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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. IEW SWI A has been wonderful. My son is also loving all of the critical thinking workbooks I purchased. Other than that, we didn't stray much from last years curriculum.



    ETA: Oh wait! I also started using the Scaredy Cat Reading system for my oldest dd (she is Autistic). She seems to like it:)

  2. WW was hard for me. I needed more accountability then there meetings so I signed up for




    It's free.


    you enter everything you eat and all calories you burn and it tells you how you did for the day calorie wise.


    Doing this I have lost weight. If I know I have to enter what I eat.....i don't eat it unless it's part of my meal.


    I do the same thing, though with the Loseit! app. It really makes me think about what I'm eating and I hate seeing my calorie tab go into to the red zone (over my calories for the day).

  3. I have three children and I think they secretly takes turns picking days to show off their attitudes. It is seriously like they rotate who is going to be the offender. Anyone else know what I am talking about?


    YES!! This is exactly how my kids are. They can't seem to coordinate their good days....there's always that one rebel:(


    Oh, and our homeschooling is just like OP's. I gave up on fun a long time ago. Everytime I stray from routine and try to do something fun, it backfires. They hate fun.

  4. I think I'm more outgoing in real life. I talk a lot, am louder than my friends, laugh a lot, joke a lot, am very sarcastic, riddled with anxiety;), stress out easily, more logical than emotional (though that would seem to contradict my anxiety), hate sitting at home, immature in the "doing silly things" sort of way....none of this translates into my online persona.

  5. So many awesome suggestions! Thank you! It's funny because she begs to do school, will happily sit there and do the work, but has no recall just 5 minutes later! So, last night she was "reading" a book, got frustrated and threw it down, and started crying because I'm not teaching her to read. I tried explaining that she had to remember all the letters, then their sounds, and then put them together to be able to read. My rationale made no sense to her. She kept crying and was so mad I haven't taught her to read:glare: Ahhhhh, reasoning with a four year old is not easy!!

  6. I have always liked the style and price of CLE math and would seriously consider it if it weren't for all the bible stuff in the samples. For those who use it how prevelent is religion in the 3rd and 5th/6th grade series? There seem to be a lot of "look up in the bible" assignments, we don't own a bible:glare: we are very secular. Is there another program like CLE but w/out the religious overtones?


    ETA: I actually called the company, very nice people, and was told that the religious content is minimal, do you concur?


    We have used CLE math for 3 years. I have never seen it tell you to look something up in the Bible. As others have said, there may be some religious references in some word problems, but it's definitely not prevalent like it is in their other curriculum subjects. We love CLE. I, too, have been tempted to switch based on threads here, but math is currently his favorite and I don't want that to change!

  7. Okay, so my dd4 is very bright. She has a great vocabulary, is inquisitive, mature, etc. However, I can NOT get this child to learn her letters. She can say her ABC's (unless you count the l,m,n,o,p part). Last year we did a letter if the week type program. She was only 3, so it was mostly painting and coloring the letters and, if she felt like it, she had dry erase books she could trace letters in. After a year, she only recognizes the letters A and V.....the only two letters in her name:). This year we have been using pre-K Hooked on Phonics, leap frog videos, alphabet puzzles....everything. She just does not remember the letters at all! My son was reading by 5 and knew his letters and their sounds by age 4, so I'm at a loss here. Should she recognize letters by now? Am I way overthinking this (likely!). I had it so easy with ds......tell him once and it was committed to memory. Now, what to do with this one?!?! I should add that she is very motivated and really wants to learn to read. She asks to do school and enjoys it. Am I doing something wrong? Any tricks or tips to get this kiddo to learn her letters?

  8. Has anyone used this? I bought it for my dd with Autism and it looks great. We started using it yesterday and I am so confused! What's up with the salad,appetizer, etc days? Maybe I haven't looked far enough ahead in the teachers manual, but I can't figure out when I am supposed to do these.

  9. I hesitantly purchased IEW for my ds8. He absolutely hates writing and I was nervous about spending so much on curriculum for a subject he literally cries about (no, seriously, he really cries about it:glare:). Anyway, we have started SWI A and he loves it!!! He hasn't complained once and said he likes having the teacher in the TV. AND he was actually putting effort into the subject!! This is the first time I've had a curriculum make such a difference in my Childs attitude. Just thought I'd share in case any of you have reluctant (mine was extremely reluctant!) writer. It really was worth the money!

  10. I've learned to never ask opinions on baby names!! There will never be a unanimous yes.....it's either too dated, too popular, not their taste, etc. And really, no one even thinks much about a childs name after their born! That said, I like the name and had a classmate with the same name that went on to be a very successful dr. Guess the name didn't stand in his way;).

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