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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. I found a great spelling app called My Spelling Test for my iPhone. You create your own spelling tests by typing in the word and recording yourself saying it. The child listens to you say the word and then types it in. Once they complete it, you can go back to see how many they missed, which words they spelled wrong, and how they misspelled it. This has been awesome for us. We use Sequential Spelling so I just make up the list the night before and hand the kids the phone:). Then I can go over the missed words and add them to the next list. Just thought I'd pass it on as I know we all need our kids to do a little independent work every now and then.

  2. I tend to be skeptical of popular hsing curriculum that others tell me about. I find that what fits one child will not fit another. Which is probably why I veer away from hsing curriculum for that reason. I tend to use publishers and companies that I have used from my old days of teaching.


    One publisher for math aims at the special education market and I love them for elementary and junior high grades -- and they are on the same level like Saxon Math. The school I taught at used Saxon Math. I thought for sure my son would do fine with Saxon (I loved it) but it was not a good fit (he hated it). Fortunately, I remembered that small company I used as a special ed teacher for an individual student book for $13. Son loved the math book! I was happy as it was the same as Saxon Math. But if you ask many homeschoolers, they have NEVER heard of the publisher.


    What publisher is this? I am always looking for curriculum for my special needs dd!!!

  3. On the other hand, some of us really enjoyed those old series and don't regret the time we spent with our noses in the books one. little. bit. ;)


    I don't think that everything that a person reads has to have some 'greater purpose' or whatever….


    :iagree: I loved SVH!! I saved the entire series:) they never led to a love of romance novels for me. As I got older, my tastes changed and matured. But, ahhhhhh, such fun memories reading SVH and chatting with my friends about it!

  4. We moved to middle TN from CA 6 years ago. The weather doesn't bother me. There is SO much warning for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms. The first thing we did was buy a shelter. We have only used it 2 or 3 times, but it's nice for peace of mind. In the time we've been here there has never been a tornado in our town (south of Nashville). We've never even had hail! Maybe you should move South a little....the storms always seem to go around us:)

  5. Our old house had tile in the family room. I hated it. It was so cold and uninviting (though I am a huge tile fan and we have it in our kitchen, entryway, and bathroom). We had to keep a huge rug down, which was no fun to clean. Even with the rug it was no fun to sit on the floor. My kids live to lay on the floor to color, do flips, watch movies, etc. It just wasn't as cozy on a rug with cold, hard tile beneath.

  6. My ds uses CLE math. We love it. I like the spiral approach. I also like the fact that we do daily speed drills and flashcards to improve memory and speed. We used Lifepacs for J. I was not a fan. I think CLE is far more thorough. We have also used CLE LA and enjoyed it (although we used a separate spelling program). We have switched over to FLL to get out of a workbook rut, but I still use CLE as a supplement. Retried their reading program, but disliked it. The kids thought the stories were boring (and, honestly, so did I!),

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