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Posts posted by delaney

  1. Well..... my Facebook blew up this morning over the entire Pope resigning thing. Everything from rejoicing at what must surely be his just punishment for fill-in-the-blank to "who gives a sh!t" to discussion on which successor would be best for moving forward in important social issues. If you're on FB, PM me. If you're not on FB, PM me. There is news on that front.


    And, I have to say that I am jealous of all of you raised in the RCC who got away with not having to be active within it growing up. :( I can't tell you how awful the weekend getaways were, lock-ins, Catholic school with the Wednesday and Friday masses, religion as a subject, and enormous amounts of time spent on learning history the way the RCC wanted it known. For a child with a LOT of questions, it was incredibly frustrated. For a child who struggled with fitting in socially, it was horrendous. No one of the good Catholic kids wanted to sit with/talk to/be partners with the girl who asked questions.


    My family is different now. My parents haven't been to a Mass in years. Neither have my sister or brother. Both of them eloped. One of them is divorced. (Oddly, *I'm* the only one who got married in a Catholic church.) My mom doesn't sport the De Colores bumper stickers anymore and Da doesn't do anything with the Knights of Columbus anymore. Yet they'll still try to guilt me into not joining our old parish, or sending the kids to RCIA, or trying to get my DH to convert. Maddening.


    I was raised Episcopal-almost as bad. I only went to socialize and get the snacks really. I never bought any of it even as a kid.

  2. I think it is good for that age but you may want to beef up the elements section with something like Ellen McHenry's Elements. It is really fun and can expand on that subject. I incorporate Brainpop into the schedule as well as selections from books and sometimes an encyclopedia. I just use the table of contents and pencil in what I need.

  3. Precisely. People who are born catholic don't often stay catholic. But a lot of them will still check the catholic box on a questionnaire.


    My neighbor has 5 kids. Dragged them all through all of the rituals and CCD and all that. They all hated every minute of it. She goes to church on holidays and maybe once per month? She herself even laughs about the Catholic guilt. My hideous neighbor who is a CCD teacher watched the Playboy channel!!! How does that work?

  4. Hmm... not sure I can get on board with that much RCC loathing. I live in a hugely French Canadian area and I still don't find any relevance for the RCC in anything. You know... most of these people are going to Church because, culturally, that is ingrained in them. It is interesting to note how the vast majority of church-goers are over 60-ish, though. Very few of those people's children attend regularly (except the annual Midnight Mass and Easter Mass). And, fewer still of those childrens' children will attend at all, even with their parents. Sure, people still put their kids through that First Communion ceremony, but you'd be surprised how many kids NEVER show up in church again after that except for weddings and funerals. The most recent generations here are just going through the baptism and first communion motions and then not even taking the kids to church again after that. It's like they're going to for the "holy guarantees" just to hedge their bets.


    And the church-crowd bemoans the declining numbers and wonders how they can attract more people? Well, it seems quite obvious that it has little to no relevance -- even to the French Canadians! And, these are people who call the Church part of their cultural heritage! They'll stick a crucifix on just about anything -- yet their own young people don't even bother. Why? Because the Church simply is not relevant to them.


    It seems sad, on the surface, that such a culture is losing one of its grounding symbols, but it's just progress. French Canadian culture isn't going to die because no one bothers going to church anymore. People aren't going to stop speaking French or stop the traditions. They'll just do it without having every gathering centred around Mass. Everyone already knows that the priests have to keep Midnight Mass short and sweet anyway. There's all that food to get to toute suite. You can eat without Church. You can laugh and sing and dance and love on your family without Church. There's a whole generation of young French Canadians who've figured that out already.


    In America as well. My DH's family had 3 boys raised RC-none are still. His aunt the same...none stayed. My neighbor growing up had 4 kids and only 1 has stayed. It seems, in my opinion, that there is so much restriction that as soon as they can leave it happens.



    I've always found the pope-worship (and let's face it -- no matter how you paint it, it IS worship) to be bizarre. I'm not just referring to this Pope, either, but all of them.


    With this one, the pope-worship becomes downright disturbing. Ratzinger had many skeletons in his closet before becoming Pope. When they began to tumble out, all of a sudden those are excused by every. single. Catholic. I. know (and I live in a HUGELY French Catholic area). And, by media, too! It's like even the media has to tow the line and drink the "infallible-pope-kool-aid." They simply will NOT question one single thing about him. There's always a "justification" or " excuse."


    Wouldn't that fall under worshiping another god? It seems like that blind faith and reverence is almost sacrilegious or something??

  6. There are rumors the pope is suffering from Parkinson's disease. I don't wish ill on him but I am happy that he was only selected as a short term pope. That said, he has appointed a huge number of the Cardinals. His replacement is almost sure to be roughly the same. It is the papacy's views on condoms, gender, homosexuality etc that ultimately sealed the deal for me and led me to be unable to consider myself Catholic any longer.

    There is no "view", only rejection and judgement. Judge not lest ye be judged....unless you are Catholic? Is that how it works?


    I'm waiting to hear. I think there must be something to it. I call BS on the "bad health" reason.


    What better defense in court than dementia??? OF COURSE he is going to say it is health. Who still believes him though when he is admittedly dishonest?? I don't get the duplicity of the whole thing. He is good honest and righteous.....but he hid some seriously bad stuff including sex abuse and money laundering....but he's still good. WHAT??? He's a man-that's it. A man who craves power in a political role which is what the Catholic church was founded on. Middle Ages and controlling Europe...Spanish inquisition...Crusades anyone??

  8. Oh please the conservative contingent is already wadding up their knickers about the "seriousness" of the whole situation. Didn't Joe Paterno get railed for doing the same thing the Pope did? Covering up pedophilia. I don't care who the heck did it-they are guilty and should be in jail. How in the WORLD people can herald the words of a corrupt man who is so deep into it is beyond me. Add in the money laundering......I'd say he should be called the godfather.

  9. I gave up phonics road. The older girls didn't care for it and it did nothing to help my oldest DDs spelling. Now what?

    Oldest dd is comfy with textbooks, not a natural speller, and is a reluctant reader.

    Younger dd is an avid writer, natural speller, and like predictability and schedules and checklists.

    Ds is moving through both Mcruffy and pr level 1 and his reading is really picking up. Spelling is on level I feel and he likes to read but of course would rather kick a soccer ball and play mine craft.

    I have been looking at brave writer, growing with......, and rod and staff for the workbook lover. * the girls are in IEW classes so that gets weekly writing in

    I am a open to all suggestions, even if there is some Christian content.

  10. Relaxing. After teaching in public school it took me a long time to drop the 9-3, September thru June mentality. Each kid learns differently, I can't make my oldest daughter love to read, and if the younger daughter wants to stop, drop, and write a paragraph then I let her. Letting to the strick control has been huge and finding interactive computer stuff to supplement has been great as well.



    I completely agree with this. The only thing I have to add is make sure the spiral of the book is either on the top or just have them write on loose leaf paper to put in a binder. The spiral on the side notebooks drive my lefty crazy!

    One of the reasons I invested in a circa punch! I can make my one leftie notebooks that go backwards!

  12. I've looked at the website several times, and I think I get what The Writer's Jungle is all about, but I'm still baffled by The Wand, The Arrow, etc. Like with The Wand, the website says it's targeted for seven and eight year olds, but the sample lesson seems to be all about sounding out words like "pop." I don't know any seven year old that wouldn't be like, "Ooookay..." :confused1: with a lesson like that. My 4yo dd is past that, so I can imagine that most seven and eight year olds would be way beyond that.


    I got the same impression. I was looking for somewhere to go after PR1 since I no longer like it but wanted something similar in the way they teach parts and sounds to memorize. I was looking at Jot it Down but unsure if I need to buy Bravewrite right now and where to put my 3rd grader who really loves to write.

  13. All the Mormon missionaries I've ever seen have been legal adults. I'm pretty sure they have to be 18 because they live on their own. Why they would try someone's door at night I have no idea and, frankly, I have no sympathy for them if they did get shot. They should at least have had the police called on them.


    ETA: I'd wonder if they were even real Mormons. It's not that hard to dress up in a white shirt, tie and pants with a little name tag and I'm sure it makes people less likely to call the cops about two random young men walking around the neighborhood trying doors. They might just be clever burglars. Or Mormons missionaries who've taken to a life of crime! Now, that would make a heck of a musical: Book of Mormon meets Bonnie and Clyde!

    They were. My sister grilled them for that reason and they were able to name their old neighbors(who were mormon) and a few other people my sister knew. They politely handed the tracts, apologized for scaring them, and then went on their way. Nuts is right.

  14. Thank you so much for this. Keep in mind that I don't want to seem to mock or belittle people of faith, but I just don't understand these prayer requests, especially for strangers. Can someone please explain this to me, so that I can understand? The belief is that there is an omnipotent God, who could with no effort, say, heal an innocent child dying of cancer. The omnipotent God knows the child is dying, and chooses not to help her, but could have his mind changed if enough mortals pray for it to happen, as if he were running a cosmic polling service? I just don't get it. Now, I can understand the famous CS Lewis quote about prayer not to change God, but to change oneself. But that's just personal and doesn't require any public requests.

    I will give you my theory on this. It is selfishly motivated by the human need to do something in a time of crisis. They WANT to feel needed and helpful so they pray. The worst part for me is that they truly believe that if a child is cured, as an example, that god intervened. REALLY?? So you pray better than the family 2 rooms down in the hospital? Had nothing to do with modern medicine?

    I was almost part of a co-op that needed a place to do the classes. Their answer to finding a space was to pray. O_K_A_Y So picking up the phone and making calls and busting your butt is not the first answer? With all the trivial crap people pray for it would be a wonder if god didn't just let it all go to voice mail.

  15. Two feet of snow is not normal in Virginia.....don't be ridiculous. good grief. Northern Virginia had two feet of snow three and a half years ago and it wasn't normal then and wouldn't be normal now.


    New England is looking at totals of two feet and possibly more with blizzard condition winds....THAT would certainly get my attention if I were in the path of the storm. There is a concern regarding downed power lines and trees. The positive in this particular situation in NE is that there is no snow from previous storms already accumulated on the ground.


    It really annoys me when people complain that too much is made of the weather, and then everyone starts whining that they weren't given enough warning.


    ETA: I have lived in fairfax county for almost 12 years. two feet of snow on the ground even as the result of numerous snow storms is not normal. we would be more likely to have closings, etc due to ice than snow.

    Let's not forget that here in VA many of the roads are plowed with PICKUP TRUCKS! I kid you not. We don't have the equipment and the last time we got 18 inches school was closed for at least a week. It is funny for me having come from Long Island where no less than 6 inches will get you a school closure.

  16. I have had both and as I do 20+ loads per week it really cuts down on the number of loads I do and the drying time to have the front loader. I personally like that it spins much faster and wears less on the clothes. In the 22 years we have been married we have had 3 top loaders and then this front loader-LG brand. No way would I do the top loader again unless things drastically change.

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