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Everything posted by HSM-Crissy

  1. â˜ï¸ totally! We do the same thing, but Wed/Thurs we do oral spelling from memory, spelling bee style. ;)
  2. Grammar: R&S 4 Writing: so don't know yet...still debating Spelling: Spelling workout E or thinking of maybe trying R&S spelling Math: Thinking Saxon 5/4...since we have been doing saxon. History: Sotw 3 Science: Apologia chem and physics Reading tons of classics and Classical Conversations with brothers. Plus I'll squeeze in some art and music. :)
  3. I just reread what you wrote. I would simply make a list or author list of what you have and keep it on your phone or with you when you go to get or look for books. I'm weird like that, as I can remember, for the most part what books we have, but we are acquiring so many lately that I get it is hard to keep track. ;) Good luck!
  4. I posted a picture (I have it in my albums, in my profile. Not sure how to get it on here!) of what I decided to do. I put them according to reading levels. I put all the board books together, readers together & all the other general ones on the bottom two shelves. I hope you can see the picture. I also read on a blog about a mom who puts a basket by the books so she can make sure the books don't turn into a mess (ours would do this!) so I did it and I LOVE IT! The kids put all the books they read in the basket and I put them nicely on the shelf when I get a chance. This is not even half of our books, but these are the books the children can get out and read by themselves. I hope that helps!!
  5. Okay, I'm so not a Type A...I wish, and sometimes hop on the bandwagon, but I'm obsessed with books. We have acquired so many and I'm wondering what you do to organize them? I currently have 2 big bookshelves full of books. I was thinking about cataloging them, but that sounds so insanely tedious. What should I do. My DD is reading like crazy and I need to get a system. I did a search, but didn't really find anything that would answer this...I would love your input!! Thanks!!!
  6. I was doing what you were doing, my dd can read (age 5), but it's just looking at pictures and random facts. So, I will continue this, because she loves it and so does my 3yr. old. But, I just got Apologia's Botany to throw in the mix. She loves plants and growing flowers, etc. Plus, we are adding in the Nature Journal this fall. ;) Hope that helps. In addition, we are doing FLL, Spelling Workout A, Explode the Code, Saxon 2, Zaner-Bloser HW, Beautiful Feet - US History, Art (drawing, "Come Look with Me"/Music - besides just listening and singing Hymns, we haven't done much in this category, Bible -Vos Story Bible, Map Skills (cheap, grade 1 from CB.com). I want Wordly Wise 3000!! Your plan looks great!! Hope that helps!!
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I just opened mine from Costco. Now wishing I would've seen the Scotch, but this will do the job. ;)
  8. Anyone have any opinions on what I should use for Bible for 1st grade. I'm all ears!!! Thanks so much everyone!!!
  9. Going to have to read up on the "How to tame curriculum lust!!!" It seems like there are so many really good things to use!
  10. I've been sending the kids to the door to check for packages every day! We will be starting 1st grade for my DD soon, since we live where it's hot...I thought we would start school early to take more time off in the winter. However, I am not doing anything super structured, still want them outside for now and reading reading reading. Art books & Nature journal book should be here soon!
  11. We use our last name and for privacy reasons, I am leaving it out...but it's P....... Prep. Love it. My daughter's friends this last year would tell her the public schools they were going to and I told her she was going to school at P....... Prep! She took great ownership and pride. Gotta love that! :001_smile: However, can you use Prep when it's time to be all official with the state? Just thought I would ask. Thanks ladies! You all rock!
  12. I agree with you! I read somewhere or heard this somewhere, but I totally agree with it... "Hard work builds character". I recently started schooling my almost 5 y.o. and she has complained during writing/penmanship time. I have told her if she wants to whine and complain, she can just do more or do it a second time. She usually takes her own sweet hokey time and does it. At the same time, I let her help me make a couple the rules for school...one being, finish all work (her suggestion) I kindly remind her of the rule. I tell her the more time she takes whining and complaining, the more she will have to sit there. I don't think she's into needing the hard labor yet, b/c she usually gets her act together and does it. But, I have it mentally noted for the future!
  13. :iagree:I heard it's good and I'm next in line for book. We are sharing it amongst our little circle of moms!
  14. Thanks ladies! I never even thought about the legal side of it!! I'm convinced...multiple workbooks! =D Thanks for all your advice! :001_smile:
  15. I'm starting Horizons Math K....I have a brand new workbook and I have 2 more coming down the road. Should I (a) just use it for one child and each child have their own workbook or (b) photocopy it to use in the future? What do you do? Do you just by multiple workbooks for other kids that are coming down the line? Thanks!!!!
  16. Love love love the idea of making them into a book!!!! Thanks!!! :)
  17. You crack me up! I probably would be watching you considering, I get glued to that show! :lol: Suggestion: Scan the art/pages that you want to keep! I am just starting K this year and I'm not even sure how I'm going to keep things. A friend of mine is using a binder for all the child's work, but then that gets big and bulky...I'm still on the fence! I guess most of it is trial and error and what works for you, but I'm totally for the keeping less paperwork!!! :001_smile:
  18. Quick question...Did you do R&S 1 for K? I am getting ready to start K and wanted to get feelers out for 1st grade. Thanks!
  19. How did you hear about this? This looks interesting! =D
  20. sorry, meant TOG...fixed it in the org. message. Thanks for the input. I love love love it!
  21. Here's what I am thinking, but I want to see what you other amazing women are doing or have done with 1st Grade. I am thinking... R&S for the basic (reading, arithmetic, penmanship, music, art) SL for Science & History/Geography I think I will have to supplement w/ MUS or Horizons 1 However, I'm considering... Galloping the Globe for History/Geography or TOG I would love to hear your thoughts!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!
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