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Everything posted by Tohru

  1. If the pages are super important, you can get all high-tech and scan them into your computer, photoshop the writing, and print out the edited picture and then you've just paid yourself $8 for the job :)
  2. :grouphug: Very hard, but you did the right thing.
  3. Neither are very regular posters here. In fact, I don't think either have posted in a very long time.
  4. lol! Yeah. Maybe I would want to know if some one recognized me, but maybe not. I haven't told any one - I don't gossip. I'm pretty introverted and I'm not quite sure how or when to mention it - It would be awkward for me. and maybe them too.
  5. Have you recognized a some one here that you know in real life, but they don't know you know? I've recognized two people here just based on their threads and posts, but I'm not close to either and haven't told them. I kind of feel bad, like I should say something...but what if they want to remain anonymous. Any one else?
  6. My face always touches the touch-screen and hangs up, or mutes, or puts it on LOUD speaker.
  7. We have 3 different kinds of phones. It is very frustrating. I'll let them practice calling family - not sure why I didn't think of doing that :)
  8. I enjoyed Charlie and The Chocolate Factory when I was in elementary, but I'm thinking that is his only work that I can handle. Mr. Fox isn't funny.
  9. C.S Lewis's Till We Have Faces. The first half of the book is a little slow, but the second half of the book is jaw dropping. Everything we perceive or assume or judge about another person is probably wrong.
  10. :grouphug: Did you ever see 16 Candles? There is a scene where the parents are dropping off their son at the dance and they run to their car, drive off leaving him there and he's chasing after them. It always makes me laugh because sometimes I feel like the parents, other times I feel like that poor kid.
  11. I picked up Fantastic Mr. Fox and we got to chapter 6 before I couldn't take it anymore. I am really not liking it. This book has almost 5 stars on Amazon and everyone seems to think it is great. It's pretty crude and a little disturbing. Does it actually get any better? We have yet to read anything we think is funny.
  12. This, exactly. Yes, it's a great book and a classic, but why push through when there are much better things you could be doing with your time right now? I've read it a few times and I honestly don't think it's a book for everyone. You can always pick it up again when you're in the mindset.
  13. :grouphug: You just had a baby! Congratulations! The baby is the school lesson right now :)
  14. We're learning about community and safety and one of the lessons talks about teaching children how to call 9-1-1 in an emergency (TM Copyright 2004.) I don't know about everyone else, but my child rarely ever uses the phone. This lesson seems super complicated...for land lines you need a dial tone first, cell phones you dial first then push send, don't even get me started with the variety of smartphones and having to first figure out how to unlock the phone, then seek the number pad... Anyone else run into 9-1-1 as a problem? Any helpful hints or suggestions? Phones are so different from each other I feel like it's a lost lesson. It seems the only solution is to get my elementary aged, homeschool children their own phones and then teach them about 9-1-1. :D
  15. The children were over 4' tall in a 3' deep pool and it was a homeschool class. It didn't make sense. She had them get out everytime she spoke - it was like she didn't really want them in the pool. In retrospect, she was in a bit of a foul mood. I dropped the class and filed a complaint with the aquatics director.
  16. I went down and withdrew. The person I spoke with said that it wasn't normal policy, especially because it wasn't a leveled class.
  17. There wasn't any fooling around. I didn't understand why she kept having them get out and sit on the ledge.
  18. :crying: That is so sad. I can't even imagine.
  19. My child had the very 1st lesson on Monday with an instructor that was FABULOUS! Unfortunately she was just a substitute. We met the "real" instructor today and I am not sure if my expectations are skewed because of the great sub we had Monday. My question is: Is it normal for the instructor to have the children out of the pool each.and.every.time they have something to say? This is a beginner class, with a life guard on duty during lessons, and all children can touch the bottom of the pool. The permanent instructor today had the children out of the pool about 75% of the time. There were only 2 children in the class and both were shivering uncontrollably on the ledge, either waiting for a turn or for the instructor to quit talking. On Monday, the sub had 3 children, she let them stay in the pool during each student's turn and while she was talking. I'm debating on whether or not to withdraw from the class since there are still 6 more sessions to go.
  20. Thanks for all the encouragment. I feel a bit better and can face another day with the letters. She is still trying to remember letter sounds. She can sound out a few random cvc words (meaning various combinations, others she can't do at all), there are some letter sounds she can't seem to remember, like the sound of H or G and a few others. Some days she can blend the words: is, it, at; other days, she has no idea what those words say or how to blend them. Often she'll read the word 'sat' as 'Sam' or vice versa, she can't sound out 'hit' or 'can', but she can read 'hot' and 'cat' and 'pig' (Yay for that :) ) We've been going at it off and on for a year. I'll look into some alternative programs from those that were linked. ETA: I only now realized I posted on the wrong board - I should've posted on General Education. So sorry! I was a little miserable this morning.
  21. We bought an alteration for grades 3-6 that they no longer sell. Absolutely loved the Journal! As for shipping and customer service, we didn't have a prolem at all. They did have had some difficulties quite awhile ago and the bad reputation has stuck with them. I talked to them on the phone before purchasing and they were very sweet and informative. I think the shipping is probably about the same as Rainbow, so for those that use Amazon Prime, its a long, hard wait :)
  22. It seems like everywhere and everyone is bragging about their child reading so early, you know, "my child taught themselves to read at 3", "my 4 year old is on lesson 89 in 100-EZ lessons", "my 5 year old is reading at a 5th grade level"...etc. I am in tears today. My 6.5yo is struggling and I know it's not her fault. She's starting to feel stupid and so am I. I'm embarassed to say anything because the people we know only have young children (all of them that read) and wouldn't understand. Even the WTM says reading is easy. I know it's just a matter of time and diligence, but the struggle now is making me feel like a failure since everywhere I just keep hearing how smart and wonderful all these young readers are, even here on the board. Aren't there any other children that don't read "early." sigh I just need hugs and enouragement, please.
  23. Not sure if I want to jump into this boiling pot or not :) One of my children has several friends on the autism spectrum. One friend is extremely negative (constantly angry, rude, overly sensative and cynical, explosive, breaks other's toys, etc), I can totally see that child flipping out and becoming violent toward a person. I think the parents severely underestimate this child's damage potential. On the other end, another child we know is too extrememly positive (happy, smiling even when some one is sad or angry, friendly all the time regardless of what is going on) - that child, I could not ever imagine harming anything or anyone. Who knows? I don't think there is much one can do to prevent an action from an unpredictable person.
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