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Mrs Tiggywinkle

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Everything posted by Mrs Tiggywinkle

  1. I do have an attitude about it. Lol. My youngest still isn’t positive. The other two are out of quarantine Friday and Saturday, so I expect he’ll be positive Saturday or Sunday. Half of the time I really feel like I am the only one who cares, but I have to be able to sleep at night. We are seeing non-medically-fragile kids really sick with Covid, even some who’s oxygen sats won’t come out of the 70s and 80s. Even if my kids are fine I don’t want them giving it to someone else.
  2. I’m concerned that by the time we get an Omicron specific vaccine, it won’t matter because another variant will be circulating.
  3. I don’t know. Neither of my in laws had a reaction to the vaccines or booster. They’ve both been sick enough with Covid to get meds, but mostly it was severe sore throat, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, mild SOB requiring neb treatments. I had a miserable 48 hour reaction to the second shot and the booster. Felt like the flu. Covid this second time around has hit me hard; I felt like the flu and a bad cough. Severe fatigue. DS11: no vaccine reaction. Had a sore throat for two hours, ate a popsicle and it went away. No further symptoms. DD9: No vaccine reaction. Cold like symptoms for two or three days, feels good today. DS6: 102 degree fever and body aches with the second shot. Hasn’t caught Covid from the rest of us(so far).
  4. Are you doing the Literary Life challenge? I’m stumped on this category and two books with opposing viewpoints. I’m reading a biography of Louisa May Alcott for the dead person, but have no ideas for a biography of a living author.
  5. When I got Covid in the fall of 2020, the only reason I knew to test was because I thought my wax tarts were defective and kept putting more and more in the wax burner. DH came home and about choked on the air. I couldn’t smell them at all and thought there was something wrong with the wax tarts. Nope, it was Covid.
  6. My oldest is 11 so if any of them made me a grandma right now I might just keel over and die. I don’t understand the guidance either. He could have traipsed off to school tomorrow totally asymptomatic with Covid. While I’m sure that happens frequently, it seems foolish of me to allow that when there’s household members who are currently positive. Anndd…all area schools just closed for tomorrow due to Covid related staff absences….
  7. Weirdly; after about 45 minutes it became much darker and there’s no doubt. I know you’re not supposed to use any result after 15 minutes but it’s most definitely positive. I’m glad I tested him. I wish they’d update the guidance with the knowledge that plenty of fully vaccinated people are catching and transmitting Covid now.
  8. I’ll admit that I enjoyed positive pregnancy tests much more than this.
  9. Praying for you. This is a terrible tragedy.
  10. He has autism and anxiety, especially Covid anxiety. So he is freaking out and trying to convince himself it’s really negative, but as it’s sat for the last 35 minutes it just keeps getting darker. Being out of school and out of routine this week is going to be really hard on him. Send wine.
  11. The school system says my boys can go to school tomorrow because they’re fully vaccinated and no symptoms despite their sister actively having Covid and I am on like day seven or something. I trust the CDC guidelines about zero at this point so I tested both boys tonight with a Binax. My 6-year-old’s was clearly negative. This is my 11-year-olds and we are all divided. I’m really sure I see a faint positive; I texted it to DH who agrees(he’s working), but DS11 and and DD9 disagree. They suggested I post it for my Imaginary Friends to weigh in. He’s not going to school anyway. He’s in a 6:1:1 program and there is an immunocompromised, medically fragile child in his classroom and even if the child’s parents, the school, the CDC and whoever else is okay with the exposure risk, I am not. I don’t care if he’s considered truant or whatever. I’m not sending him while he’s living in a house filled with Covid. At least until we’ve got a PCR test.
  12. Were there feelings of heart palpitations while the person had the continuous heart monitor? If they had symptoms while wearing it but nothing showed, I would consider dysrthymias ruled out. DH has frequent feelings of heart palpitations and uses an Apple Watch to monitor the HR and basic ekg; something like that might be reassuring. His is a combination of post Covid issues and anxiety but he’s chosen not to treat it, since the feelings of palpitations don’t really translate into tachycardia for him, it’s just a feeling. POTS diagnostic criteria is basically an increase of 30 bpm when going from lying to standing, so if it’s the other way around it probably isn’t POTS. Some people have a faster heart rate when lying down which normalizes once they’ve changed positions, but it doesn’t sound like it’s that.
  13. I figured out today’s but that was harder than I expected.
  14. I agree with neuropsych eval. 80-90 blood sugar should not be causing any kind of symptoms; 80-90 is a totally normal range and is in fact a target blood sugar for many people. You’ve ruled out diabetes, hypoglycemia and cardiac. I’d also be looking at anxiety. The fact that symptoms continually abate with food kind of leads me away from POTS like syndromes, but it might be worth getting a home blood pressure cuff and checking b/p when it happens.
  15. DD9 tested positive tonight. Runny/stuffy nose, fatigue, headache. She’s fully vaccinated and had Covid in November 2020.
  16. I have a coworker who’s son has played hockey at a high level and got a scholarship to a prep school about four hours away. He’s ranked #20-something for whatever position he plays in the country prep school league right now. I don’t understand all of it. I do know that sports have consumed the family since the son was very young, like 6 or 7. I can’t begin to imagine how much money they’ve spent, and this isn’t a wealthy family. Dad’s been working 80 hour weeks for years as a paramedic to afford travel hockey. Mom drove two or three hours most days of the week to take him to practice. They’d absolutely tell you it was worth it to specialize early. This kid was the one driving it though. At about 11 or 12 his coaches were identifying him as pretty gifted and from there the parents let him stop playing most other sports(I think he still did lacrosse) and focus on hockey. I can’t imagine the amount of money and time they’ve poured into it though. I have a child who will probably be good enough for at least a local softball travel team, but unless I’m able to work part time by then I don’t see how it would happen. DH did baseball travel, state all star team and went to the Little League Championships several years running. But his mom didn’t work and they spent almost every evening during the season at the ball field. I don’t know how we could do that.
  17. This doesn’t sound like a sustainable way to live. Can you see a therapist even over telehealth? You don’t want to worry for the rest of your life, and even getting it doesn’t mean anything—there’s no getting Covid and being done with it, as it seems most people will become reinfected at some point.
  18. Encanto on the TV for the 3,148 time this week. My kids fighting. Typical Saturday.
  19. I’ll pop over to the social group. I forgot to update in the middle of feeling so crappy.
  20. Still really fatigued and out of breath. DH has to work overnight so I’m bribing the kids with pizza and movies. A coworker, who also caught Covid three weeks after getting his booster, told me he’s still very out of breath on any exertion. His Covid diagnosis was almost a month ago. I’ve heard that from several people who caught Covid in the last six weeks. This is not just a mild cold, but it appears we’ve completely lost control of it. My FIL now has Covid too. It’s also his second time, having had it in spring 2021, and he’s also fully vaxxed and boosted. He masks everywhere, and I haven’t been around him or MIL, so he doesn’t have any idea where he caught it. Probably church, even with the 100% masking going on there. He doesn’t go many other places.
  21. They did want me to go back Saturday, but I said no lol. They’re okay about it. If I don’t feel good Tuesday I won’t go in either, but I don’t want to use all my paid sick time before January is even out. I admit to being annoyed about everything tbh. Rationally I know that we need to save scarce treatments for people most at risk, but I also feel awful and want to stop my feet and yell but I went and got vaccinated. I won’t be a baby about it though. Just disappointed.
  22. They won’t demand I go back to work, but yeah it’s legal now that the CDC only requires quarantine for 5 days. You have to be 24 hours fever free without the use of ibuprofen or Tylenol and your symptoms have to be “resolving,” but the CDC hasn’t really elaborated on what exactly resolving means. I’m not coughing like I was a few days ago, but I’m short of breath while walking now. Is that resolving symtoms? Evolving? No one knows. The ER is staffed with people that tested positive six days ago. There was a huge outcry when the CDC first came out with the guidelines that HCW can go back at five days, so instead of rethinking that, the now say everyone vaccinated only has to quarantine for five days. It’s ridiculous. This isn’t NYS; it’s federal guidelines. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/12/24/politics/cdc-updates-isolation-guidance-health-care-workers/index.html https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2021/12/return-to-work-isolation-guidance_12-24-21.pdf NYS says five, National guidance might be 7. Amazingly NY doesn’t even want a negative test, though I know people can test positive for months. I am not scheduled to work till Tuesday so I am planning to just feel better by then anyway lol. I’m trying the melatonin and vitamin protocol.
  23. I already took the weekend off work. I just think it’s crazy that the CDC thinks HCW will be all good to go back at five days. Everyone I know who’s had a breakthrough infection still didn’t feel great at 5 days.
  24. Im far from NYC, but I’m going to look up the melatonin studies. I have some and it’s worth taking. Technically I’m off quarantine tomorrow night and am supposed to go back to work. I don’t know what idiot is making all these rules, but I’m sure i’m still spewing Covid.
  25. So they are only giving MAB here to people who fall into tier 1 risk factor and I am In tier 4. So nope, even though my primary tried, I won’t get it. I’d fall into Tier 1 if I was not vaxxed. Paxlovid is apparently contraindicated as well due to a cardiac med I take. so she called in an inhaler and told me to go to the ER if I got worse, but that’s entirely what I am trying to avoid. Right now the ER wouldn’t do anything for me anyway.
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