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Everything posted by teachermom2834

  1. I guess it is an "I feel silly" thing more than comfort. And anything I suggest he feels isn't really true to his character and he would not enjoy having to explain to everyone who he is. So I guess maybe he feels like the costume needs to mean something to him. He's a bit rigid 😂 I think he has an idea to be a 4-H clover. He is super into 4-H and we will be out in public and someone we don't know will go "hey you're the 4-H guy". It is silly but at least it is all in on being silly. Not like he is trying to be cool. And the event is sponsored by 4-H and it's an appropriate costume. He has a 4-H beanie and 4-H socks and a 4-H covid mask so I think he's going to go all in on that. He will feel very silly but at least it will feel true to who he is and makes sense for the event and his advisors will likely be pleased and it will make good promotional pics, etc. But thanks for all the suggestions!!
  2. Hmmm...his 4-H group is hosting a trunk or treat. I assume the under 10 crowd mostly. He is president of the entire state 4-H so he does feel like he needs to lead by example and wear a respectable costume even though he’d rather go as a nerd. He is totally a nerd so he doesn’t need to dress up for that 😂
  3. Our parish priest loves to tell the story of his Baptism. He was in danger at birth. His father asked the doctor, a Jew, to baptize him. The doctor followed the instructions of the father and baptized our priest shortly after birth. They remained friends for many years. So loving and respectful.
  4. Even in Catholic school we were taught that the catholic in the Apostles Creed was small c, meaning universal. So that is even the meaning it holds for me.
  5. That’s an odd question. How are you supposed to know who else is applying for the scholarships? Is there a minimum test score to apply? My ds is applying to some that have a 31 minimum ACT. So I would have some idea of the strength the other applicants. Other scholarships have no minimum to apply. Hopefully someone who has encountered this question can respond. I would probably go on what was available to us, what is customary regionally for similar students to take, and how my student’s ACT score measured up to accepted students at the school. I would feel comfortable choosing “most rigorous” for my ds even though we certainly could always make things harder. But given what is available to him, what other students in our town take, and that he has high scores I would say “most rigorous” even if it could have been harder. If I lived in a district where kids took 10-12 APs regularly I would probably not be comfortable doing that if we hadn’t. But that really isn’t the situation where I am or where most applicants to our state schools are. When in doubt I would say “most rigorous”. I don’t think checking that is going to win your dd any unmerited scholarship money. But, not checking it might get her filtered out of contention. I am honest to a fault on that kind of thing but it is an odd, subjective question so I would just mark “most rigorous”.
  6. That’s funny. And it would have been fine to react with the laughing emoji. If I didn’t laugh I don’t know how I would make it in my current town. My old lady friend really loves and respects me. I know this. So her comments don’t sting. I would have missed out on some great people in my life if I hadn’t been open to friends of all stripes.
  7. Yes. It used to be a sarcastic saying. Now with Francis it is literal.
  8. My 17 yo teen is an old curmudgeon that hasn’t dressed up for Halloween since he was about 8 yo. Just not his jam. He has a leadership role at an event and he is required to wear a kid friendly costume. He is not happy. What is an easy kid friendly costume for a teen? Something fun but not too involved?
  9. So the folks in my circle of acquaintance have decided that I, as a Catholic, am not a Christian. They have also decided that ACB, a professing Catholic, is a Christian, so she must not “really” be Catholic. OK...got it. I’ll just stay home and have friends on the internet 😂
  10. Yep. I still have a 12 yo dd at home but we are completely out of the homeschool world. I couldn’t take it anymore, honestly.
  11. I do not think you are going to enjoy this co-op!
  12. I have never heard even super hard core Catholics say non-Catholics aren’t Christian. Now, they absolutely would say the non-Catholic definitely had their facts wrong but not that they fell outside Christianity. I absolutely believe you that this happened. Just saying I have never heard it. I was a homeschool mom before I realized that Catholics aren’t Christians to some people. It never occurred to me. Generally the biggest target of scorn from the super judgy Catholics is the other Catholics that aren’t good enough for them 🙁 They don’t normally hold non-Catholic Christians to Catholic standards the way they do other Catholics.
  13. A dear old lady friend of mine who is Baptist but very loving and accepting of me said about ACB “she is Catholic but if you read about her not really.” She meant it as a compliment 😂 See, I really am not thin skinned on the issue. I have some really close evangelical friends. In fact, a good friend of mine actually started a co-op that I couldn’t join. (I could have joined if I just signed her statement, so it wasn’t personal, she would have happily let me join if I would just sign her paper). My mom was Baptist and my dad was Catholic...so I really see more common ground than most folks I guess. I actually think anyone that knows me well would be happy for me just to sign their paper and join their co-op because I am nice and hard working and share their conservative values. But they think I am the exception. One of the good Catholics like ACB. But they need to keep their rules to keep the bad ones out. Anyway- it is just really interesting to watch the commentary and I wonder how it is all reconciled.
  14. Of course they would not. But, I am a conservative Catholic and I assure you they don’t ascribe the glowing attributes to me that they do ACB! Lol. It’s funny to even think about.
  15. I have offered the Apostle’s Creed as my SOF a few times. Often that is good enough but sometimes not. When it isn’t I know it is a bad fit for me anyway.
  16. Just since I posted this question there is a new thread amongst my FB “friends”. The gist of it is that she is brilliant and faithful and that we need a Godly woman like that on the SCOTUS. I am resisting the urge to point out that she could not teach a kindergarten math class at the homeschool co-op. But it’s okay- their club, their rules. Really. It’s just the disconnect that intrigues me. Another issue is that I have witnessed those that sign the statement and know all the right things to say to pass the faith tests - sometimes they teach things or say things that don’t jive with the SOF any better than anything I would might accidentally say. A lot of Christians that pass the test have a wide variety of beliefs or don’t even know what their church actually teaches. I am past the point of wanting to participate and I’m old enough to be solid in who I am so I’m not losing sleep over any of it. Everyone has to do what they think is right for their families and I totally respect that. But, some of these groups that are begging for helpers are leaving some good talent on the bench!
  17. I do understand supporting a pro life candidate even if you disagree with other things. I would not think twice if I was seeing support for her specifically as a pro-life candidate or supportive of the 2nd amendment or such. What is getting me is the support as a Christian mom or a Godly woman or as someone who knows the Lord. Those are not terms usually used for Catholics! I’m not bitter about it just perplexed. I generally think it is a good thing and maybe lead to greater understanding. It’s just a head scratcher sometimes!
  18. I understand the issues with Catholics vs Protestants in homeschool groups. Been in that stage of life for a long time. I’m just especially intrigued by those I know that are holding ACB up as a picture of Christian motherhood but would not consider the neighborhood Catholic homeschool mom as such.
  19. I have heard of this approach and wouldn’t have a problem with it. It’s pretty liberal as far as the statements I’ve encountered.
  20. I also have been around super hard core Catholics too who would be uncomfortable with anyone but the most conservative Catholics and that is not for me either.
  21. Thanks for answering and that does make sense. And I always feel like these groups have a right to exist and make their own rules. Just doesn’t feel good to be excluded from a field trip to a farm or whatever. Honestly it always comes across that we are bad people and will hurt their children if they are around us. But I have seen things in regards to Barrett that are not about her judicial philosophy but specifically about her life as a Christian. One of these people wrote (on FB of course!) that ACB is “the hands and feet of Jesus.” Yet this same person doesn’t want me around. That’s what I have a hard time with. So, on the surface I do get it. People are entitled to form groups of their own even if it hurts my feelings.
  22. Would Amy Coney Barrett be welcome in your homeschool group? Could she teach at your co-op? Be on the board? Would you allow your kids to be friends with her kids? Allow your teenagers to date her teenagers? I am asking sincerely as a homeschooler of almost 20 years in a few different towns in the Bible Belt. As a Catholic I have experienced both welcoming and rejection from homeschool activities. I definitely have found acceptance in some groups so I’m not painting with a broad brush here. In regards to the SCOTUS, I always find it a bit jarring the support Catholic justices get from the Evangelical crowd; the same folks that won’t let me teach a co-op class or serve in a leadership position or coach a homeschool team or whatever. The sadness and grief over the loss of Scalia, the support for Kavanaugh and now especially Barrett. I am very non confrontational and not asking in an accusatory way. I’m not looking for an argument. I just have watched this play out over and over and it always puzzles me. Any thoughts? Please be kind. I’m really not looking to argue but this keeps coming up.
  23. I definitely think your dd is just the type of student that should be pursuing those opportunities!
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