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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Thanks for the suggestions so far! I also see Runkle's Geography. Anyone use this? Today I found Our Los Banos. http://www.ourlosbanos.com/homeschool/history/worldstudies.html I like the look of this. It is an older children's supplement to WP's Children Around the World program. I could use the Winter Promise program with the younger children, leaving out the missionary parts, and the Our Los Banos supplement to strengthen the program and allow me to spread it out over two years for my oldest dd. Our Los Banos uses the geography text - Diversity Amid Globalization: World Regions, Environment, Development. But I would think any geography text (divided by regions) that I like, would work. Has anyone used the Our Los Banos geography supplement?
  2. I am looking for a thorough World Geography program for next year. We can work through it for two years so we have the time. I want something current and complete (upper logic stage -7th or 8th grade) as I do not plan to hit geography again - except as an aside in history. Thanks!
  3. We go back and forth, two pages of Logic Countdown and then one page of Logic Safari. If I had to choose only one to do - I would do Logic Countdown. (This is especially true if you already have Mindbenders to do later.)
  4. In Fort Myers there were a lot of Explorers and Crown Victorias, and a few Mustangs. In the sticks of northern Florida I have seen one Explorer, one Crown Victoria and a few pick-up trucks (I would guess Ford brand - but I'm not sure.)
  5. Sorry, not as far as I know. You could try a little trampoline. I still keep one in the laundry area and tuck it under my bed when company comes. In fact, I mentioned it to my dh when he stopped in for lunch and he said I pace more often than I realize. Probably one or two hours per day! :001_huh: He says I often pace when drinking coffee, or talking to him, or watching t.v., or using the computer. I didn't even realize I pace as much as I do!
  6. We like Logic Safari and Logic Countdown.
  7. I would say both my girls were eight. That is the age when they could take a book like Stuart Little or one of the Childhood of Famous Americans biographies and read it to themselves over several days, bring it back to me and give me a detailed account of what had happened in the book. Before the age of eight, we would do all of our school reading aloud. They may have read the leveled readers or picture books to themselves. But, I would not assign any school reading for them to read alone.
  8. Well.... I still do this. If I really need to think something through I walk an oval around our kitchen and livingroom. The other thing that works is jumping on a trampoline. I have always paced. In college I used to walk the beach for hours - back and forth - in order to think through papers or contemplate life. My parents bought me several trampolines throughout my school years. I would wear them out! So he may never grow out of it. (I also talk to myself - out loud, while pacing. That really drives my family crazy. :D) Interestingly, none of my children are pacers.
  9. I remember reading something about this. Did I read that the Harvey's grammar assignments DO NOT match up with the CW assignments in any way? Basically, there would be no reason to purchase Harvey's if you already own a grammar program that is working? Thanks!
  10. Could she use every two lines as a line? You could even take a ruler and pen of some color to mark the base lines for her (every third line, so there would also be a space between lines.) Note - This is an untried suggestion. :) We use unlined paper for all ages.
  11. :D This was my husband's reply as well. There are some things that rank high on his priority list. They generally have nothing to do with clothing! :lol:
  12. I would not use it. The highest math they offer is Algebra II and the only science choices are Biology, Environmental Science, and Earth Science. That would be a rather weak high school college prep program. If the student wasn't college bound (although they do call it a college prep program) it might be fine? And I question any program that claims you can graduate in four to six weeks. Either the curriculum is incredibly easy - or maybe the student only needs one class??? :confused:
  13. This would be us as well. And dh has always known that if he wants a good meal he is going to have to cook it himself. He usually cooks two nights a week - and makes sure to have at least two nights of his own leftovers. :D He doesn't care about the house, so long as he has clear paths to walk from room to room and clean work clothes. The kids and I do try and do a bit more than that. He says he doesn't care about weight, except in the fact that being overweight leads to health issues and I believe he is sincere in saying that. There are other things that are important to him - luckily nice clothes, good food and a clean house are quite low on his list!!
  14. I've never gotten it right either. The only one I was right on was the fourth, only because he was induced. :D I always went too late. Looking back, the one constant with all four was a deep ache in my lower back, more than just a back ache. If I had only known that at the time. :)
  15. Magic Lens - Thompson Harvey's Grammar KISS grammar also Good English - Elson (includes more than grammar)
  16. ipods - all three girls use these almost daily large wooden swingset - a gift to all four children - used daily dress-up clothing - probably the items with the most use both in hours and years Boggle, Phase 10, Monopoly, standard card decks - used often and likely for years to come (looking forward to adding Scrabble to that list soon) bikes - used almost daily items that are/have been used a great deal and for a long time - but are specific to one or two children matchbox cars large outdoor Tonka type trucks baby dolls doll strollers shopping cart play kitchen hula hoops art supplies (colored pencils, paints, journals) marbles snorkling gear stuffed animals little plastic animals
  17. I have an HP Photosmart All-in-one. I love it. I buy the ink from Costco. I almost always set both the printer and the application to the lightest ink setting, so I use very little ink per page. I still replace ink about three or four times a year - but I print a lot! I buy paper by the case, but we use it for everything, not only printing.
  18. I have this program. If you have some questions, I'd be happy to try and answer them. :)
  19. FWIW - I've been buying and selling on homeschoolclassifieds for a while - maybe two years and the email I recieved today was the first scam I've ever received off that website. I have purchased or sold 30+ items over the last two years without any problems at all.
  20. I received an email from that same address this morning. It sounded like a scam, so I sent a reply asking for an address. I haven't heard back. Sorry.
  21. Somewhere, I saw a list of books that are likely to be assigned with each level of Classical Writing. I know it wasn't a definite list, as the program is still be written. But it had the books to be read with the levels that are out and the books that will likely be assigned with the upper levels. I have tried to find the list on this board and the CW board - but no luck so far. Can someone link me to this list? Thanks!
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