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Everything posted by jeandh

  1. My plan is to enroll in Kolbe in 8th grade and they assign the credit for his transcript. I feel most comfortable therefore waiting to take Henle. In the meantime I hope to find something else. Thanks. Jean
  2. Thank you ladies for your replies. The only reason I am waiting on Henle is because I want ds to get the high school credit. He can only get the credit starting in 8th grade. He is a proficient latin student & enjoys it, but we need 3 credits here for foreign language, I don't want to get him too far and we will not have any curriculum options left. I don't want him to finish Henle too early and not get 3 credits out of it. I hope that clarifies my thinking & explains why I am looking for something in between. I don't want to stop latin & lose our momentum. I want to do a program that will be enjoyable & lead nicely into Henle. Thanks for all your thoughts. Jean
  3. Thanks Laura for the quick response. Do you think Latin Prep 1 would be the correct place to start or Latin Prep 2? Thanks. Jean
  4. Hi all, I need help in Latin for ds 12 years old going into 7th grade. My question is what to do for 7th grade? I want him to take Henle 1 in 8th grade for high school credit. This is what we have done so far: 4th grade Prima Latina 5th grade LC I 6th grade FF I have heard that 2nd Form is not analytical enough for 7th grade. I am thinking of Cambridge Unit 1 or Latin Prep not sure what level to hold him until Henle. He will be using Rod & Staff grammar 7 to go with. What do you think I should use & what level if any would be appropriate for Latin Prep? Thanks. Jean
  5. Hunter, What level Saxon book would you go into after completing book 3? Thanks. Jean
  6. Have you found that Professor B prepares them well for high school math? Do you use the upper level math with them? Thanks. Jean
  7. Thanks for all the info. I know they have a free 30 day trial going on right now, so I think I'll sign up for that & see how far we can get starting in book 1, hopefully the month will be enough but you never know. I know he needs review of place value & I'm sure there is other basics he never fully grasped. It sounds like you would recommend the books over the online. Is there an advantage to doing them both. Is there anywhere to see a sample of the book, I've been unable to find one. Thanks. Jean
  8. Would you say I should start DS back at book 1 or go ahead & jump into book 3, since he was going to start saxon 7/6? Thanks. Jean
  9. Hi, I've been reviewing old threads but I'm finding it very difficult to get information on Professor B. My DS is going into 6th grade & struggles with math. We were set to start Saxon 7/6 adaptions but the truth is he is miserable in Saxon, it's too long, he phases out & it's a nightmare. MUS didn't really work for him either. I just found Professor B over the weekend & this looks like it could be a good fit. So I have 2 questions. 1. Should I start at the beginning or go right into book 3 which is problably similar to Saxon 7/6? 2. Books/ CD/ or online, which is best? Thanks in advance for your help. Jean
  10. Thank you both for these great suggestions I started a briefly looking at them & I think I can come with some curriculum from these. Thank you both so much!! Jean:001_smile:
  11. Thank you so much for this, I will check it out now. Jean
  12. Hi all, From you veterans do think it's possible for us to finish American history at least to Vietnam War by the end of May? We are currently in the Civil War, I've botched history; we've done American history for 3 years & it's from the 1600's to 1850. It's like the movie Ground Hog Day over here. DS is in 5th grade. Next year I want to start the cycle with Ancients, which means I need to wrap this American thing up. I should have pushed him forward sooner but we were following a curriculum I did not want to stray from, I can now see that it was folly. And if this is possible what do you think are the main books I should hit. I am not using SOTW, I'm using the Guerber history until 1900 & then I don't have anything. I'm might go rogue & use movies & real books. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks. Jean :001_smile:
  13. There is a lot of good stuff here but most of it is over his head. I was really hoping to find something on the ark of the covenant & the holy grail. Do you have any great resources for that? THanks so much. :001_smile:
  14. That is a great site but I didn't see where they have actual lesson plans. Am I missing something? Thanks. Jean :001_smile:
  15. Ok I'm going to throw this crazy idea out. I just was reading a magazine article on how we should try to use unit study in the things our children are truly interested in to expand their education. Well my son is an Indiana Jones fanatic & it seems like a real opportunity to expand on religion, history, geography etc based on his favorite movies. DS is very interested in the Ark of the Covenant & the Holy Grail. He is in 2nd grade & I'm hunting out unit studies that could match up. I know you are all very resourceful so I'm wondering have any of you done this already or know anything about it? Thanks in advance. Jean:001_smile:
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