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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. Bless your overweight, psychotic little heart.



    How bout these one liners:


    *The only hope for you is to marry a deaf man...

    *Your father could be driving a jaguar for all the money we are spending on you to go to therapy.....

    *You better watch what you eat, you might get fat....(I weighed 85 lbs in grade 12:001_huh:)

    *You know, when I saw you at ___, you looked like slut. Your skirt was too small and your eye makeup too heavy..


    Thanks for all the love mom! Not. :glare:

  2. I think there's another reason, a deeper, darker one...not necc for you, Jen, but one I've found to be true in many of the ppl I talk to about childhood abuse, NPD or not.


    We, the victims of the abusers, believe it to be OUR fault.


    :iagree: And this has played out in the other relationships with friends I have attracted that are NPD. Person makes sniper comments that take you off guard and leave you breathless...Person denies their wrongs when confronted because they do know wrong.. Person takes advantage of your boundaries even when you were explicitly clear and turns it around in your face... What is my response? Maybe if I did this...that wouldn't have happened or If I say it this way, than maybe I will be heard.


    I finally have realized that wth, why am I working so hard to make this work when it. isn't. me. People who are not NPD don't treat you this way. It isn't this much work. Best thing my friend ever said to me, "Don't you have enough respect for yourself to stop putting up with that treatment?" Whoa...did I have to process that. No, I never even thought about it in those terms.


    When you are busy in the trenches dodging the bullets..that isn't what you are thinking at. all. It is a sick, twisted relationship. The person you call mom, dad, friend can be charming, can make promises, can be nice. You live for those moments knowing though, at any moment you will get shot again, when you least expect it. In the worst way possible. You can never predicate what that way will be. Still, you try desperately to win their approval. Worse, you think that is normal.


    Love this by J.J. Heller:

    Who will love me for me

    Not for what I have done or what I will become

    Who will love me for me

    'Cause nobody has shown me what love

    What love really means


    Thank God, I married someone who has helped me see what love really means.

  3. Here is a blog that really helped me:
    Narcissist's Suck at blogspot

    This is one thing that described my mom:

    "Your mother’s an expert sniper. You know you got hit; you just don’t know where the shot came from. You can’t do anything but lie there, bleeding out.

    Why does she feel the need to aim and fire? If confronted, she’d say something like: Don’t be so sensitive. It was a perfect double whammy, to hurt someone and then to act as if it were weakness on the part of the injured to cry out in pain."

    Heartbroken, Lisa Unger pg. 54 (This is a fiction book)

  4. I would move slower than faster in responding to her note. I would read and reread the note. Try and take out the emotion.


    Do you want this person back in your life? What would be the positives of the friendship? What would be the negative? Any relationship has an "emotional cost" which means putting in effort and energy. How much "emotional cost" do you have the energy to invest? If she is happy now, what was her life like before? What would you have liked to have had from the relationship before and do you think that would happen now? :grouphug:

  5. Nance, I think you and your dh did the right thing. I also think it's great that your dd feels close enough to you to have shared all of this with you. That kind of communication will serve you well as she gets older.

    :iagree: You have handled this very well. It also sounds like you got support from her Girl Scout leader. Good job with creating a relationship with your daughter that she felt she could come to you! Not all kids would have.

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