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Everything posted by jeandh

  1. Time Left: 13 days and 16 hours

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    All from smoke free home. Shipping is not included. I ship via media mail. I accept Paypal & Venmo. Thanks for looking. 8th – 12th grade history/English/literature/grammar Warriners English Grammar and Composition good condition $5 Easy Grammar 180 Daily Teaching Lessons grade 9 good condition $12 Wordly Wise 3000 Book 9 answer key 2 copies good & new condition $2/each Wordly Wise 3000 Book 10 answer key good condition $2 Wuthering Heights New $6 Beowulf new $2 Tom Sawyer good condition $4 The Adventures of Odysseus and The Tale of Troy used rough condition $2 Macbeth Folgers Shakespeare Library 2 copies in excellent condition $4 each Stories from Shakespeare good condition $3 The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow new $1 IEW Medieval History bundle teacher & student book good condition $25 Book of Time New condition $8 6-12th science Last Minute Science Fair Projects Like New $3 100 Award Winning Science Fair Projects good condition $2 Abeka Health textbook & quiz & test answer key very good condition $25 Honey for a Child Heart fair $2 Cambridge Latin Units 1-4 Cambridge Latin Unit One Teacher Manual used excellent condition $35 Cambridge Latin Unit One Student Book used fair condition $8 Cambridge Latin Unit 2 Teacher manual good condition $35 Cambridge Latin Unit 2 Student book good condition $4 Cambridge Latin Unit 2 Test manual like new $50 Cambridge Latin Unit 3 Teacher Manual Like New $30 Cambridge Latin Unit 3 Student book fair condition (loose binding) $8 Cambridge Latin Unit 4 Teacher Manual 4th edition Like new $50 Cambridge Latin Unit 4 Teacher Manual 5th edition Like new $50 Cambridge Latin Unit 4 4th edition hardback student book Like new $8 8-12th grade Math Math U-See Algebra 1 Teacher Manual & DVD excellent condition $35 Saxon Algebra 2 2nd edition student text good condition $18 Saxon Algebra 2 2nd edition Solution Manual good condition $25 Saxon Algebra 2 2nd edition Home school Packet fair condition $12 Saxon Algebra 2 3rd edition testing book new $8 Art Reed’s Mastering Algebra “John Saxon’s Way” Algebra 2 DVDs excellent condition $45 Lial’s Beginning Algebra 9th edition good condition $5 Lial’s Intermediate Algebra 10th edition excellent condition $5


  2. Hi all, Thank you for your support!! I have learned so much. I have looked through the test prep book & realize you are all correct. My DS really needs geometry in order to improve his scores. And I think he could use the algebra break. I have ordered the MUS geometry so he can take a super quick spin through geometry & start algebra 2 in the fall. I am still not sure which algebra 2 course I will have him take but at least this will get him "caught up" and give him a break from algebra. This fall I will hunt again for an algebra 2 class, probably not MUS or Saxon, that quest will continue. Thanks again. Jean
  3. Sebastian thank you for all your input. Here are answerd to some of your questions. DS discalculia means that he loses his place in long multi step problems & that he just flat out works physically slower. In regards to our requirments I've talked to everyone about state standards at BOE & college. DS needs 4 high school maths. Algebra 1, Geom, Alg 2 & advanced math, there is no work around. Regarding the College Algebra course it is only offered at the semeter length & here is the coure description: This course provides an in-depth study of the properties of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions as needed for calculus. Emphasis is on using algebraic and graphical techniques for solving problems involving linear, quadratic, piece-wise defined, rational, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Ds hoping to apply to a competitive nursing school. My understanding is that most of the nursing schools now are pretty darn competitive. So DS will need to keep his score really no lower than a B, which I recognize is going to be a stretch. His ACT math scores shows that he needs to work not just in geometry but also number & quantity, alebra & functions. I am disappointed that Saxon did not bring up his algebra score. So DS needs a solid curriculum to prepare him for the above college algebra class. Thus my quandry. Will MUS through pre-calc or cal prepare him appropriately? The final slap in the face is DS started MUS algebra 2 because we have it. He is really disliking how different the program presents questions compared to Saxon. They are almost too simplified & it's throwing him. I can't win. :(
  4. Thank you Elladarcy for the geometry link, I have never seen that & it looks very interesting. I have looked a lot at Jann in Texas posts. She really likes the Lials books. When my son & I look at them they seem very busy & there does not seem to be great video or computer instruction with them. So I don't think Lials will work. My son is documented with the discalculia & what it really means for him is extended time on tests, which as it turns out he has not actually needed. As someone stated earlier, he hasn't been exposed to a lot of the math on the ACT so that does not help. An interesting observation I did make, is that freshmen year in April while doing MUS algebra 1 DS took ACT cold & scored a 15 in the math. This Febrary as a sophmore about 2/3 done with the Saxon Algebra 1 book, DS took the ACT cold again & scored a 16 on the math. So I did not see the increase in score I had expected to see since we switched to Saxon. On the PSAT fall of freshmen year again just started MUS algebra 1 DS scored 390 in math. Fall of sophmore year having just started Saxon algebra 1 after completing MUS algebra 1 DS scored 380 in math,he actually went down. So I don't know what all of that means other than I did not see the expected increase in math I had hoped/assumed would happen afer taking Saxon algebra 1. So I guess to reiterate, I don't want a "soft" program to just pass him along. I want DS to be solid in his algebra skills but I'm not sure that is happening with Saxon. We like the layout of MUS, it's clean pages & DVDs but have grave concerns about its depth. Because of these concerns I was thinking if he got through MUS pre-calc maybe that would be the equivalent of other programs algebra 2 course. So we are still in limbo. Thank you all for your ongoing help.
  5. In our state DS needs a certain grade on ACT/SAT in math & english to DE. As of right now he does not have the necessary math grade. He needs a 18 on the ACT, he got a 16 this February. So maybe it will be an option senior year but not for junior year. So that still means I have from right now until next summer to complete 2 courses. I too want him to be solid in his course work & just not passed ahead which is why he did algebra 1 for 2 years & has passed both classes. I really "want" Saxon to work for him. I don't expect it to be easy but nor do I expect it to take 3+ hours. This DS was diagnosed with discalculia in 6th grade. He works like a Trojan but it is definetly harder for him than your "average" math student. He works doubly hard to stay on grade level in math. We are also enrolled in Mother of Divine Grace & they are unwilling to put algebra 1a & algebra 1b after the fact. His transcript already says algebra 1 for freshmen year, sophmore year is now blank. DS does have a tutor, she will work with him in whatever book we choose. That is helping but as I said he needs to progress forward. He doesn't have the luxury of 3-4 hours a day to dedicate to math. Perhaps I will have him look at TT again. Thanks for the ongoing help.
  6. Ok, what I'm hearing is to drop Saxon at this point & pick up a light/quick/easy geometry to get it done & then refocus on algebra 2 hopefully by fall. I already own MUS algebra 2 so I was thinking I would start that now but it sounds like I should quick buy a geometry course. It is a great idea to see about the college class spread out over a year but I think our CC does not allow that. Regarding needing more time on algebra 1, my son got a B in MUS algebra 1, he is finishing the Saxon Algebra 1 & he will finish with probably a low B or high C, so I am not making him remediate in algebra anymore. This is as good as it is going to get for him. One of the main problems with Saxon is the length of time it takes him to do the lesson, if he were younger I would just take 1 full year to do the Algebra 2 but I feel like we are getting into a real time crunch now. He has got to start progressing forward & I don't know if he would ever be able to do the saxon advanced math book (it sounds very difficult) that he would need to do to get the geometry credit. Since DS loves talking to Art Reed he feels like he is letting him down. And he calls MUS "baby math" so trust me he doesn't want to switch but there needs to be some other subjects covered each day, we can't spend 3+ hours on math. The reason I say MUS is because we have it & DS likes to DVD instruction. He doesn't like TT, he finds the animation babyish & distracting. Maybe I'll get MUS geometry but in the meantime have him start MUS algebra 2 & he can do it concurrently. If that is the case he may be able to get through MUS prec-calc & half the MUS calc book surely that would be enough to pass a college algebra class.
  7. Hi All, I am hoping for some pearls of wisdom here because I am really agonizing over a math decision. Here is the background. My DS is a sophomore & completed MUS Algebra 1 in 9th grade. He got a B in the class, he is not a strong math student & works hard for his grade. He had done MUS since 6th grade. Well last summer, after completing MUS algebra 1, DS decided he wants to be a nurse & get his BSN degree. Well after research we realized he will need college algebra & stats as general ed requirements & no other higher level maths. Thank goodness. So I decided he would do Saxon Algebra 1 until Thanksgiving as a quick review to solidify his algebra skills. Well long story short, he is now just finishing up Saxon Algebra 1 & it has been agony. Lessons take DS 3 hours & many test scores are in low 70's. We have talked to Art Reed on many occasions & he has been very helpful. He is having DS back up 10 lessons now & then charge forward. So here are my problems: Because I made DS repeat a class he already had on his transcript, he has no credit for math his sophomore year In our state he needs Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 & an advanced math on his transcript to graduate DS really does better to split the Saxon lesson & half but then the next book will take too long Here are my questions: In looking at MUS Algebra 2, I think DS could whip through it because it has much of the same content as Saxon Alg 1-then he could be done by the end of summer & I could put it on his transcript, should I do this? If MUS in completed through Pre-Calculus is that enough for an low average math student to be prepared for College Algebra? Should DS finish out Saxon Algebra 1 & start Saxon Algebra 2 immediately, knowing it will take 365 days of agony to complete? Would a student like this even be capable of completing the first 60 lessons of Saxon Advanced Math he would need in order to get his Geometry credit? (It sounds like this course is difficult for a good math student) At this point I'm not interested in any other math curricula. Any guidance would be so greatly appreciated. I can't wrap my head around what the appropriate thing to do is. Jean
  8. I've got to look more closely at it. That could be ideal, though I feel like he should probably review his parts of speech so maybe book 6 would be good.
  9. Ok, lots to think about here. This DS does have the opportunity to use AG in a co-op setting next year, though much to my chagrin they will be using season 1 & 2 & skipping the usage section. :confused1: So I would still have to use something else for the mechanics. This DS said he likes the classroom involvement for learning grammar he felt it helped. I was even considering grabbing one of his Star WArs books or the like and having me create grammar assignments from those sentences. Labeling, parsing maybe I could type them up incorrectly & he edits. So I'm thinking as my 5 main choices... 1. AG season 1 & 2 in the co-op setting which she willing be running like a classical conversations essential class (which means nothing to me) 2. EG at home 3. Rod & Staff at home 4. Me creating something using his favorite books 5. or a Fix it type program or Editor in Chief Out of these any thoughts on which would be best in these circumstances? Thanks for all this help my head has been somewhat spinning. This STEM DS who just completed 5th grade scored 6 grade 6th month for math after using Saxon & DH is extremely displeased with that. He wanted much higher so next I've got to think about that. Yikes. :huh:
  10. He did EG this year in 5th grade & we did not complete it. I did correct every page but we worked on parts of speech & not on mechanics. Intermediate Language Lessons worked a bit on mechanics and usage and we also did that for 5th grade.
  11. My DS, rising 6th grader, just got the results from the Stanford 10 test. He performed below grade level for grammar usage and mechanics. We have previously used Easy Grammar & Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl. Does anyone have a recommendations to get the student up to par? He is more than capable but he is a STEM type student not a language arts fan. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Jean
  12. Well I don't just hand it off to him. We read over the directions & I have him highlight it. DS sits next to me doing his work, every day all day for the last 5 years. He is LD & was pulled out of school 5 years ago because of that. So no I don't expect him to just do things on his own. However, the goal we are working on this year was following written directions & we chose to do it in a subject generally speaking that is easy for him & that he enjoys, that's why we were really trying to do this in writing. So independence does not mean "no instruction" nor does it mean I don't help him edit his work. It means after we review the directions & he highlights them than DS will try to do the rest of the assignment independently, to follow each of the multiple steps which are so specifically spelled out. To date he has not yet followed all the directions. I just wanted to clarify that independence doesn't mean I am chatting on the phone & he is in another room doing God knows what. I am literally sitting right next him, I unfortunately am not even able to leave the table & have him continue working. Thank you for the curriculum suggestions I will take a look at them.
  13. Well I just had a heart to heart with DS & he says he feels like a failure using WWS1 but that he should continue. I am going to over ride him here & have him discontinue, his self esteem is not great anyway & I don't need him feel like dirt over a textbook. I will take a look at Warriners, what about IEW Ancients, is that something that works for global learners. This is just not worth the strain.
  14. Thank you all for your thoughtful responses. I should have added another goal, working independently. Each year I have really held his hand through school work. This year I am really trying to foster indepence. I chose WWS1 because according to SWB for the older student it is supposed to be fairly independent. Having to get more involved in teaching this is not something I want to do. I feel strongly that he needs to start handling work on his own. Having said that I guess it would be more appropriate to switch what we are using and maybe just do WWS2 next year. Ruth & others what do you think would be a good alternative for this year? Thank you all so much for your wisdom. Jean
  15. Thank you all for so much feedback. Ruth I love that you brought clarity to my goals...you are exactly right. Now to prioritize I would say since this is ultimately a writing program I should start with writing. 1. Improve expository writing 2. Be attentive to details/instructions 3. Learn how to outline 4. Maintain a love of writing. DS just handed me a very lengthy summary of The Phantom Tollbooth so I will copy a paragraph here...typos and all. There was once a boy named Milo who didn't know what to do with his life. He had plenty of book's and toys that he never cared to read. One day while in his room an odd box comes with a note that says, "To Milo, who has plenty of time." With that, an odd, small, purple tollbooth appears in his room. He then, of course, goes through it. Milo ended up on a path on which he drove his small car down. He soon came across darker, twisted parts called the Duldrums. In this land, there are small miserable people. But, while there, he met an actuall watch dog named Tock. That is the first 2 paragraphs, please let me know what you think. Lastly, DS had some educational testing done last year & I reviewed it today. It states that DS is a global learner or a whole to parts learner and that he is auditory learner. Looking forward to your feedback. Jean
  16. Thank you for these great responses. I too think probably the greatest benefit for DS would be learning to be very attentive to the directions. DS is one to assume he knows the directions or he will partially read the directions and again assume he knows the rest. I do currently have him highlight the directions, I just had that epiphany last week. At least it is making him aware but he still will manage to skip steps. Bottom line, I feel like sticking with it so he learns how to follow directions. However maybe this is a misuse of a writing course because I still really need him to learn expository writing & I don't know if he is going to get that. I know a lot of people mention the parts to a whole approach and the truth is I don't know which is better for my son. I know other people are super good at knowing these things, I am not. I will check out some of the other options, but I am still very torn. I welcome any other suggestions. Thanks. Jean
  17. Hi all, I know there are many people here who have done WWS 1 so I hope I can get some advice. Ruth in NZ I know you have a lot of information on this. DS is 12 in 7th grade. He is naturally a very creative writer & often writes for pure enjoyment. DS has had no previous writing courses. DS is doing WWS 1 this year and he is continually muffing it up. We are on week 10 and he has to constantly redo the work because he didn't follow the directions correctly. He is failing to make the connections of how this will make him a better writer. I know he is dreading each day but he doesn't say much because he is compliant. I feel like this is killing his love of writing. Additionally on the brief outside writing assignments I five him it seems to have made no difference his writing is still very juvenile. So the question is ; was this a good place to start with a kid who loves creative writing? Would he be better off doing an IEW or even the 6 writing traits book from Evan Moore? I want to improve his expository writing skills. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks. Jean
  18. Hi all, I've have been researching writing programs for DS who will be in 7th grade. The only formal writing curriculum he has done is the first 5 weeks of WWS when it was released on-line 2 years ago. I feel I have 2 curriculum choices that would be potentially appropriate for DS. 1. WWS 1 start back at the beginning; or start at week 6 or get WWS 2 2. IEW Ancients I have no interest in pursuing any other IEW writing course at this time. Is IEW Ancients just narrative or creative writing? Is there any expository writing in that particular book? Thanks in advance for your help. Jean
  19. Newhsmommy, Making my own FF assignment was not as easy as I had hoped. Most weeks there are 5 assignments and then the test so that is 6 days worth of work, so certain days you have to double the workbook pages. For example we are on week 23 and will complete lesson 25 then we are on summer break. There are 32 lessons so we will have to finish up in the fall. Just a couple weeks ago I obtained the 7th grade MODG syllabus and it has FF schedule that has been useful albeit was too late for it to be super useful. Also I fell it is a big jump in work level from LCI to FF. This year I used the syllabus tor religion, VIE & art...in some ways hardly worth it. If you use EG I wouldn't get the syllabus, just follow natural order of BCII and read LUke and Mark. Ir is hands on for history if you count drawing all the Egypt maps...just not my cup of tea for a year. HTH Jean
  20. Newhsmommy, I have the syllabus & this is the first year I did not follow it as written. Here was our break down. Religion - this is solid using BC 2 & reading Mark & Luke and writing summaries good day to day lesson plan Poetry- used some of LB's choices & some of our own Math - has schedule for saxon 6/5 we use MUS Spelling - finishing up WRTR we were already done with this Grammar - 2 choices EG or VIE we did VIE. VIE is all oral, son enjoyed did good on exercises but not good on tests...some of this should probably be written to help with retention. Also the student outlines the whole book....I had really hoped this would teach DS how to outline but it required a huge amount of guidance and he would not be able to outline a paragraph. Having the daily schedule was helpful. Latin - I believe it is 2 choices of doing LCII either in one year or splitting it in half. We did not use DS did FF latin. History -the study of ancient Egypt....a whole year dedicated to Egypt and extensive mapping of Egypt. I thought this was ridiculous to study Egypt this long and to know more of Egypt's geography than our own geography. We did not do this. Science - Tops books. Again we skipped I did not want to spend whole year on experiments. We did Swimming Creatures. Art - seton 7 art. Nice book with pretty paintings. A very few questions in syllabus about paintings. For exmple "from the looks of the cross how do you think Jesus feels carrying it?" I am paraphrasing but it is something like that. You would be better to do art program at www.charlottemasonhelp.com Music - I have no idea never looked at it. HTH Jean
  21. My son is a good narrative writer naturally. However, he hasn't really done any other type of writing. We started working on outlines this year but he is not able to do those independently. I am hoping that what he learns in R&S we could carry over to other topics weekly. Do you think that is possible? Thanks for all your help. Jean
  22. Anne, thank you so much for the information. Did you find the writing assignments were enough for 7th grade? I am trying to streamline & it would be nice to have a few less books. Thanks for your help. Jean
  23. Hi all, My ds is finishing up VIE 6th grade & I am planning for next year & I have some questions. DS will be in 7th grade can he come from VIE 6 and transition nicely into R&S 7? Does R&S have editing in it? Can DS do this independently? (VIE with MODG syllabus is done entirely with parent, DS desperately needs independence) Thanks for your help. Jean
  24. Does anyone else have a suggestion? Thanks.. Jean
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