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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. I do not share my forum username with people I know in real life. I prefer to keep these separate.

    Sounds like the moms you met don't want to do so either. I completely understand.



    Yes, this is what I assumed. But why do you feel this way? There's a whole load of reasons I've come up with but they're mostly negative.


    I changed my name on the forums for more anonymity. However, if someone wanted to figure it out, I am sure they could. I have had some situations I was figuring out and needed input. I wouldn't want someone to figure out it was me and tell others. Again, I am sure that if someone I knew IRL was on the boards, after reading some posts, they might be able to figure it out. I just wanted it to be a little harder to figure out. :tongue_smilie:

  2. Believe him.


    Call the police in his town if there is nobody else to intervene.


    He will be calmer if he is through the decision-making process and moving on to the preparation process.

    :iagree: Getting things in order and the verbal warnings he gave should not be ignored. It would be better to err on the side that he was ok and have him mad, rather than not do anything and have him gone. :grouphug:

  3. Actually, I agree with Anne & Imp. If it's not right now, that's ok. There's no time limit.


    :iagree: If you don't feel right about this in your heart, don't do it. There will be other opportunities. I would make sure you are ready to not see the instruments come back. I have clothes in my closet that are my mom's. It is just recently that I could let some of them go. It will be 2 years this week that my mom died. :grouphug: Everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time.

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