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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. I am so paranoid about choking! My kids still don't get hard candy....and I still cut their hot dogs down the middle. I've done the heimlich twice on my oldest....once was a gummy vitamin and once was asparagus. So scary. I'm also super paranoid about water bottle caps. A little girl choked and died while taking one off with her teeth. Her dad was driving her to school and saw her slumped over in the back seat while in the car rider line at our local elementary school. Now I take the caps off before I let my kids have the bottle. It was just such a sad situation:(

  2. Be sure to tell the allergist about any previous rashes, etc. My dd's nut allergy started this way. She would get rashes, but I didn't realize nuts were the cause. I had her tested (not because of nuts, but frequent Asthma)and she only tested as slightly allergic (I forget the number). Two years later and her sensitivity level is now 4 times higher. Her reactions have become more severe over time. Apparently this is pretty common. We never leave the house without our Epi and Benadryl! I would definitely be calling the dr. in the AM and asking for an epi prescription until you can get in to an allergist!!

  3. When my oldest was a year she fell and hit her head on our brick fireplace (no fire). She actually didn't fall that hard, but when she hit it the cement holding the bricks was uneven and sticking out (does that make sense?). Anyway, it actually poked a small hole in her head and bled like crazy!!!


    When I was in Jr. High I went tubing with my friends family. The intertube popped and somehow the tow rope hook (those BIG ones) lodged in my arm. They had to swim out, unhook me, and head to ER. A few weeks later another part of my arm started to swell. When they cut it open they pulled out a piece of the intertube. Ugh....that was just traumatizing!!!!

  4. Back off a little AND push a little.


    Back off is he is clearly uncomfortable or overwhelmed.


    Push a little if you know it is a friend or activity he will enjoy.


    Make sure he has plenty of alone time. Last year, Diamond stayed home from co-op on Fridays. This completely recharged her- and was fabulous since she was in a musical production which she loved- but it was a lot of people. All day, every day.


    Encourage activities that aren;t overwhelming or competitive. Diamond dances- but not competitively. She enjoys the structure and discipline of dance class. There are other students in the class, but the focus is on the class exercises- she could be alone or have 40 classmates- her efforts will be the same. Soccer would completely wreck her- too overwhelming, and too random. Ballet class is pretty much the same every time.


    Perhaps an activity like Chess- where he plays one-on-one?


    Hmmmm.....Chess might be a good idea! We tried soccer, baseball, gym, but he is not into anything that might result in injuries:). He is very anxious and worries about stuff like that. Going to have to find out about a local chess club!

  5. Being introverted is not "anti-social". I don't push it because I understand it.


    I should have come up with better wording. I was trying to steer away from "shy" as he is definitely not shy once put into a social situation. He is loud, silly, talkative, etc. It's just that if he had his choice, he would stay home. I apologize if my wording was offense....totally not my intention!!


    Thanks for the advice. I guess I just need to respect his need for alone time. I just hate to seem him slowly pulling away from all the social activities he used to look forward to. It just makes me sad to see him alone even though I know it apparently is what he wants.

  6. Ds is 9. He is a sweet, compassionate, smart, funny kid. When he was younger we were always on the go....playdates, gymnastics, field trips, etc. Within the last two years he has become extremely anti-social. I wouldn't even call it shy because once he is around his friends, he has a good time and is running around crazy with them. However, he does not ever WANT to do anything with friends. He quit gym and complains about every outing we go on. Just this morning I had signed him up for a mini camp. It was all kids he knew well from co-op. He threw, as usual, a huge fit about going. He says he just wants to stay home and play computer, build things, and play with his sisters. I forced him to go and he said it was fun, but he still doesn't want to go back. He is totally content being at home. I am very social and can't relate. I continue to make play dates because I don't think it's good for him to be isolating himself. What do you think? Should I back off or keep pushing him out of his comfort zone? He is well liked by other kids so there are no hidden issues like bullying, etc.


    ETA: I realize he is not clinically anti-social. I was posting while listening to three kids, the TV, and the dog and just couldn't come up with another word. Shy didn't describe him so I resorted to anti-social, as in "not social". Didn't intend to offend any introverts....I am aware that one is a clinical dx while one is just a personality type.

  7. Have you tried something like the Loseit! app? Or anything that you have to enter in every calorie you eat? I found it to be a real eye opener. I was eating so many hidden calories! Writing everything down and staying within my allotted calorie intake forced me to be very choosy with what I ate. Like, is that slice of cheese on your sandwich really worth using up some calories? The accountability really worked for me. That, and exercise. I wish it were possible to get out of that one but I just don't think it is:(

  8. Yup! But we just moves in last month so I may still be in the honeymoon stage. My favorite feature is that there are two separate stairways. Up one is just a huge bonus room. Up the other are all the kids rooms. So, we can actually use our bonus room at night without the kids being bothered. Love it. Also loving that we finally have a mud room! Ahhhhh.....so much better than a tiny laundry room right in the middle of our kitchen!

  9. So, we just moved to some land with an existing coop. We really want to get some chickens to help with our tick problem (eggs too!). I want them to free range to eat as many bugs as possible. This may sound dumb, but won't they wander away? We have 22 acres.....only a fairly small area is fenced. Do we need fencing all around?

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