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Everything posted by hscherger

  1. You only need the Teacher Manuals in the homeschool setting, with the excption of the practice books, for those you need both.
  2. We are LOVING MCT for grammar, vocab, and poetry, but I won't give up IEW for writing.
  3. I don't know about HOD, but we like the Biblioplan study/reading guides. It schedules in SOTW and includes creation. Here is a link to a page where you can see a sample. http://www.biblioplan.net/AncientHistory/index.htm
  4. I think challenge is GREAT! We owe our children a superb education. I just have to laugh everytime I see the word rigor. All I can think of is rigor mortis....you know the stiffining of the body once dead. If we get to the point that I'll children resemble *that* then we need to ease up :lol:
  5. We are using both WWE3 and FLL3. I do all of the FLL lessons as written, but with the WWE workbook, we only do Day 1 and 3.
  6. :lurk5: It looks interesting. I'll be watching too.
  7. I bought the TM for the first print book (K) and the first cursive book (3rd grade) so I would understand the method and terminology behind the curriculum. I felt those two were enough for the whole program. I liked the guidance they provided.
  8. Here is my 3rd graders day. We do a 4 day/week schedule 8:00-8:20 Piano Practice 8:20-8:45 Quarter Mile Math or Mavis Beacon Typing (alternate days) 8:45-9:00 Bible (whole family) 9:00-9:40 Math (Saxon 3 but reallt ready for 5/4) 9:40-10:00 FLL3 10:00-10:20 WWE3 10:20-10:40 Spelling Workout D 10:40-11:00 Prima Latina 11:00-11:30ish Reading for History on T Literature selections on M TH F silently Break for Lunch and Play 1:00-2:00 History M F (WTM style with Biblioplan added for more AM. History) Science T TH (WTM style) 2:00-2:40 Another math lesson (because it's easy for him and he LOVES it and we want to get to 5/4) He usually has a "fun" book that he is reading as well. I don't know if we are slacking, but it is only about 4 hours of instruction from me and the rest is independent. I make sure he (and the other kids) have plenty of play time. HTH
  9. That's funny - we just finished our first day too! My 12 year old daughter is starting with Town because of the content on phrases and clauses. We moved quickly through the first 20 pages this morning with smiles all around. We were doing Rod and Staff before and it was like pulling teeth.....ZERO excitement about grammar. I can't wait to use Island with my son next year. I'm sure we've got a winner :001_smile:
  10. We are reading this right now as a family read aloud. My 12 and 8 year old love it. A 4th grader could read this independently without any trouble.
  11. Does it work, or should I just bite the bullet and shell out the money?
  12. When you get enough posts, the WTM sale and swap board is great! This link is for another good one. http://www.homeschoolreviews.com/forums/2/default.aspx
  13. Do I need something else to teach punctuation?
  14. Check out these two links, I think they just might help you ;) http://harmonyartmom.blogspot.com/2007/11/drawing-with-children-nature-journal.html She has lessons posted in the left column if you scroll down a bit. http://www.squidoo.com/drawingwithchildrennature
  15. I called RFWP and we are going with the Grammar Town basic kit. :001_smile: They were very helpful and I can't wait to receive the package! Thank you all for your input.
  16. Thank you all so much for your input! I'll be calling Royal Fireworks today and checking out the Yahoo group.
  17. REALLY WATCHING :lurk5:...... and not very patiently.
  18. My 12 year old daughter needs a grammar program that is not R&S (she disliked it a lot). I am looking at MCT. Where would you start a child that is new to MCT and what do I *need* to implement the program. I would also be interested in opinions about MCT's writing/vocab/poetry programs. I am thinking Voyages would be a good starting point, but I am wanting advice. Thanks!
  19. We will go directly to Algebra 1 if my daughter maintains an 80% or better in 8/7 as per Saxon's advice.
  20. It seems to go along with puberty. My daughter was an early bloomer and I could see changes in her thinking when she was 10. She was clearly in the logic stage full on at 11.
  21. Have you looked at Heart of Dakota? You could keep them together and make your life a little simpler. www.heartofdakota.com
  22. I am using R&S grammar for the first time (the seventh grade book) with my 7th grade daughter. She is very strong in english and has done fine on her assignments, but doesn't always seem to fully understand the lessons. I am wondering if I should be instructing her or is she supposed to be independent in grammar at this point?
  23. YIKES!!! Please tell me you live somewhere farther south than Kansas.:scared:
  24. My daughter will be 4 in December and we are having great success with The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading combined with some Happy Phonics games. In The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading we skipped passed the lessons that taught the letter sounds because she already knew them. Have Fun!
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