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Wheres Toto

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Everything posted by Wheres Toto

  1. Okay, this thread prompted a conversation with dh and I just ordered ds's ipod. I'm being lazy this morning. I don't have class until 11:30 but it's one of my long days that go until 2:30pm, didn't meet with dd since she asked to meet tomorrow, so I'm taking it slow and easy this morning. My joints have been achy for the past week or so and I haven't been sleeping well. Pretty sure it's due to all the sugary food I've been eating. Baked goods in particular seem to cause achy joints. But stuff like Nips candy don't. It's so weird.
  2. I haven't really started Christmas shopping yet. I know what I"m getting for the most part, I just have to do it. We don't really have much to buy though. All the grandparents are getting picture calendars. Oldest dd is getting a lock box for her important papers, my mom also has a birthday so I think we're getting her wireless headphones. Youngest dd is also getting wireless headphones. Ds is getting an ipod. I got nothing for dh but we tend to buy house stuff and wrap it for each other. I'll run into Walmart early one morning before it gets crowded for little stocking stuffer stuff.
  3. We have an electric mattress pad and I'm definitely in hot flash territory. But usually I start off cold and got hot later. We preheat the bed, then the pad automatically turns down to the lowest setting. If I still get hot, I just reach over and turn it off, or stick a foot out because that's usually enough.
  4. We have these ones and they are great. The kids love them. Definitely get ones with a removable cover. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C1T9R11/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. Morning. Back to work today. I'm tired and it's going to be a yucky, rainy gross day. But Mondays are my pretty easy days thankfully. I had some nice apple pie with my tea this morning.
  6. It wasn't bad at all. Super easy recovery and no periods for 3 years now. I do still occasionally get crampy but I'm 51 so I'm probably almost all done with that anyway.
  7. I did for my entire 30's except when pregnant and a brief time in my 40's until I had an ablation. I was also on them for most of my 20s. I always had wacky heavy periods to the point where I was hospitalized once for severe anemia. I never had any particular problems with the pill except in my late 40's when I started getting a lot of breakthrough on the mini-pill, which is when we decided on the ablation. I didn't really want to keep taking hormonal birth control much longer at that age. There was a recent post with someone asking about it for their teenager and a lot of people gave their experiences. It might be worth looking up.
  8. Morning. Thanksgiving Part 2 today, along with working on classes and setting up school. So, the usual. But, I'm getting classes completely planned for at least the next 3 weeks so then I don't have to think about it anymore until Christmas break. (at least that's the plan, we'll see).
  9. We just recently started doing this. I originally did it for paper towels for my classroom, then realized how much easier it was for other things that we know we're going to need and that don't go bad. In particular, to avoid having to run to the store when we run out of something. Right now we have it for a bunch of paper products, pads/liners for dd, OTC allergy meds, body wash, bone broth. I am considering adding more things.
  10. Hello, We are back home and I am super looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight. Tomorrow we have Thanksgiving Part 2, dinner with my mom and oldest dd. I think we'll probably put up our tree next weekend. There's still a bunch of tools and boxes in the dining nook where our tree is going to go. The inspector is coming Friday and once he's done, dh can put all that crap somewhere else and we'll have a space for the tree. Dh is super strict on no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving (years of working retail has me completely on board with that one), and no tree/decorations until after Thanksgiving (I'm okay with that too), but he started watching those smarmy Christmas Hallmark movies back in October!
  11. I didn't get my sweet potatoes with marshmallows this year. Dh forgot to bring down marshmallows. But I should get them Sunday when we have dinner with my mom and dd. MIL's internet is pretty week. I can usually manage to get on a little bit in the morning but by afternoon there are evidently too many people on and I keep getting kicked out. Today's plan is same as yesterday, work on classes. Which I can do without internet for quite a bit of it. Dh is trying to get MIL to come up to our house for a few days at Christmas. At first I thought it wasn't such a great idea, but now I'm thinking being able to be in my own bed would be worth it. I barely slept the last two nights.
  12. Looks like we are somewhere in between walking and cozy blanket. It's wet and rainy but not particularly cold. We are at MIL's house and she keeps the heat on pretty high too. It's just us and MIL and I don't cook so I'll spend today working on class stuff. I want everything completely planned out at least through Christmas. Then I can do the rest of the year over that break. Happy Thanksgiving.
  13. Morning. I'm not responsible for anything having to do with Thanksgiving Dinner so I'm just having my normal morning. Mostly. Tea, granola bars for breakfast. I am doing some laundry since clothes will be needed. We are heading down to MIL's this afternoon. Only a couple hour drive and she's all by herself, dh is the one who goes down and helps her out every couple of weekends so she's already part of our group. Everyone seems to really like this picture from our kayaking day. I find it calming.
  14. Does anyone know where to watch Shenandoah the Musical? Not the Jimmy Stewart movie, the 1974 musical. Thanks!
  15. Does anyone know where to watch Shenandoah the Musical? Not the Jimmy Stewart movie, the 1974 musical. Thanks!
  16. Morning. Happy Monday, but it's not really a Monday. Our whole schedule is different this week, no classes and little school (except for ds who is still finishing up stuff from the past two weeks). Today I'll clean the bathroom, dd's room and the living room.
  17. I'm not coordinated enough and don't have good enough knees for wind surfing nor water skiing (or snow skiing for that matter). I do like hiking.
  18. Morning. Even though it's after 11am I'm just sitting down to my tea now. Met dd for yoga this morning, then ran to BJs with dh. It was crazy busy and I definitely will not be going again any time soon. In fact, I may do online curbside pickup if I need anything more. Today I think I'll clean the bathroom and dd's room. Tomorrow I'll work at the classroom doing some cleaning/rearranging and maybe the storage unit. Tuesday more cleaning at home or finishing up classroom or storage and laundry. Wednesday we leave for MIL's house. While at her house for the weekend, I'll work on classes. That's the plan, we'll see what I actually get done.
  19. I'm back from kayaking. It was really fun but got pretty chilly by the end. The sunny morning turned into a cloudy afternoon. I'm glad I brought a pair of fingerless gloves and a headband that I could cover my ears (my ears and hands get cold easily) but I was fine in my windbreaker over a long sleeve tshirt and my swim leggings.
  20. We have 6 foot, sit-in kayaks. We bought them mainly for the kids when they were around 10 and 8 or so. We didn't want sit-on because they all seemed to have 120 pound limits (and my kids were around 80-100 pounds at that age) but we didn't want 8 or 10 foot ones that would be harder for them to control. Ours have a 200 pound limit but I can still use them at a few <<ahem>> pounds over 200, I just sit slightly lower in the water. Since they are only 6 foot, we can fit at least one of them (probably both if dh is the one fitting them in) in our Pilot with just the passenger side seats folded down. We were going to get a roof rack but it was an expensive after market addition and in a pinch we can use our Suburban which has a roof rack AND is big enough to fit both inside with just the third row out. Which is the other advantage, these are light enough and not as awkward as longer ones so I can put them up and take them down off the racks by myself (we have them racked at our lake most of the time). We only kayak in lakes and fairly slow moving rivers. We are so not equipped for ocean kayaking.
  21. Morning! Happy Saturday. I didn't sleep great because I had a Strawberry Rita in a can last night. I never sleep well when I drink, it's some weird metabolism thing that alcohol wakes me up. I still woke up feeling okay, probably because I'm off for an entire week and can relax a little bit. I'm going kayaking with friends at a local reservoir today. I have to run and put the kayak in my car after I finish my tea. It's going to be a high of around 59 today so chilly but I'll wear my swim leggings/wet suit pants and a long sleeve top and bring a change of shoes and clothes in case I need them. The place has a launch where you don't even have to get your feet wet. I'm really looking forward to it.
  22. I was on regular BC as a teen for periods so heavy I wound up hospitalized with severe anemia. That was the days before low dose. I was on low dose in my 30's mainly for heavy periods still, got pregnant with ds within weeks of going off, with dd within two months, so the low dose didn't seem to cause any problems as far as that was concerned, nor I guess my long time on the regular pill when younger. After my Level III ultrasound with my youngest, they told me I had the ovaries of a much younger woman (I was 38). Wasn't quite sure what to say to that, thank you didn't seem quite appropriate, Oldest dd is on low dose and has been for quite a while. She hasn't had any problems and the newer ones will work fine for BC, but you do have to take them the same time every day, and they do recommend a barrier method as well.
  23. I think we knew a while back that fever wasn't a really good indicator for infection. I never bothered doing temp screenings at my place because it seemed more "theater" than actual use.
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