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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. I don't think six is too late at all! There is such a wide discrepancy of skill levels from 5-8! My dd turned 5 last month and is level 2. There is one other girl her age, a six year old, and a couple 7 year olds in her class. The older ones seem to pick things up a little quicker. My dd has been in gym for about a year now, but the first few months in pre-rec were more like play time. I don't think you miss much by starting at 6. As for hours, we only go 3 per week now. As long as she continues to love it, I will continue to let her go.....regardless of the hours required (well, within reason of course!)

  2. Fortunately we have finished history and science. We have about five lessons to go in FLL and about 10 in math. My goal is to finish by the end of May. I don't like to finish the year until we have completed all of our math. If I have to, I will do more than one lesson in a day, crossing off some of the review, just to cover it all.

  3. I was very nervous about my first appt. But, honestly, once I got there and started talking it was like this huge burden was lifted! A good doctor will rule out medical issues with a blood test and reassure you that, if you are dealing with a mental illness, that you are NOT crazy. It is a chemical imbalance and nothing to be ashamed about seeking treatment for. Medication has done wonders for me....I feel back to my "old" self. Good for you for seeking help! I feel sad for people that don't and spend their lives needlessly struggling!

  4. Ds had a tick about 2 weeks ago on his lower head/upper neck that I removed. About a week after he was complaining that his back and neck were sore. That's gone, but now the lymph node in his neck is swollen and sore to the touch:(. That is his only symptom....no fever, rash, lethargy, etc. Should I take him to Urgent Care (where it takes a few hours) or wait for his appt. tomorrow afternoon? It's starting to worry me:(

  5. I guess I can sort if join this club:). We just moved to 22 acres. It's a lot more work than we had anticipated. The house was a foreclosure, so the land is kind of a mess. We want to get animals, but have to get the chicken coop cleaned up, fences up, etc. So far, I have been taking care of the inside and dh the outside. But, I'm going to have to step it up outside if we want to get it under control. Needless to say, I'm pretty overwhelmed with it all! Look forward to seeing how you all do it!

  6. Cases like this do not shock me anymore. My dd was in public school for K. She is Autistic and was in a special needs class. At the time, a major thing we struggled with was her tendency to wander off. The school and teacher were WELL aware of this. Yet, I came to discover that dd was sent outside of her portable classroom by herself when she acted up. She was supposed to sit next to the door (which was closed) with NO supervision. Thank God she never wandered away, but I was furious. This is just one instance of total neglect for her needs we experienced. PS was a nightmare as a parent of a special needs child:(

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