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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. Like it's going to take a significant time commitment away from her husband to hand over the car seat? :confused:


    That's what made me scratch my head.....how slow does she move??? :lol:


    I can't help but think it must be interrupting their tEa time. Ya know, she hardly sees dh so they have to make up for lost time. That could take all weekend right? ;)

  2. I am not sure this is unique, but I try and figure out what the kids can do on their own. I try and combine whatever subjects I can so I am not teaching science a with one child and science b. I use the same curriculum but gear it to multiple ages instead. I do this with grammar, science, history and geography.

  3. I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.



    :iagree: Never thought about cross contamination..

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