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Everything posted by smrtmama

  1. I don't think you're a freak. I'm naturally very extroverted, and I *still* have tremendous anxiety over things like parties. I've gotten to where I really don't like to go to that kind of stuff at all -- too many people, too much noise, too much bumping into me. Bleh.
  2. No. I've done it and I survived intact. I work to keep my marriage strong for its own sake, not out of fear of divorce.
  3. My newborns have always nursed at least every 90 minutes. That's just NORMAL. Scheduling *is* bad (unless it's to schedule more feedings), btw.
  4. :iagree: The issue isn't whether or not kids do dumb stuff, but whether or not they (or the parents) should accept responsibility (financial or simply emotional) for injuries that occur during that dumb stuff. Kids don't magically know NOT to do the dumb stuff, hence why it's relevant whether or not a parent or other adult has specifically spoken to them about that particular dumb thing.
  5. But it does matter, for several reasons: 1. If the mother has spoken to the daughter about it and she did it anyway, then the burden of making amends needs to fall primarily on the daughter. 2. If the mother has NOT spoken to the daughter about it, the burden of making amends should fall primarily on the mother. 3. Either way, the girl shouldn't be picking people up without their consent, so that's a conversation that needs to happen and repercussions for violating that made clear.
  6. I don't. My husband has a female friend through work, but they don't really hang out often and it's almost always with other people.
  7. Has she been prescribed Hylatopic? It's a foaming emollient and is absolutely the BEST THING for eczema. It's quite expensive, roughly $130 a bottle, but it was the only thing that finally calmed my daughter's all-over eczema.
  8. I agree with her sentiments on Pioneer Woman (whom I find pretentious and completely self-absorbed), but she's missed the mark on this one.
  9. How have you addressed the picking-up issue with your daughter? At 12, she should know that it's not appropriate to touch, let alone pick up, someone without their permission.
  10. If you're continuing with grammar and spelling, I see no reason to have a writing program at this age if you are integrating writing into other subject areas. She seems to be writing well for her age. You seem to be setting reasonable expectations for her based on her age. You could easily continue this for the rest of this year and start with MCT next year.
  11. Pelvic prolapse surgery is a HUGE deal and it's often not a permanent fix. I'd strongly urge you to check out Saving the Whole Woman. It has an array of pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle changes that don't have the risks of surgery.
  12. My first pattern was from Joy's Waldorf Dolls, but now I make my own!
  13. It's randomly generated by the blog. Different blogs are set up for different randomly generated icons; I chose the faces. I always recommend signing up for Gravatar (at Gravatar.com) -- it lets you sync you email address up with a specific image, so when you comment on any Gravatar-supporting blog, you'll get your pic, instead of the random image.
  14. There's a learning curve, for sure. I've been making them to sell for about the last two years (a touch ironic, I know, in light of my less-than-loving-Waldorf-method post today). Here are some of the dolls and doll items I've made over the last couple years. I seam the bodies by machine and do the rest by hand. You can get presewn bodies from Weir Dolls if you don't want to fuss w/ doing that part by hand. Everything else has to be done by hand as far as I can figure. No shortcuts!
  15. I'm knitting a heathen so I don't have to be lonely on this board. ;)
  16. Ding ding ding! We have a winner! I'm knitting this for fellow WTMer patchfire's younger daughter's 2nd birthday! Her nickname is Purple Child and Patchfire and I made Waldorf dolls for our daughters for Christmas last year. I'm making a wardrobe for her dolly for her birthday!
  17. There is nothing about those that I do not love. And while what I'm knitting does have something to do w/ Waldorf-related toys, it's not a gnomey.
  18. Definitely not in the round, but I use my circulars for just about everything. Much easier on my wrists and arthritic hand.
  19. My mother guessed, "Yarn. And a circular needle." She's so literal. *sigh*
  20. It's been my favorite movie since high school, too! I watch it several times a year.
  21. Oooh, I like this guess. Not quite that tiny, though. I do plan to knit this at some point, though.
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