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Posts posted by hsbaby

  1. We have The Pledge of Allegiance, skeletal poster as we are studying astronomy, days and months for the little one, multiplication chart, history timeline, topographical US map (my great-grandparents passed away recently and it still has all of the pins in it from the places they visited. We are going to add our own pins in another color), and tons of family photos!!

  2. Not only do I wear jeans, but I buy them in the juniors department. I just like the fit better (not so high waisted, more fitted). In fact, the ones I am wearing right now have the holes in the leg and all. I'm in my mid 30's. I don't care what someone else thinks is age appropriate. I don't feel old, don't dress old, and don't act old. I will be wearing jeans foreverrrrrrr:)

  3. I don't see special needs here either. I have a dd with PDD and an 8 year old ds much like your son. There is a huge difference in the way the two have tantrums and are non-compliant. It's hard to describe without writing a novel. DS is just negative. I can see him saying and doing all of the things you mention your son doing. He is definitely not special needs (he doesn't do these things at tutorial, gym, or in public). He saves all if it for me:). Dd, on the other hand, can't control her outbursts or emotions. The only thing that seems to help with my son is a written list of rules and consequences. I walk away from tantrums....I don't even acknowledge them. He will usually apologize later and admit he was over-reacting (though he will still try to justify it). So, I would say ignore the tantrums, explain the consequences once he has calmed down, ignore the tantrum that will follow the giving of the consequences.....and make sure to have consequences written down. We go over the rules at the start of everyday so that he is reminded of what will happen if he throws a tantrum or whines and complains all day.

  4. I think I lean more toward yes. I don't go anywhere without make up. I love to dress up, but don't dress up at home or just to run to the store. Love getting my hair done, having painted nails, buying new accessories, make up, and clothes. But make up is a big must here. Always:)

  5. I'll be the odd one out. We do music appreciation in our hs, but there hasn't been any interest in taking lessons by any of the kids. They are all gym rats:) With the cost of gymnastics, something they are passionate about, we can't even afford music lessons if we wanted. So, in our case, I want to expose my children to music history,etc., but don't plan on pushing them to take lessons.

  6. Which one did you get if you don't mind me asking? I'm now looking at it for my 3yo. (thanks to you!) and i'm wondering if I should get the one for K3-K5 since he'll be 4yo. in Sept. or just get Animal Play. Thanks


    I bought Fruit for the Tender Heart for my 3 year old (she will be 4 in April). I already downloaded it and it looks great:).

  7. I wrote my curriculum after doing preschool and kinder with my ds and felt very strongly that I was supposed to write something I wished I'd had for him. I wrote it to do with my dd someday and shared it with some others. Someone amazing saw it and decided that it needed to be on the market. They did the internet work for me because she felt so strongly about it, but I have to say that it's really hard to "market" it. I'm terrible at it and I'm just glad it's there to help others. My real goal was to create something affordable and easy to use. It's definately NOT a big money maker! :001_smile: It really depends on what your goal is and what you are willing to spend putting into it. The hardest part is not taking anything from anyone else!


    Good luck!


    Well, you just did a good job of marketing it to me:). This is exactly what I have been looking for! Off to purchase......

  8. Voted other because I recently closed my FB account. Not only were the controversial posts annoying (though I never engaged in it), but I disliked the "fakeness" of it all. You know friends posting messages to other friends acting as if they were the best of friends, yet calling me the same day to b!tch about said person. Or those bragging about their perfect life when you know the reality is just not like that. I didn't feel it brought me closer to anyone, just gave me a glimpse into their life through rose colored glasses. It was like high school all over again:). Sorry......think I just went way off topic!!!!

  9. I am so sorry for the hurt you are feeling. As a parent of two food allergy kiddos, I can empathize (though your sons issues sound far more sensitive). I understand that it puts others out to be around a child with food allergies...but for one morning a week? C'mon...I don't think that's asking a lot. I host a group at my house with 6 families. It is a geography group and everyone brings food from the country we are studying. Fortunately these women are amazing about ensuring no peanuts/nuts (including things processed in a plant where cross contamination might occur). I always get emails asking if something is okay to be around my dds. Never a complaint. I say that to point out that there are people willing to adjust their diet one day ( and you're talking only one meal!) a week. Again, I am sorry you are hurting. Food allergies are a scary thing.

  10. 1. So that I don't have to make school lunches on the morning when I could be sleeping.


    2 to keep my children so unsocialized that they will never feel comfortable in the real world. Then they can live at home, sheltered by me forever, and giving my life meaning.


    3. To avoid fundraisers


    4. I enjoy arguing with children on a daily basis about school work.


    5. I don't want to help with homework.


    6. I don't want my kids exposed to the illnesses public schooled kids carry.


    7. I like to save money on clothes by wearing pajamas 90% of the time.


    8. And finally, I am far too intelligent to NOT share my gifts with my children.

  11. I broke my foot a few years ago....fell down our stairs. I heard a crack and knew it was broken. By the time I got to the ER it was ver swollen and black and blue. You could see the bulge of the bone. There was no way I could have walked on it...it was a bad break. I would go get an x-ray. It could be a sprain, a fracture, or even a minor break. I wouldn't blow it off as a sprain without knowing for certain. If it is broken and you don't get it properly treated, you will pay for it in the long run!!!

  12. Last week I read The Book Thief, The Lost Boy, and Sarah's Key. I read The Book Thief before Sarah's Key. I wish I hadn't. The Book Thief was so good that Sarah's Key really paled in comparison. It started off okay, and I was enthralled with Sarah's story of the Jewish round up, but Julia's character ( the present day journalist) bored me to tears. The book, in my opinion, went from gripping to fluff toward the end when Sarah's voice disappeared and Julia's voice took over the narration. Maybe I would have liked it more had I not just read The Book Thief. Love that book....just love it.


    This week I am reading Without Pity by Ann Rule. I'm almost done so I'll have to find something else soon. Looking forward to reading this thread for some recommendations:)

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