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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. I need new contacts but don't want to pay for an unneeded eye exam just to get them. What are some reputable places online to purchase contacts??
  2. Meaning, processed but not organic. So that greatly limits what I am willing buy there. I am also picky about cereal...will not buy any with preservatives in it. All in all, I've never been happy with the quality of food at Aldi. The meat is HORRIBLE. Even the produce at the store near me isn't that great.
  3. Not that I know of. It's a lot of processed foods.
  4. This is us too. Especially when there are six of us I have to make choices based on $ as well. I have to decide which things I absolutely buy organic, which things I buy natural, and which I'll ignore (for lack of a better word) the label. Things I do not compromise on are food colorings. I will not buy foods with any artificial colorings. I also keep an eye out for preservatives (BHT, etc.). And I'm trying to eliminate HCFS as much as I can. I'm also making changes as I go along. Trying to do several changes at once can be overwhelming! I get my laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent from a friend of mine who started a business, Jenny's Simply Clean. Her stuff is amazing!!! It's similar to the recipes you can find online but it's easier for me to pay her (and support her Mama-made business) to make it. I carry my own grocery bags. We did belong to a local dairy co-op but I'm just way to busy now to be able to commit to making the trip when it's my turn. So instead I buy milk from Braums which is rBGH free. One of my goals (those small changes) is to try to start purchasing produce from local farmer's markets. Again, making the time is hard for me since they are all across town from my house. We do have a couple small produce places near us but they aren't 100% local like the farmer's market is. Yum! I would love to know more about making mayo!
  5. Ditto the coconut oil on toast. I haven't tried baking with it though. I have heard of people using it for stir-fry. I had a smoothie today with the flax oil and couldn't taste it. It was protein powder, flax oil, peanut butter, strawberries and a little bit of water. YUM!
  6. Progesterone drops before your period starts. The corpus luteum releases progesterone after ovulation in preparation for conception. It makes the uterus like a little incubator...which is why if you chart, you see your temps go up after ovulation.
  7. My friend composed the music for the winning film! :) That's awesome your dd did a film!! :thumbup:
  8. Erica ~ I am praying about it. Yes, there is a meeting May 12.
  9. Hi Ann :) Martha ~ I was sitting across from you to your right. Brown shirt with pink/blue/yellow dots. Anyway...yeah...it seemed that several of the questions asked weren't understood and answered well.
  10. I was at the CHEER meeting but didn't recognize anyone from the boards. Had a nice time. Saw several that I knew from the last time we were in the group, saw one lady whose dh went to college with mine, and three ladies who are in the group we are currently members of. Martha ~ Were you the one with the question about your son comparing your family to others? :)
  11. In Tulsa we didn't have anything more than a haze and the smell in the air. It was strongest yesterday evening around 7:30.
  12. No, that's the website I'm looking at. But I see that if you look "By Grade" instead of "By Subject", it shows up.
  13. I've looked over the website and if the answer is there, I'm totally missing it. I really like the look of this but I'm just wondering why the gap for these grades. Thanks!
  14. Should I just get it from Logos School? Or is there another place I should be looking? And...do I need the Teacher's Edition too?
  15. If you are someone who stays away from processed foods and really reads labels you probably won't benefit much from Angel Food.
  16. :lurk5: I was just about to post something similar so I look forward to the replies. Last year I switched my oldest dd to Abeka b/c she was bored with R&S. I HATE ABEKA!! I can't really pinpoint it but it just doesn't seem to teach the concepts the way I like (or maybe I'm just too used to R&S's style..lol). So now I'm struggling with what to use next. Or if we need anything at all. :confused:
  17. I have used Freewebs. It's pretty easy to figure out and use.
  18. The kids got a break. I spent the week researching curriculum, planning a basic outline for Science studies from now until my youngest graduates (nothing in stone..just an idea of where we're going), re-doing assignment books, purging rooms in preparation for a garage sale......*SIGH* BUT we are taking a week off in May for Mother's Day. I plan on being a lazy bum that week. :lol::tongue_smilie:
  19. :lurk5: I SO needed this thread! We're looking to replace our van that is on its death bed. lol We don't have a lot of money to play with and need to stick to our guns when we go shopping. Thanks so much for the tips!!!! :)
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