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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. Last year, for my 3 year old, we did sequencing cards, matching games, some of the "Preschool Activities in a Bag" stuff, art supplies, simple puzzles, beads for stringing, white erase board/chalk board, preschool workbooks so she could feel like she's "doing school", books on tape with headphones.....hmmmmm...so much stuff. All of which kept her busy for a whole five minutes:lol:

  2. As another person with thick hair, I would cut with caution! One too many times I have seen adorable cuts like the one you posted, went in to get the look, and came out looking like a mushroom. My hair is just too thick (even with extensive thinning) for anything above the chin. I need a little length to wright it down. I love the cut, just make sure you get a good hairdresser that will look at your hair and be honest about how closely it will match the photo. Some just look at the photo and cut away without considering your individual thickness and texture.

  3. I have noticed a lot of people mention that they had more paperwork lying around when filing. Why is that? I'm genuinely curious, not being snarky. When we finish a worksheet I just shove it into an accordion style folder that I have labeled by subject. However, this is my first year filing and now you all have me paranoid that there are going to be massive amounts of worksheets strewn about the house:001_smile:

  4. I am much more picky about neatness than holding a pencil correctly. Probably because I don't hold mine correctly, listened to every teacher harp on me about to no avail, and don't even know how to hold it correctly myself:). I never could figure out why, if my writing was neat, it mattered how I held my pencil! Attempting to do it the "right" way is, for me, like trying to write with my left hand.

  5. Well, I believe psychiatrists can prescribe meds while psychologists can not. In my experience, our appts. with psychologists have been more talk therapy based while our psychiatrists just want a run down from me on what symptoms/behaviors we ate looking to address and then prescribe a med. they think will help. At this point, we no longer see either.

  6. Thank you both for your input. I think I will start looking into adult services in the area. Sadly, it's possible she may have already leveled out with her academics. We seem to have hit a wall a few years ago and she just can't get past the concrete material of the lower grades to the more abstract, critical thinking levels that upper elementary and beyond requires. Not to mention, she despises school and has zero motivation to learn. There are more tears in her school day than I can count.


    Anyway, thank you again for your input and advice. I think I may start to really hit the three "r's" with her this year while exploring adult services. If anyone would have told me when she was 6 or 7 thatshe would make such limited progress, I wouldn't have believed them. I really thought that she would end up higher functioning that she is. It just makes me sad for her:(

  7. Ouch. That would definitely hurt:grouphug: However, kids are smart. I am sure he is well aware how much his education means to you. Therefore, what better way to get his way than by emphasizing education. Sounds to me like he just really enjoyed his time with friends at PS and thought about a way to get you on board with the idea of him returning. That said, it still hurts:(. He's young....they don't always think about the repercussions of their words.

  8. We did quite a few with a geography group I host:


    -diorama of a Chinese farmhouse

    -model of Mayan Ruins out of sugar cubes

    -made gondolas

    -salt dough maps

    -toucan masks

    -canvas painting of the Northern Lights

    -Mexican paper flowers


    -cooked traditional foods from various countries



    Other crafts we did outside of geography:

    -clay model of a cell

    -made a weather station with a kit

    -made "cupcake" crayons

    -made Toga's

    -edible blood cell


    Probably a few others I am forgetting. It looks like a fair amount when written out, but my goal is to add more next year:)

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