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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. I think I am on book 33 or 34. STILL trying to get through The Trial by Kafka. I find it torturous to read and can only tolerate a few pages per day. I keep reading thinking there must be some redeeming quality since it is a classic. I finishes Night Light by Terri Blackstock. It is the second in a series describing life after electromagnetic pulses destroy all electronics. I've enjoyed the first two books. I have started Uncle Tom's Cabin as well.

  2. I think it is because of the student debt that can be accumulated with wages straight out of college not being enough to pay it off. It can become a financial burden. After I got my degree I went to work for not much more than what I made waitressing. That said, we talk to our kids about college as in "when" they go, not "if". We plan to take that financial burden in, but some kids don't have that option.

  3. I read 4 books last week: Sweetie, Fragile, Why Me?, and The Glass Castle (don't have the authors on hand). This week I am reading Nightlight and trying to read The Trial by Kafka. I have been trying for awhile now. I am about halfway through and still trying to figure out what others have likes about it. I find it unbelievably boring. But, I am determined to finish it...even if I can only tolerate a few pages a day'

  4. I don't have any good advice, just :grouphug:. I was in your daughters shoes at 18. I was fortunate enough to have already had a job when I found out. I remember I quit when I was about 4-5 months along, but don't really remember what I did to fill the time. I had also been accepted to college and had to delay it due to the pregnancy. It was a difficult and lonely time watching all if my friends go off to school. However, I did eventually go back to school and graduated with my bachelors. Many colleges offer great childcare programs at a minimal fee for students. Anyway, I hope she is able to find something to pass the time and help her not feel so lost. I know it was a very difficult time for me, however my dd changed my life in so many amazing ways and I wouldn't change what happened for the world. My only regrets are that I worried far too much about what other people thought and didn't enjoy the pregnancy like I should have. Best of luck to your dd, if she or you ever want to talk to someone that has BTDT, feel free to PM me!!!

  5. Man, I went shopping and I was still thinking about this and irritated.


    Forget being exposed to someone who has a pregnant sister, your son shouldn't be around her because he might be exposed to someone with a raging case of asshattery.


    Asshattery is more contagious than pregnancy.


    Keep your son safe!






    Some people! I was once in your dd's shoes. I can't tell you how important having my moms support was! Good for you for supporting your dd and being excited for a new grandbaby!!!

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