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Everything posted by Staceyshoe

  1. Are these the Sonlight notes you're talking about: http://www.sonlight.com/100-00.html? (This link takes you to the Student Guide. There is also a Parent Guide.)
  2. We just read this book based on Stripe's recommendation. I give it two-thumbs up! It's perfect for the 7ish age range.:)
  3. I highly recommend the audio CDs. It's amazing what kids can learn just from listening in the car (or anywhere). The songs make history sentences a piece of cake!
  4. Does someone have a rocks/minerals sample kit that they recommend? I'm at a total loss for where to start looking. I regularly order from Rainbow Resource so I started browsing there, but I'm open to ordering from another place too. Recommendations? (I'd like to keep it to $30 or under if it's possible to get a good selection for that price.)
  5. I appreciate you mentioning this! I was thinking about it for our 2nd round of American history, but it's good to know that it would work for youngers too. (Maybe I could actually combine my kids in something!:tongue_smilie:)
  6. I snatched up all the Hands-On Histories that I don't already own. Also purchased a critical thinking and a how-to-use reference books e-book. I think they range from excellent to decent, so I'm definitely pleased for $1 each!
  7. Oh wow! I hadn't heard anything about a sale, so I didn't realize they were only $1 now. Off to buy more of these Hands on Histories!!:tongue_smilie:
  8. Love this! Thank you so much for sharing! (And I am so ready to snatch up all the Hands-On History I can find during the next Dollar Days sale!:D)
  9. Oh, I love love love Pinterest for homeschooling ideas! If you do a search of the Parents forum for Pinterst threads, you'll find some WTM folks to follow!:)
  10. Just wanted to mention that volumes 1 & 2 of Mara Pratt's books are available for free audio download here. I've only listened to bits and pieces of them, so I can't really form an opinion. If you decide that you don't like them, you may want to look at Betsy Maestro's American history series. We're using them this year and love them. (If you use these, you may want to check your library. A lot of libraries seem to carry them.) The pictures are truly outstanding, and the content is meaty without being overly wordy or detailed.
  11. :iagree: KOI is an amazing resource to have available for free. If you download a few studies and look through them, you'll see what I mean. It's a lot to do, so we just pick and choose the lessons/activities that fit best for us.
  12. I've been inspired by a couple of bloggers to do hymn study. I would really love to have mp3s of hymns on my Ipod. Does anyone happen to know of a site where I could find free mp3s of common hymns to download? TIA!
  13. Your daughter sounds pretty advanced in science so it may work. The beauty of BFSU is that you can cover the basics or go very deep into the topic. (*I* learned about science in volume 1, so it does/can go surprisingly indepth.) Because you can tailor it to the level of your child, I think it would work. On the other hand, BFSU isn't the easiest to implement so I'd be tempted to wait until she would get the most out of it. Whether you go ahead with it now or wait, I think you and your dd will really enjoy it. It's a fantastic curriculum for kids who get really fired up about science.
  14. Is it possible that she's not an auditory learner? I think FLL1 really shines for an auditory child, but it's not so great for children who thrive with a more visual instruction. Perhaps GWG or even FLL3 would work better for her? The diagramming did more to solidify parts of speech/part of sentence for ds than repeating the same info over and over and over again. He does much better when something is presented visually.
  15. Thank you for sharing this! I often see GF recipes online, but I've had some flops. Without reviews from real people, I'm not sure whether it's worth the time, energy, and expense. I'm bookmarking this for future use!:D
  16. You have a great start there! For variety, you may try adding it to breakfast--homemade hash with brisket, big chunks of potatoes, onions, and hot peppers (if you like it spicy). Mmmm! This thread is making me hungry!:D
  17. I have a blog post of our favorite Christian picture book and devotionals here. I agree with Max Lucado. Some others that may interest your ds include His Mighty Warrior, Five Minute Devotions for Children, or What is God Like? My descriptions of those resources are included in the blog post. Another thought is Long Story Short. It does not contain pictures, but you can look inside the book at the above link to get a feel for it. It includes short easy attention-getting activities that may help to capture intrigue. Here is a about the book. Another thought might be putting books aside for a while and doing something like Movie Nights.
  18. My little guy got a microscope around age 5. Another science gift that he loved was snap circuits (though it sounds like your daughter may be more interested in biology).
  19. Thank you! I'll re-think our current plan. This whole thread has been so helpful to me!
  20. Is there a simple book that would explain the very basics of American government---three branches, checks and balances, and such? I'd like to at least give an overview of American government this year. If possible, I'd love to find an early elementary book that gives very basic info about other forms of government also, but I know that may be asking too much.;)
  21. I've been doing the CWP a year behind and using the older version (which I've been getting off PBS). I haven't seen the bar diagrams in them yet. Maybe I need to jump us up to level 3 or the current edition in level 2?
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