We've used a "play tutor," who pretty much plays games, colors pictures, sings songs and tells stories in Chinese. Its a very gentle, fun introduction to the language. We live in China, so we also hear it spoken around us everyday. I personally would not attempt such a difficult language in a place where it isn't spoken regularly. It is just so different from English, and you really need a native speaker to practice it with. This year we began Prima Latina, and dd LOVES it! She wants to pray in Latin before our meals and inserts random Latin words into her sentences. I'm enjoying it, too, and find it much easier than learning Thai and Mandarin has been.
  2. IMO, an advanced reader wouldn't need to keep doing ETC.
  3. Don't be nervous! Each level reviews a lot before introducing new material. I think the major jump between K and 1 is the written work, but even that starts out slowly. Just give yourself permission to go as slowly as your dc needs (and I would definitely only do one side of the worksheet).
  4. We are using Saxon pretty much a year ahead. Once we finish one level, we just start the next. When the lessons are easy, we move through them pretty fast. When we get to rougher spots, we slow down and take however much time we need. I think Saxon K is almost ridiculously easy compared to Saxon 1. It would be nice if there was an in between level!
  5. Well, we do several things for art besides AP, but I don't try to line up the lessons or anything. We do artist studies with "World's Greatest Artists" books and the Usborne Art Treasury. My dc also do Mark Kistler online to practice drawing.
  6. My dc really love the book! It actually inspired my dd 6 to write her own similar adventure story. They are very excited when its time for science. We're doing it with the TM, the logbook and the DK Animal Encyclopedia. We like it.
  7. My dc have been using HWOT for a few years. Although they like it, my dd has pretty bad handwriting. I've heard so many good things about Abeka handwriting, but I'm a bit confused about what exactly to buy. It looks like there is a writing tablet and then a Writing With Phonics for each grade level. Do both explain letter formation, or is there one that is better to start with? I'm interested in getting cursive for both my dc (6 and almost 5). Thanks!
  8. I don't know but this frustrates me, too! Nothing ever seems to do what its supposed to in our house. I even have a few Magic Schoolbus Science Kits and the experiments have almost all failed. I think watching a video of someone successfully doing an experiment might be an option for us at some point.
  9. Wow, that's good advice! I need to remember that one. Thanks!
  10. I think it sounds just right. I understand the desire to have high expectations. I feel that way, too. I do strongly desire to give my dc at least the quality and rigor that they would have in a private school. Ofcourse different hs moms have different expectations, goals and personalities. IMO, your list sounds perfectly reasonable.
  11. I'd say an hour tops of actual sitting down at table with pencil in hand. I'm only counting math and Language Arts (which we rotate subjects for, never hitting all in the same day). I'm interested in the pp's comment that this might extend to 2 hrs. by the end of the year. That's very possible. My dd would sit and work without complaining for as long as I required (my ds is another story), but I try to be careful to not burn her out.
  12. Ha! Good point. My dd does that, too, just spitting out the answers before she looks at the problem on the cards. I should probably pick up another set of flashcards to use.
  13. Little House books Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (my ds4 LOVED this!!!) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Charlotte's Web/ Trumpet of the Swan
  14. Thank you so much for your replies! I've wondered why SWB recomends R&S grammar but SWO for spelling. I didn't know if SSS was less thorough, but it doesn't sound like that's the case. We'll be making the switch.
  15. Can I hijack to ask how you are liking BJU Reading? :001_smile:
  16. What are the main differences between these two spelling programs? We've been using SWO and are happy enough, but we're also using R&S for grammar and like that, too. R&S Spelling is such a good price. Would it be okay to switch from SWO C to Spelling by Sound and Structure 4?
  17. We are using it without the TM and its been fine. There are little bits of instruction on the top of the page when learning a new letter, and that has been enough so far. I think we got it from Rainbow, but not sure if that's the cheapest.
  18. We're getting ready to start soon. I'm just waiting on the DK Animal Encyclopedia to get here.
  19. Wizard of Oz Charlie and the Chocolate Factory These were both a huge hit with my ds4 as well as my dd 6 (but she never met a book she didn't love!)
  20. I especially liked it for the younger years- like 1 and 2 year olds. I felt like the activities became less relevant or something after that.
  21. Well, I don't usually ask questions, but I do ask for a narration after some (not all) of our readings. If she can give me a good narration summing up that chapter, then I know she is comprehending the story. After we finish a longer read aloud, we make a notebook page that I have prepared. There are spaces for the main characters and the most exciting part of the book. When we get closer to logic stage, we'll do more with the plot and character development, but for now we are just reading (with comprehension) and enjoying great books!
  22. We do a narration from our read aloud about twice a week in dd's reading notebook. While we have done some from Greek Myths, they are mostly from our longer read alouds (just finished Wizard of Oz, now are doing Tales from the Odyssey).
  23. We really love the VOS Child's Story Bible. It tells the whole story, including many details that other storybook Bibles leave out. There is extra narrative to keep it at a kid's interest level, but I think its really close to the actual text.
  24. We have usually begun by 8, but some days if I take a longer run, etc., we may start at 8:30. We are DEFINITELY early to bed and early to rise people, so this fits our natural schedule.
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