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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. I try to share my excitement about these sorts of homeschooling things with my friends in real life, but sadly, although supportive, they just don't get why I do a jig whenever my delivery guy comes knocking.


    :iagree: Even my husband doesn't get it:(

  2. Because the other siblings have names with an o & i and we don't want this one feeling left out. I know, I'm weird. Stems from personal childhood name trauma. Everyone, everyone in my family had names that started with the same letter, except for me.


    No vowels because with the first and last name, vowel initials make terrible sounding words.


    Love some of these names! I could only think of Jovi, until it dawned on me that I was getting the name from Bon Jovi.



    I associate Jovi with the character in the movie Elf. I thought it was a cute name:)

  3. We moved out of "town" 5 months ago. Honestly, my kids do miss subdivision living. They miss playing with the neighborhood kids. So, that bums me out. However, if people ask about socialization I just tell them we have to be more intentional about it than we were. We invite people over more, go to park days, take classes, etc. I've also taken advantage of the land to start a new tutorial every week.

  4. I don't know, but I won't be popping anything for awhile. I had a bug bite on my face and apparently scratched it in my sleep. I now have cellulitis....ON MY FACE:glare: Day 2 of antibiotics....hoping the swelling, itching, and pain go away soon. Anyway, yeah, I will forever leave things on my body alone (and bandage itchy things when I sleep:tongue_smilie:)

  5. Our trash guys have a beat up old pick up rigged with plywood on the sides of the bed. They drive like maniacs (think the mailman in Funny Farm) and trash is frequently flying:glare: But, they are cheap!


    Our next door neighbor (we're both on 20+ acres, so not super close) custom built his home. I kid you not, it looks like a gas station. It's all brick with a giant metal awning hanging off the front. Everyone that comes over asks what kind of business is next door. When we first moved, we wondered the same thing so we went over and asked. We were mortified when he told us that he designed and built the house:blink:

  6. This year I went rockabilly!

    I have a body like Marilyn Monroe and I'm sick of feeling bad about myself and my body. So, I decided to dress more like the 50's style that encouraged curvy girls.

    I roll my jeans, put on a fitted top (not too tight), throw on some ballet flats or converse. My hair is actually in more of a 60's flip buy I either put on a wide headband or pull it up into a bandana knotted on top.

    I'm still transitioning because I can't afford to go buy an entirely new wardrobe. But I'm working on it. A high school friend who has been rockabilly for years is giving me guidance.

    I am so, so much happier. Dressing my body type instead of fighting it has made all the difference.

    Oh, I'm 41.


    I'm intrigued! Where do you buy your clothes. I googles rockabilly but it was mostly dresses. Any examples of casual stuff (links?please?). I am currently stuck dressing like I walked out of the juniors dept. I need a new style!

  7. We moved from CA to TN 8 years ago. Here's what stood out to me:

    -People wave to you here (especially driving through subdivisions and back roads)

    -there is very little graffiti on freeway signs

    - our neighbors all came over to introduce themselves

    -people bring you meals for everything!!!

    -everyone knows where you live based on the name of your subdivision (I don't even know the name of any subdivision where we lived in CA)

  8. I won't go into my opinion on the whole thing, but I was stuck in INSANE traffic trying to get through town:glare: They had police cars directing traffic and everything. There were no protesters that I saw, just customers. I know it was a big thing in our local hs group to go support them today. And apparently they came out in droves. It was crazy. I, however, just wanted to get to Lowe's!!!

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