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Status Updates posted by 5LittleMonkeys

  1. Emptied out all the useless kitchen\dining room things out of my hutch and bought baskets that will slide in to the bottom and organizers for the drawers. Now, my youngest 3 can store all of their individual school books in there...right next to where we do the majority of our school! I also have enough room to put pens, pencils, tape, glue, markers, scissors, math games...I don't know why I didn't do this years ago!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      That sounds great! I love beautiful storage! (Ok, that sounds dumb, but ykwim)

    3. Lizzie in Ma

      Lizzie in Ma

      That is great!

    4. 5LittleMonkeys


      One of the perks is that I ended up with 4 boxes full of stuff that I realized needs to go into a yard sale...so maybe I'll earn a little extra cash to buy more books! :)

  2. Ugh, it's time for that "dinner" thing again.

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Why do people keep wanting to eat???

    2. 5LittleMonkeys


      I know...what is up with that? I'll be doing my thing and all of a sudden there's these 6 people looking at me like they expect me to do something about the fact that they are hungry. I just fed them like 6 hours ago! Sheesh!


    3. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Tonight I was helping ds16 make cookies for his Spanish class party tomorrow. When we finished he said, "I've been in the kitchen for like, 2 hours!" I have him "the look" and he said, "Oh, yeah. I guess you're in here that long every day." Yeah, buddy. I wish it was only 2 hrs. per day. And I didn't even make him wash all the dishes!

  3. My sister just took all 5 of my kids to a movie. This is the first time in months...maybe even over a year...that I have been completely alone in this house. Weird.

    1. Halcyon


      OMG I need my alone time..more than that, for sure! So nice to be able to just listen to....nothing....;)


    2. 5LittleMonkeys


      The nothingness is making me nervous...going to turn some music on.

  4. Homemade turkey potpie with the remainder of the Thanksgiving leftovers. Yum!

    1. AnnaM


      I had to do a double take because I had just posted the exact same status on FB and I couldn't figure out how it would have gotten on here lol!

    2. 5LittleMonkeys


      Oh gosh that's funny! I'll bet there is the exact same thing posted on lots of FB pages this week. :)

  5. I'm really, really tired of cooking for 7 people. That is all.

    1. Lolly


      I totally agree!


    2. mommymilkies


      Me, too, sometimes. Unless I have an assistant making gingerbread and feeding me dough. Then it's worth it. ;)

  6. Most of my Christmas shopping is done, my house is clean, my food for tomorrow is prepped, I had time to repaint the fireplace, and now I'm sitting down to watch Spartacus with hubby. :)

    1. Amie


      Show off! ; ) OK seriously, enjoy your time. Sounds like you earned it!

  7. I am NOT ready for business as usual tomorrow. Wwaaaahhh!

    1. GWOB


      Neither am I. Boo hiss on Mondays!


  8. Having 12 homeschooling moms over for a get together tonight, sans kids. SO EXCITED! :)

    1. lovinmomma


      That sounds fun!

  9. Ever have one of those headaches that makes it painful to listen to your kids talk?

    1. Pixjen


      Ever have one of those kids that makes your head painful?

  10. Just finished up more Algebra word problems with oldest ... aliens and purple hats.

  11. I have a whole week free to do cleaning\sorting\organizing...and all I want to do is sleeping\resting\relaxing.

  12. Finishing the last 12 weeks of school is so hard!

  13. I'm so tired of cvc words.

  14. I really hate it when I agree to do something I really, really don't want to do.

  15. My local library sucks. It's costing me too much money.

  16. Groceries in the rain...yuck.

  17. Just found this nifty little feature...how cool! Really great for those times when you want to share but don't necessarily need feedback.

  18. Why do my Christmas lights get contrary every year? The whole tree was blinking...now only the top. So annoying.

  19. We had a nice Thanksgiving with family, but now I'm happy to have the weekend with no phone, no visiting, no shopping, not answering the door....no obligations at all. Just games, movies, reading, some sewing, and each other.

  20. I like the View New Content by content type feature.

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