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Everything posted by JadeOrchidSong

  1. Momto5inIn, i would like ds to take classes that are not important for his major just so they are out of the way, for example, English 124, Western Civ, or Literary Analysis. I think they might be required for all majors that they can take during high school.
  2. Hi, I have been away for a couple years. Ds16 is interested in computer science as college major. He will start taking PSEO (dual enrollment) classes as an 11th grader next school year. I wonder if you know what kind of classes he should take in 11th and 12th grades. Thanks! Ds14 is interested in medical school. He will major in biology or chemistry, I guess. What dual enrollment classes should he take in the last two years of high school? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi, I have been away for a couple years. Ds16 is interested in computer science as college major. He will start taking PSEO (dual enrollment) classes as an 11th grader next school year. I wonder if you know what kind of classes he should take in 11th and 12th grades. Thanks! Ds14 is interested in medical school. He will major in biology or chemistry, I guess. What dual enrollment classes should he take in the last two years of high school? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
  4. We used Henle 1 for a year. My younger son was 10 and did wonderfully with it. We didn't finish the book. The reason was he wanted a living language. We used both MP guide and MODG. I cried several times because he did so well and I would love for him to continue. Finally I gave up and let him do Spanish on line with Potter's School. That aside, I wonder how he is doing now. Being hungry and thirsty all the time and uses th bathroom so often is very concerning to me. How is his weight? Is he gaining weight fine? i haven't been on the board for a long time. So you may not have seen me here before.
  5. I am still unsure about ds13 's 8th grade plan, especially social studies. Would like to see your 8th grade plan for 3018-2019. Thanks!
  6. We are planning a family trip to Utah. We'd like to visit Arches National Park, Bryce, and Zion. Then MiL told us we should go to North Rim since it is 3 hours from Zion. I an planning 4 full days to visit these sites. Do you think this is too tight? Should we plan 5 days? Driving to Utah and back home would take us 6 days on the road. Thanks!
  7. I have suffered from frozen shoulder for half a year now. After seeing physical therapy 3 times, chiropractor 3 times, and acupuncture 3 times, my shoulder and arm are less mobile. It is extremely painful. Can you give me some tips how to relieve and resolve this? I have been doing the stretching exercises, by the way. Thanks!
  8. My son is taking it now with Nancy Shearon. I like her. However, since ds was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and was hospitalized for a few days and has been adjusting to the new challenging routine, he dropped out as a formal student. He is now only auditing but has been submitting his writing assignments as much as he can manage them.
  9. Ds15 is in 9th grade. For 8th grade he took algebra 1 at home and Clovercreek physics online taught by Mrs. Jetta and half a credit speech class at co-op. He worked very hard for the physics class. It is a complete high school science course. How do I include all these in his high school transcript? How do you include high school value credits earned in 8th grade in your transcript? Thank you for your help!
  10. Taking Pre ACT is a prerequisite for dual enrollment. That is why ds will need to take it.
  11. Taking Pre ACT is a prerequisite for dual enrollment. That is why ds will need to take it.
  12. I fell hard on icy road while biking last December. I landed on my left arm for support and felt the sharp shock to my left shoulder, neck, and head. Since the pain was not too bad, I didn't see a doctor. But since then, I have lots of pain moving my left arm. And now my left shoulder and its surrounding muscles ache terribly, usually when I touch them. I don't feel pain if I don't touch the area. I also have pain on my side under the arm very close to my breast. I thought it was breast cancer at first and went to see the doctor, who said it was not. Also the mammogram only showed extremely dense breast tissue. So now should I see a shoulder specialist? I will call the doctor for a referral. Anyone else has shoulder problem or similar issue? What have you done? Thanks for listening!
  13. Ds 13 does not want to do TPS writing. Well, in fact, because his recent diagnosis of T1D, he has fallen behind and I had him drop English 2 and only audit it. So now for next year, his 8th grade year, I would like to have him do a lighter online writing class, for just one semester. Or three months. Are there such online classes? Please help. Thanks!
  14. Thanks! I would like to buy a good diabetetes cook book with all carbs calculated for me. Anyone can recommend one for me? I already ordered Dr Bernstein's book. Thanks for the rec.
  15. Katy, Thank you! I just found Dr. Bernstein's videos and I will get his books.
  16. Ds13 is just diagnosed. He is frustrated with much time used with checking glucose level and insulin shots several times a day including one time at 2am every day. We need encouragement. We meals do you make for a teen with this condition? Can you recommend recipes or cook books or easy tips? I have taken a long time off the forum just in case if you don't remember me. Please help! Thanks!
  17. I would like to know your experience with TPS Spanish high school classes. Do you like it or not? How do you feel about the classes in general? I need to sign my son up for Spanish 1B. I still feel uncertain about it. Thanks!
  18. If you have experience with Sr. Gamache's high school Spanish 1 and transited to The Potter's School Spanish 2, would you please share it with me? What is Spanish class like at TPS? How long a day does a student study? My son is willing to try TPS Spanish 2, but I do not want to overwhelm him like last year with Gamache's class. Thanks!
  19. Ds12.5 did Sr. Gamache Spanish 1 and is really burned out with the heavy workload. I will move him on to either Potter's School Spanish 2 or Homeschool High School Spanish 2 with live teacher. If you have experience with this kind of transition, would you please share with me how you feel about it? Thanks a lot!
  20. i just learned that one woman of my online chat group shared a little bit of her near death experience at age 19. She said she was in hell and begged the devil to give her more years to live. The devil told her she could live to 59. Now she is 50. She has had fear about approaching 59. Only the group leader and I are Christians. I commented, "He that lives within me is greater than he that is in the world." I do not know how to talk about God to this group and how to discuss about Jesus with this lady in particular. Any suggestions to help her overcome her fear Thanks!
  21. Ds is really burned out with the heavy workload with Sr. Gamache's Spanish 1. He likes structure and predictability and even workload such as TPS Narnia class that he is taking now concurrently. It is highly likely that we will have to switch to another Spanish 2 online provider. If you have had similar experience, please share what you do. Thank you for your help!
  22. Ds12 has been really enjoying TPS Journey Through Narnia and has been learning a lot. He likes its predictable format and even workload and its very organized structure. I highly recommend it. I wonder if your dc has taken this class and if so what dc took or will take after this. Do dc continue on to English 2 of TPS or go on to another online writing provider. I would appreciate your input. Thank you!
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