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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. We have a small schoolroom with our desks, computer, books, etc. Most of our day is spent in there. However, reading is done wherever they feel like it and our read alouds, history readings, and science reading are done on the couch. Oh, and Spelling is usually done on the family room floor because we use large whiteboards instead of paper (we use Sequential Spelling. For some reason the kids think spelling is much more fun this way:)

  2. Mine is the same way! I don't know why he hates it so much. Oh, and now he has decided he wants to pick the style. Which would be fine except that he thinks it looks good to put gel in it and slick his bangs to the side. As in glued down across his forehead. It looks SO bad. I try to convince him to do it differently, but he is convinced it looks good. I can't even explain how bad it really is:glare:

  3. For Mindbender type puzzles with many more puzzles per book, you should look at Perplexors by Mindware.


    You might want to also look at Balance Benders from CT company. They are amazing for pre-algebra concepts and logic.


    I will probably get Logic Countdown which is the first in a series of 3 books that are also excellent for leading into formal logic studies.


    Thank you! I will look into these!


    I wanted to add that, at least for us, our list looks long but we don't fo everything everyday. We do our core subjects, but things like music, geography, etc. are just once a week things.

  4. Here's what I have planned so far:



    CLE Math 3




    Sequential Spelling

    First Language Lessons 3

    Sonlight 3 readers


    Foreign Language:

    Prima Latina



    Apologia (flying creatures)



    through tutorial w/ various texts


    Critical Thinking:


    *still deciding on which other to add



    A Child's Geography

    *we also meet twice per month with a group to study a new country by doing crafts, eating food from Tbe region, and doing presentations on geography and/or culture


    I think that's about it. I want to work in art or music appreciation somewhere. Ifnot, he will be doing art at tutorial so that's something:)

  5. Well, at least you are aware of the situation. So many parents are lulled into thinking their kids are succeeding because they are receiving A's and B's. This happened to my husband and I with my sdd. We had no idea of the degree of her disabilities until much later because she was getting such great grades in school.





    Oh, I can SO relate to this!! I thought my dd had finally "caught up" in math when, in reality, they had let her use a calculator all year in her special ed. class! This was for basic adding and subtracting in 2nd grade:001_huh: I brought her home and realized she had absolutely NO clue how to add even 1+1. She is now 14 and we have just now mastered single digit addition and subtraction. This may not seem like much, but she would have never gotten this far in school. It also shed some light on just how severe her learning disabilities are.

  6. I just say that their brain works a little different and they have a hard time working out right/wrong or socially acceptable/inappropriate.


    My son, for example, cannot understand why his burp-heard-round-the-restaurant was inappropriate: "But Mom! I said 'scuse' me!"



    :iagree: This is what I tell my younger two about their older sister. And from a mom of a child on the spectrum, thank you for taking the time out to talk with your kids about understanding and having compassion for a child with disabilities:)

  7. Traumatic delivery. She was stuck in the birth canal and finally came out (with shoulder dystocia) very blue. I didn't think she was alive. It was my first baby and the nurse actually got on top of me, straddled me, and began pushing on my stomach to get her out. I was only 18 and I remember thinking "Man, this is nothing like the deliveries I have seen in the movies!":lol: Anyway, she has sensory issues and is diagnosed with PDD-NOS.

  8. Apparently my mom thought is was okay:tongue_smilie: I used to sing that when I was little. Except our ending went "but most if all he can kiss, kiss, kiss:lol: Not advocating it, just saying I sung it. As for the OP, yeah, not a great choice.







    Omgosh.....I heard some little girls singing this the other day, and I thought it was bad, but then they started in on this one and I thought it was even worse....


    apples on a stick just make me sick

    they make my heart go 246

    not ‘cuz im dirty

    not ‘cuz im clean

    just ‘cuz i kissed a boy behind a magazine!

    hey girls,

    wanna have some fun?

    here comes a guy with his zipper undone

    he can wibble

    he can wobble,

    he can do the twist

    but i betcha 5 dollars he can't do this.

    close your eyes and count to ten,

    then whoever messes up is his girlfriend!


    Their mothers were nearby, and this kids were about 7 or 8. Who lets their kids sing this stuff?

  9. My dd is also very allergic to dogs. In fact, she was hospitalized last month for allergy induced Asthma after being around SILs pug. However, my parents have a "hypoallergenic" dog (1/2 shi tsu, 1/2 poodle) and we are over there all the time with no issue. Maybe that will be the case for you:grouphug:

  10. Does anyone still use the word fast anymore? To mean something other than speedy, I mean. I've never actually heard anyone use it that was younger than my parents.


    Look, this one says "Zoom". I'm sure the designer is a 20-something who has no idea "fast" had any type of sexual connotation. This isn't like the Juicy thing at all, which is obviously meant in a graphically sexual manner.


    :iagree: I've never heard anyone my age (33) use fast as a reference to anything risqué. Ever. I didn't even think of it as a reference to anything other than "sporty". I mean, the Nike swoosh is a pretty universal symbol for "sportiness". I think the swoosh puts the wording into context, if that makes sense.

  11. All of my kids are spaced a few years apart....14, 8, and 4. They are all very close and get along well. The 8 year old and the 4 year old fight the mist often, but they play together the most often as well. I have found that my youngest is very mature compared with other 4 year olds. I attribute it to trying to keep up with her older siblings and their friends. In fact, she doesn't have any friends her age. They are all about 6:). I say go for it!

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