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Pam B

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Everything posted by Pam B

  1. I just went to the Nashville Expo. There was a lady who developed unit studies that once completed, the child would earn a merit badge. It's called "Once-A-Day-Unit-Studies" HTH
  2. Just thought I'd add the searched results for PLANNERS. There's actually a lot of other threads going!
  3. Besides TWTM way, is there any other living science plans out there? Anyone have their own method? Any different ways you do WTM? Any ideas???? This is for two boys, who will be in 7th and 8th grade, ages 12 & 13 yrs. :bigear:
  4. Oh! I thought you were saying you were combining history & science. :tongue_smilie:
  5. Hmmm... So you're going to have them do their unfinished work in the evenings? As a little heads up- Be prepared!!! I tried the same thing. So, ya get tired of spending all day having school be dragged out to lengths unknow before. You place a time limit on how long they should take (at longest of course) to do each assignment. What happens? They STILL stretch it to the max and then come back later on, when you call them in to complete their work, and what? Now you have your entire evening (and day) devoted to schooling! :rant: okay, so I still get upset about it! Sorry!! :blushing: Just wanted you to have all your bases covered and guns a blazin! :D
  6. What method are you (or anyone else) using to combine subjects? Unit studies or something else? I would love to do this!
  7. I think this year I will be using The Homeschool Student/High school planner from URtheMom.com I haven't found anything so far that I am thrilled with, so hopefully this will be THE ONE! I usually revert from something preplanned to filling in a table chart (open office) for subjects and days for each kid. They like to cross it off as they go.
  8. Is this free for just one person of a family?
  9. Has read The Big What Now Book of Learning Styles: A Fresh and Demystifying Approach by Carol Barnier? I just ordered it. It has 5 star reviews but I'm curious as to what anyone of you thought about it.
  10. I usually have a list mostly made at this point. However, with a move along with other things.. haven't started yet. Not even sure what kind of curricula I'll be ordering!
  11. Is "The Core" a curriculum? I haven't heard of it before. :bigear:
  12. I really get what you all are saying. I think I laid awake half the night thinking and thinking this stuff over. I am, "interviewing" each child this year, within the mnext week or so. I usually do something similar, but closer to the middle/end of the summer. I think by asking them questions about the school year NOW will help me get a grasp on the way they like to tackle things as well as what they enjoy studying. Keeping that in mind, I am planning on digging much deeper into the way we learn and such. I get that pushing them too much can crush their willingness to do things. Does anyone have any books they would recommend for this? I'd love to feel at peace about their learning and such this coming year. Thank-you so much for all the comments thus far!!! Keep 'em coming!!! :bigear:
  13. :bigear: hmmm. I'm gonna have to really think on this. anyone else?
  14. Calling all verterans... and anyone who is willing to shed a bit of light on the subject! Now the big question: How do I foster independent/self-learning in my children? :bigear: Actually I don't know if I should be asking the above question or.... How do I foster the LOVE of LEARNING in my children? :bigear: I feel they are both very important and am **REALLY, REALLY*** in need of something DOABLE! Anyone have any tips? What do you do?
  15. I did come across the Monarch courses, but the reviews were not so great. You say your friend loves it? Maybe they fixed the bugs and all. Enrolled courses are fine, as long as the price is doable. Monarch's $80 courses and $40 electives are decent. Thank-you again!
  16. Wow! I didn't realize there is so much out there! Sorry I haven't replied. Somewhere between dropping my phone in the toilet and the cat having her kittens, I lost track of time! LOL I'll be checking these out this weekend! Thank-you all so much! Anyone else? :bigear:
  17. Thank-you so much! I am compiling a list to go through over the weekend. Anyone else?
  18. We have a very low budget for this next year. Hubby will be going to school and working less. Does anyone have any ideas about 7th and 8th grade online courses that are good, but also cheap or better yet free? Thanks!
  19. Does anyone know of any good, free or cheap high school courses online? We are on a very low budget for next year. 10th grade. Thank-you so much.
  20. Hi all! One last note about the bonfire: After much thought, it might be best to bring some finger food. However, if you have already planned on bringing something else, no worries! Also, bringing something is not a must. Please don't let this stop you from coming!! We will have tables for the food, but if you want a chair, please bring one. I have a few, but not enough. We will be providing the marshmallows, chocolate chunks (for smores), gram crackers, chips, hot dogs (regular & vegetarian), buns, condiments, hot chocolate, and juice. We'll also have plates, cups, forks, and napkins. In looking at the weather, I have decided not to open up the pool.. We are planning on having a pool party later in the season, you all are welcome to join us! Quick overview: When: THIS Friday- April 29th, 2011 from 5-9pm.. Please feel free to come a go as you wish. Come early, stay late, the time is open. What: Homeschool Bonfire Contact: PM me for details Who: Homeschool families and anyone who is thinking of possibly homeschooling. Thank-you all for the kind welcomes and we look forward to meeting you all! ~Pam Bass
  21. Last night I did some research. I found that the snake they found and pinned, WAS venomous! :scared: It had fangs and was striking at them. I told them and asked them how that made them feel. Youngest said it didn't make him feel that good. However, oldest said kinda good! :blink: I explained that we are 30 minutes (at best) from the ER and that's AFTER I get him into the truck! He would pretty much DIE before we got him any kind of help. We do live next to a sherrif but, don't bank on him being home! >>>>He's asking me right now what I want them to do if they see it again- kill it? :angry: WHAT?????? LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!! GO THE OTHER WAY!!!!!! <<<< What? Do I have to BAN them from the woods now? We just bought this place- 11 acres for them to run free and play! COME ON! (Deep breath) Okay, so in reply to the posts, I will be doing the unit study from homeschoolshare. I *really* appreciate everyone's help!
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