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Everything posted by idnib

  1. I'm only on post 100 but I'm ready to throw out all of my plans for school and redo my curriculum based on how to make peanut butter sandwiches, where Hawaii/Alaska/New Mexico are, and a detailed study on the protein content of various cheeses.
  2. No joke, one day I was driving down a busy street and I saw a kid skateboarding in the bike lane in the street, rather than on the sidewalk. He was going rather fast, so I understood why he must have thought it safer to be away from pedestrians. As I caught up and passed him I glanced over to see who was riding so fast and realized he was reading a book at the same time! While skateboarding. In the street. I felt for his mother.
  3. You don't need an ID to fly in the U.S. either, but they will subject you to increased body searches and check your luggage. Basically if they can thoroughly inspect everything you bring on the plane, there's no reason for them to need I.D. Sometimes people have their wallets stolen on vacation and still need to get home, and of course it's impossible to rent a car without a license.
  4. Thanks, I'll check out Atkins more closely.
  5. I haven't seen tomatoes in white bean chili but maybe it's regional. My kids don't really like chili powder so I just add more oregano and cumin. I'm so used to doing that I'd forgotten about the chili powder! I guess I should call it white bean and turkey stew. :)
  6. If you can find Bob's Red Mill or you have a Trader Joe's both have gluten-free oats for oatmeal in the mornings. White bean and turkey (or chicken) chili Lentil soup with meat
  7. I have not but I think I might have that set in the garage after a library sale binge I'm still sorting through. I hope I do because if I like Faust I'll be on the look out for a children's version.
  8. Yesterday I ate stuff I normally do but for some reason was ravenous at 10pm and I ended up eating 3 fried eggs. Weird. I'm also up a pound. I'm trying to ignore it. :glare:
  9. Neither have I. I think I'm going to use Alice Raphael's translation.
  10. The Classics and the Western Canon group on Goodreads will be reading Goethe's Faust (I and II) starting July 29. I think I'll join. Anyone else here interested or planning to join?
  11. I think for any Prime members. We don't have Prime Pantry.
  12. I've hesitatingly added The Sparrow to my Amazon cart.
  13. I got the Kind bars too. We're doing a bit of a road trip next month and those will come in handy.
  14. I live in the SF Bay area, which is generally very expensive. But there are some pockets of cheap ethnic restaurants. Also, I don't eat much at a time so it would maybe be 1-2 meals for someone else. Also this place is near the local high school, which has an open campus for lunch, so their prices are more student-friendly. They do large volume to make up for it.
  15. I got a media credit for one of my purchases so I guess they're going case-by-case.
  16. I got the dry-erase markers and the Clorox wipes, both off the wait list right as the deal was ending.
  17. I went ahead and bought the Instant Pot. Just waitlisted for the Clorox wipes deal.
  18. I'm wondering if I need this if I have a steamer and a cast-iron pot I use to make stews and chili. The latter just sits on the stove on low for a few hours. I am nervous about pressure cooking. Should I be? And is the browning done right in the cooker, or by placing the stainless insert on a stove and then moving it to the cooker once the browning has taken place? Thanks.
  19. I hit reload right on time on the Magformers page and the deal was gone within 3 seconds.
  20. Gyro salad again. I love small ethnic restaurants that give you 3 meals' worth for $8.00. Doubled my magnesium intake and slept like a log.
  21. The trouble with having something to laugh about in the future is you have to experience it in the present. :grouphug:
  22. Yes, one of our library systems has no fines on juvenile materials either. One time I returned a book late explaining it had made its way through 4 households by being passed from friend to friend, and the librarian told me that's what they're hoping for when they don't charge.
  23. We like our book club (the other students and the teacher) but the books are dumbed down. Books that they have been given a month to read are often finished in 24 hours. I think part of the problem is that the levels are not granular enough. When you have a level for 6th-8th grade, the 8th graders will be bored. I have made suggestions about more granular levels and/or a "classics" group for kids instead of all contemporary but no changes have been made. A rigorous book club of classics would definitely draw us in. We would go to a "how to use the library's resources" class. It wouldn't even have to be electronic. Just finding out what reference books are available, meeting a friendly reference librarian, an intro to cataloging techniques, etc would be nice. I do teach them those things, but I'd love a class to make sure I'm not missing anything. We like the leave a magazine/take a magazine box for library visitors to exchange with each other. We don't volunteer. I'm too busy and the kids are too young but it's something my DS has talked about for the future. I could see him wanting to be the contact person for a book club. And we support the friends of the library through food and book sales.
  24. Welcome! There was a similar thread in 2013 you might find helpful.
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