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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. My oldest dd is Autistic. She didn't learn to read until she was probably 11. She knew sight words prior to that. She still struggles with blending, but is making progress (we are using Scaredy Cat Reading system). Math has been our biggest struggle. I seriously thought she would never learn to add. Just this year ( using touch math), she was able to learn to add single digit and double digit problems (with carrying!). We have just started using Number Neighbors and it has been awesome. It is really boosting her confidence and she is actually enjoying math!! Still trying to figure out how to increase her retention and comprehension in Science and History. Good luck. The road is long and daunting, but progress can be made:)

  2. From what I understand from dd's allergist, a persons reaction to foods they are allergic to can worsen with every exposure. My dd is severely allergic to peanuts/ tree nuts. It started as a minor rash, next exposure was major hives (we finally got herctested after this), and the last exposure (accidental), led to swelling of her entire face.

  3. Do you alternate curriculum or do your core curriculum each day and add a lesson from whatever you choose to supplement? We use CLE and it seems like it would be overkill to add something, but I would like him to have a little extra practice with a variety of word problems.

  4. I have been willing to pay more for music. I guess I have always just seen art as a talent that one is born with (at least some natural ability), while music can be learned through practice. Typing that out, I know it probably sounds ridiculous. But, I think I'd be willing to shell out more money if my kids showed some natural artistic abilities.

  5. Here's what I did with my second grader ( he reads well, but absolutely HATES it!):


    FLL 2 ( supplemented by CLE 2 LA, not necessary, but I love CLE and am having a hard time with our break up:))


    CLE Math 2: We just like the spiral, workbook style


    Apologia Anatomy: I thought this was a little over a seven year olds head.


    WWE: I really wanted ds to like it. He didn't:( A year later and he still cries over the dictation....


    Sequential Spelling


    History was a mix of SOTW 2 and books related to the subject.


    Sonlight 2 readers: Easy reading (too easy) and the comprehension questions

    lacked any depth IMO


    Overall it was a great year and I was happy with our choices. Our only change for next year will be to use IEW in place of WWE.

  6. My dh and I love stand up! Going to the comedy club is our favorite date night:). My favorites are Nick Swardson, Brian Regan, Greg Giraldo, Ellen's In The Beginning set, Louis C.K., Mitch Hedburg, and a lot I am forgetting. I'm pretty sure we have seen every Comedy Central Presents. I am going to see Tim Hawkins at the convention tomorrow and I imagine that will be pretty funny:)

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