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Posts posted by QuirkyKapers

  1. As far as the boy with the guns, I would probably tell him he is not allowed to bring the guns to your house any more. If he does, I'd confiscate them until he goes home. I would also tell him that pretending to hold hostages and pointing any kind of gun at anyone is unacceptable, and that only water or nerf guns in mock fights with agreeable participants are ever allowed to take place at my house. Taking hostages is dishonorable and uncool even when playing pretend, and if I saw that happen again, I'd ask him to leave.


    If friend is over, too, I'd tell her that while they're at my house, her kids need to follow my rules for things like this (politely, of course), and if she won't enforce them, I will.


    I'd also remind my kids they don't have to participate in that sort of play, and that I expect them to act honorably even when playing.


    :iagree: Every house has different rules. The kids know the rules at my house. They know if they aren't followed, they don't get to stay and play.

  2. The school cares. In addition to the obvious gaps in learning that happen when children miss school, in most districts schools are funded on a daily attendance basis. A week "off" costs a school around $300 (depending).


    At a school with 400 children, if everyone misses a week for unscheduled "vacations" then the school is out $120,000. And that does not include the funding lost to legitimate absences. These sorts of things blow a hole in a school's budget. I know. I worked on a committee at our school and saw how much absences impact the finances of a school. It hurts. Big time!




    I didn't know that. Interesting. I know that it has become a big deal to pull kids out. Now I know why. Thanks! Was this always the case? I know that my parents pulled my out and it wasn't a big deal. We just had to take all our work along.

  3. If it would save you money I would have a backpack and carry-on luggage. Although, when we traveled recently, they checked our bags at the gate since the plane was too small to put carry on luggage in the overhead. We didn't get out quick enough and someone took my daughters bag. Than, another time, they checked our luggage at the gate. One piece of luggage went where it should the other, did not. Luckily, all luggage did get back to us eventually. I have never had that happen. So, I would put something on your luggage, other than name tags to identify it easily from others. If you don't have to check it at the gate, than I wouldn't.

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